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  1. #1

    Test Release v3.3.6

    FG v3.3.6 is now in beta testing. The plan is to push the new version in about 3-4 weeks.

    As always, we're a small company so we rely on our community to help sound out each new release. Thanks in advance to all those who pitch in.

    Please see the sticky thread on public testing if you want to be involved. Only the Test mode slot contains this version. I will update this thread as I release new iterations of the test version.

    Key Things
    1) Always backup your campaign data before running the test version.
    2) If the GM is running on test then all of the players will also be running on test.
    3) If you encounter an issues log them in the relevant testing thread - don't use the generic House of Healing, but use this thread.


  2. #2
    Updates List (Updated 6/29)

    • All embedded links updated to use HTTPS.
    • Default group assigned to module records updated to use module display name, instead of internal name.
    • [CoreRPG+] NPC identification support
    • [CoreRPG+] Rebuilt all identification features (Feature is always enabled, and defalt is identified.)
    • [CoreRPG+] All links updated to use HTTPS.
    • [CoreRPG+] Increase default token display size in token bag by 50%.
    • [CoreRPG+] Faux roll button added to GM manual roll window. Shadow dice will be visible to players, but results will be overriden.
    • [CoreRPG+] All help links updated to use HTTPS.
    • [CoreRPG+] Revised Character Selection windows for all client modes to include more information, increase size and adjust button visibility.
    • [CoreRPG+] Added Import Character window on GM view (from button on Character Selection) to view and import pregenerated characters from modules.
    • [CoreRPG+] Added Pregenerated Characters option to module export window.
    • [CoreRPG+] Removed mouse wheel edit option for numbers. Control key is always used to wheel edit numbers.
    • [CoreRPG+] Prevent character tokens (PC session list, PC selection, PC sheet) from being dragged to maps, since they won't be linked correctly unless dragged from combat tracker. Hold Shift to override.
    • [CoreRPG+] Add support for Traveller - Third Imperium calendar
    • [5E] Added "Gnome Cunning" as PC feat check and as special effect tag (to apply limited magic resistance)
    • [5E] Updated Simple themes to differentiate between collapsed and uncollapsed weapon and power headers on PC actions tab.
    • [5E] Updated spell lookup code to look in non-read-only spell module data, as well as read-only module data, when matching spell names.
    • [PFRPG/3.5E] Add automatic success and failure of saving throws on a roll of 20 or 1, respectively.
    • [CnC] Add option for critical hit / fumbles.
    • [CnC] Automatic NPC init effect creation on CT add.
    • [CnC] Add Aihrde calendar.
    • [CnC] Add Defenseless effect (AC: -10).
    • [CnC] Add Notes field to Encounter records.
    • [CoreRPG+] Sub-record links being accepted by export window, and creating invalid entries on export. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Records added to export window would be deleted when removed from export list via radial menu. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Exporting modifiers and effects incorrectly created library list links, which also didn't work. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Combat tracker menu button text missing in non-5E rulesets when using Simple themes. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Removed token scale widget on combat tracker token field.
    • [CoreRPG+] Identification options deprecated.
    • [5E/4E/CnC] Image window layout for locked records not correct on initial load. Fixed.
    • [PFRPG/3.5E] Intelligence ability damage reduced skill points when leveling up. Fixed.
    • [PFRPG/3.5E] Slowed effect applying flat-footed adjustments. Fixed.
    • [PFRPG/3.5E] Magic double weapons did not calculate weapon entry damage types correctly when added to PC. Fixed.
    • [PFRPG/3.5E] When deleting double weapon from inventory, some auto-created weapon entries not being removed. Fixed.
    • [PFRPG] Health status shown on token for unowned PCs would always show Dead even when Dying. Fixed.
    • [3.5E] Bonus skill points added for Intelligence not added correctly at first level. Fixed.
    • [5E] Maximum damage modifier button not calculating damage types correctly. Fixed.
    • [5E] Skill proficiencies in Tabaxi Cat's Talent trait not being parsed correctly. Fixed.
    • [4E] NPC saving throw and action point fields not always visible. Fixed.
    • [CnC] Initiative effect not working. Fixed.
    • [CoC] Artifact list edit button incorrectly adjusted main inventory list headers. Fixed.
    • [Fate] Debug statement output removed from console messages.
    • [DEV] By default, number controls will only support wheel edit when Control key pressed.
    • [DEV] Window list controls with column width defined will no longer stretch a single column to fill control width.
    • [DEV] Add onWindowOpened event and visibility check for shared windows.
    • [DEV] DB.getText on image value node will return image file name.
    • [DEV] DB.setValue on image value node will accept an image file name, and reset all other associated image data.
    • [DEV] DB.copyNode on image value node will copy base image file name, and reset all other associated image data.
    • [DEV][CoreRPG/5E/4E] Adjusted tabs frame graphic definition to scale beyond 7 tabs, if needed.
    Last edited by Moon Wizard; June 29th, 2018 at 21:02.

