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  1. #21
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColinBuckler View Post
    … Do you have any other image files or just the ppm files?
    I did not have any image files. I ran it in a VM (Virtual Machine). I have no idea why the image files were not written to disk.

    I tried again. In the VM, I invoked a DOS shell (cmd.exe) and then executed the batch file from within that. I did this to observe possible error messages. There were two messages, missing *.jpg and missing *.ppm files. (Which are unimportant, see below.) My test .pdf was large (~30Mb, >700 images). As near as I can tell all images were extracted this time.

    I also tried running the batch file without a VM but using a DOS command shell. Again all images seem to have been extracted. And the same two error messages were reported.

    As a another test, no VM no DOS shell, just simply double clicking the batch file from Windows Explorer. Another success.

    So to summarize, everything seems to be working fine. The results of my first attempt must have been an aberration.

    The following will be unimportant to most people reading this thread, except those with a particular "techie" inquisitive nature or those having difficulties.

    The error messages were a conundrum until I started digging. They are unimportant, since they are the result of the two erase commands in the .bat file. In addition to the .jpg image files, .pbm, .pgm and .ppm files are created, but not one-to-one with the .jpg files.

    I went to the "" web site (part of stack exchange) so I feel comfortable with the information I got there. The .ppm, .pbm and .pgm files have to do with image type within the .pdf. I'm not sure that I care enough to explore this further, but someone else might. One item of interest is the -l command line parameter, which gives an image by image extraction report. It might be helpful if an image you want from the .pdf doesn't extract.

    Colin. Thanks for your help.

  2. #22
    Wow ... a significant and in depth amount of testing.....

    It is painful to extract a lot of images from a PDF and the program does it (generally) quite well and very, very fast.

    All I can take credit for is the batch file which simplifes the process for the average user.

    The true credit should go to the developers over at who developed the routine in the first instance.

    Anyways I hope the images extracted are of sufficient quality for use. If not, I am sure you are aware of a variety of programs to resize them, one I like is as its very good at batch resizing.
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  3. #23
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColinBuckler View Post
    … Anyways I hope the images extracted are of sufficient quality for use...
    Actually Colin, after reading the information on the "superuser" site. It is my belief that one can't get better quality. The routines extract the image in the format that it was embedded into the .pdf file. With many of the DriveThruRPG and DMs Guild PDFs, the WotC guidelines specify that the PDFs should be constructed using JPGs. If I understand all of this correctly, it doesn't get any better than that.

    When I first saw the images extracted as JPGs I thought to myself, "too bad it doesn't extract them in an uncompressed format, extracting to JPGs might not be totally "lossless"". But after further reading my ignorance has been assuaged. I'll probably do a little more extraction comparisons, and report back.

    But right now, I'd recommend the methodology you posted as the #1 avenue for extraction of images from PDFs. Especially since file size is irrelevant, as is password protection of PDF properties (like watermarks). The PDF I extracted from was a DriveThruRPG watermarked purchased adventure.

    Keep in mind I'm not the #1 authority on this, but I have spent just about two weeks now searching the forums, trying various methodologies and trying to digest it all into one easy to eat package.

  4. #24
    When I run it I get an I/O error message saying it can't open the pdf file. I've tried more than one pdf file, none could be opened. I ran the batch file and I also ran the exe from a command prompt, both as administrator. I've tried the pdf files with different names including z.pdf and they were in the images subfolder. I have Windows 8.1. I've also checked the pdf files for security issues, but they look normal.

  5. #25
    damned's Avatar
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    My last run batch looks like this:

    @echo off
    cd images
    erase *.jpg
    erase *.ppm
    ..\pdfimages.exe -j ..\Strange_Tales_of_the_Century.pdf images
    cd ..

    Worked fine.

  6. #26
    The batch file in the zip looks like this...

    @echo off
    cd images
    erase *.jpg
    erase *.ppm
    rename *.pdf z.pdf
    ..\pdfimages.exe -j z.pdf images
    rem erase z.pdf
    cd ..

    Is that right, or is there something missing or set wrong?

  7. #27

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Hi Swifty0x0

    I had trouble with the rename part of the script so I ran it on specified files each time.
    I just manually renamed the PDF that I wanted to extract the pictures from as "z.pdf" and left the batch file alone.
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  9. #29
    I was working on several files and tried scripting the batch file to process each pdf and write out to its own folder.... but became fedup as to how long it was taking me (seem to recall it was a problem with .exe not working in sub folders) - so I to change the process to use a single file called z.pdf. After all how often do you process a file compared to creating the module and editing the images (damn them secret doors !!!)

    All I then had to do was simply copy the pdf into the folder and rename it. Run the batch and move the extracted files. Rinse and repeat....
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  10. #30
    Thanks for the replies guys. I ended up downloading a free version of PDFMate PDF Converter and that had no problem working on the same PDF files I couldn't get to work with the pdfimages.exe file.

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