  3. #3
    Developer File Modification Notes (Updated 7/30)

    Global Scripts: ActionsManager, ActorManager, CalendarManager, CampaignDataManager, CharacterListManager, ChatManager, CombatManager, Desktop, DiceTowerManager, ImageManager, ItemManager, LibraryData, NPCManager, OptionsCore, OptionsManager, PartyManager, PartyLootManager, TokenManager, VersionManager
    Specific Scripts: campaign/scripts/char_invlist.lua, campaign/scripts/charselect_client_entry.lua, campaign/scripts/item.lua, campaign/scripts/item_main.lua, campaign/scripts/image.lua, campaign/scripts/imagewindow.lua, campaign/scripts/masterindex_window.lua, campaign/scripts/npc.lua, campaign/scripts/npc_header.lua, campaign/scripts/npc_main.lua, campaign/scripts/parcel.lua, common/scripts/buttongroup_counter.lua, common/scripts/buttongroup_tabs.lua, common/scripts/number.lua, common/scripts/number_modifier.lua, ct/scripts/clientct.lua, ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua, ct/scripts/ct.lua, ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua, ct/scripts/ct_name.lua, ct/scripts/ct_token.lua, ps/scripts/ps_inv.lua, ps/scripts/ps_token.lua, utility/scripts/calendar_log.lua, utility/scripts/calendar_log_entry.lua, utility/scripts/calendar_period_list.lua, utility/scripts/export.lua, utility/scripts/export_list.lua, utility/scripts/manualroll_entry.lua, utility/scripts/module_selectionentry.lua
    Window Classes: battle_npc, battle_npcmaplink, battlerandom_npc, calendar, calendar_main, calendar_month, calendar_select, char_invitem, charselect_client, charselect_client_entry, charselect_host, charselect_host_entry, charsheet_notes, client_ct_entry, combattracker_host, ct_entry, export_entry, export_categoryentry, imagewindow, imagewindow_header, item_header, logentry_header, manualroll_entry, masterindexitem_id, npc, npc_header, npc_main, parcel_coin, parcel_item, portraitselection, portraitselection_entry, ps_parcelitem, ps_watchitem, setup_step1, setup_step2, setup_step3, setup_step4, tokenbag
    Templates: button_activateid, button_import, button_record_isidentified, button_store, button_store_sm, portrait_char, portrait_charlocal, linkcontrol_id, number_parcel, scrollbar_tokens, string_parcel, string_record_name_image, scrollbar_tokens, stringc_manualroll, tokenbag_tokens

    Global Scripts: ActionAttack, ActionDamage, ActionSave, ActionSpell, ActorManager2, CharManager, TokenManager2
    Specific Scripts: campaign/scripts/char_invlist.lua, campaign/scripts/charmini_invlist.lua, campaign/scripts/counter_spell.lua, campaign/scripts/npc.lua, campaign/scripts/item_main.lua, campaign/scripts/npc.lua, campaign/scripts/npc_main.lua, ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua, ct/scripts/ct.lua, ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua
    Window Classes: charmini_inventoryitem, combattracker_host, ct_entry, npc_combat_creature, npc_combat_trap, npc_combat_vehicle
    Templates: number_charskillranks

    Global Scripts: ActionAttack, ActionDamage, ItemManager2
    Specific Scripts: campaign/scripts/char_invlist.lua, campaign/scripts/counter_power.lua, campaign/scripts/item.lua, campaign/scripts/item_main.lua, campaign/scripts/npc.lua, campaign/scripts/npc_header.lua, campaign/scripts/npc_main.lua, campaign/scripts/npc_trap.lua, campaign/scripts/parcel.lua, ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua, ct/scripts/ct.lua, ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua
    Window Classes: charmini_inventoryitem, combattracker_host, ct_entry, item_header, npc_combat_creature, npc_combat_template, npc_combat_trap, npc_combat_vehicle, npc_header
    Templates: image_record, list_charminiinv

    Global Scripts: ActionAttack, ActionDamage, ActionPower, ActionSave, CampaignDataManager2, CharManager, CombatManager2, ItemManager2, LibraryData5E
    Specific Scripts: campaign/scripts/char_invlist.lua, campaign/scripts/imagewindow.lua, campaign/scripts/item_main.lua, campaign/scripts/npc.lua, campaign/scripts/npc_main.lua, campaign/scripts/power_counter.lua, ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua, ct/scripts/ct.lua, ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua
    Window Classes: charsheet_main, combattracker_host, ct_entry, npc_combat
    Templates: image_record

    Castles and Crusades
    Global Scripts: ActionAttack, ActionDamage, CharManager
    Specific Scripts: campaign/scripts/char_invlist.lua, campaign/scripts/item_main.lua, campaign/scripts/npc.lua, campaign/scripts/npc_character.lua, campaign/scripts/npc_monster.lua, campaign/scripts/npc_monster2.lua, campaign/scripts/spell_counter.lua, ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua, ct/scripts/ct.lua, ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua
    Global Scripts: CombatManager2
    Window Classes: battle_header, charmini_inventoryitem, combattracker_host, ct_entry, monster_header, npc_combat_character, npc_combat_monster, npc_combat_monster2
    Templates: image_record

    D20 Modern
    Global Scripts: ActionAttack, ActionDamage, ActionSave, ActionSpell, CharManager
    Specific Scripts: campaign/scripts/charmini_invlist.lua, campaign/scripts/counter_spell.lua, campaign/scripts/item_main.lua, campaign/scripts/npc.lua, campaign/scripts/npc_main.lua, common/scripts/buttongroup_counter_actionpoints.lua, ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua, ct/scripts/ct.lua, ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua
    Global Scripts: ActorManager2, CharManager
    Window Classes: combattracker_host, ct_entry, npc, npc_combat_creature, npc_combat_trap
    Templates: number_charskillranks

    Call of Cthulhu (6E)
    Global Scripts: ActionAttack, ActionDamage
    Specific Scripts: campaign/scripts/char_artifactlist.lua, campaign/scripts/charmini_invlist.lua, campaign/scripts/item_main.lua, campaign/scripts/npc.lua, campaign/scripts/npc_main.lua, ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua, ct/scripts/ct.lua, ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua
    Window Classes: char_artifact, charmini_invitem, charselect_client, charselect_host, combattracker_host, ct_entry, npc, npc_main

    Fate Core
    Specific Scripts: campaign/scripts/npc_main.lua, ct/scripts/ct.lua, ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua, desktop/chit.lua, desktop/darksidechit.lua, desktop/lightsidechit.lua
    Window classes: combattracker_host, ct_entry, npc, npc_header, npc_main

    Specific Scripts: campaign/scripts/char_invlist.lua, campaign/scripts/item_main.lua, campaign/scripts/npc.lua, campaign/scripts/npc_main.lua, ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua, ct/scripts/ct.lua, ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua
    Window classes: combattracker_host, ct_entry, npc, npc_main
    Last edited by Moon Wizard; July 30th, 2018 at 23:07.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Isanti, MN
    Also, the following changes to the CnC ruleset:

    • Add Defenseless effect (AC: -10).
    • Make critical hit / fumbles optional.
    • Automatically create init effect from NPC record.
    • Make 0 the minimum initiative.
    • Add Aihrde calendar function.
    • Initiative effect fix.
    • Add Notes field to Encounter records (allows links to parcels / etc).

  5. #5
    That's right, we were in testing with those changes. I'll add to release notes.


  6. #6
    As some sharp-eyed folks have already noticed, there is a 64-bit build of Fantasy Grounds included in the v3.3.6 download package.

    However, I want to be clear on our position for this build. Since the third party software libraries used by Fantasy Grounds were never designed or tested to be built as 64-bit libraries, it is unknown to us whether these rough library ports will work fully. Also, since the libraries were not written by us, we have minimal expertise or knowledge of how to fix these libraries to work as 64-bit libraries if they don't work fully.

    Therefore, this build will be considered a hidden "experimental build" of the program. This means that if the program doesn't work for you, then our answer will be to use the "release build" (i.e. 32-bit) version of the the program. While, we are hopeful that the naive 64-bit port of the program will be good enough (or easy to fix), there is also a good chance that it won't ever fully work, will never be a viable option, and/or we will discontinue access to it.

    You're welcome to use the experimental build while it is available, and provide us with feedback. However, we will not be officially supporting the build until we determine it is viable (which could be quite a while). Also, you will need to set up your own shortcut to access the executable at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Fantasy Grounds\FantasyGrounds_x64.exe".

    At this point, we have only done some preliminary testing with the build internally and it has not been used in any sessions. The plan was to put it in the patch system, so that we could have our internal team run a few sessions, and then ask some of our community members to give it a try. We have noticed some minor graphical anomalies in preliminary testing already.

    Last edited by Moon Wizard; June 8th, 2018 at 20:32.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Trenloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    At this point, we have only done some preliminary testing with the build internally and it has not been used in any sessions. The plan was to put it in the patch system, so that we could have our internal team run a few sessions, and then ask some of our community members to give it a try. We have noticed some minor graphical anomalies in preliminary testing already.
    I've been doing some testing - not in session yet.

    The main thing I've seen is that the mouse cursor doesn't change, it stays as the pointer for some operations:

    - for resizing maps you don't get the cursor change to the resize graphic.
    - for drag/drop fields you sometimes don't get the hand graphic... Although, doing a test just now with PFRPG default theme the hand does appear for drag/drop operations... I can't seem to recreate this now - I'll post if I get a 100% recreation process.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  9. #9
    It seems that, with the 64 version, i can use more tokens before the program start freezing, perhaps 1 hundred more (above that it start freezing again). I note a mouse bug from time to time (randomly the pointer get a black square behind it).

  10. #10
    The number of tokens you can load will be directly impacted by the resolution of those tokens. I have thousands of tokens loaded on my machine, but they are all 50x50 or 64x64. The standard token modules now come as 100x100.


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