5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #91
    Session 78:

    It was Pharast the 15th, and the group moved into a room to the east then north. The curved northern alcove of this chamber displays a brilliantly colored bas-relief carving of an alluring mermaid. The figure lounges upon a bed of stone seaweed while the cunning sculpt creates the illusion that her luxurious tresses of long hair float around her body in swirling rings. Tiny shards of gemstones embedded in her tail make it appear as though her scales glisten with moisture.
    Riris studied the statue and realized that this is a gem-encrusted carving of Alahaniss, a servant of Lissala , a goddess of runes, fate, and the reward of service, and was once a major religious force in the empire of Thassilon. Because Riris lived with Mercival Jeggare, he taught Riris that Lissala was depicted either as a stern woman with no mouth or as a creature with a snake's lower half, a human woman's upper half, six wings, and a Sihedron for a head.

    Egric decided to remove the gems from the mermaid’s tail. Before he could do that, the group saw Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills and several of his tribesman with him enter the room. Krojun snorts and hoots in appreciation of the semi-naked mermaid. Krojun asked them what they are doing here? Egric said what you are doing here. Krojun said hiding out from the storm. Egric said, same here. Krojun baits the group by snorting “You are no better than those stargazing Lyrune-Quah”, and Crow says what’s your name “Krausun?”. “Krojun” shrugs and him and his companions leave the room. Then Egric removes the gemstones from the mermaid’s tail.

    They move around, Crow sees tracks all over. They go north, then double back south. They come to two double doors and Egric opens the door to the south, and Egric enters the room. The Crow enters the room, and sees Krojun and his companions. Krojun yells, Hey!!! Crow yells back Heyyy!!! At Krojun, then he is ambushed by two Red Mentis. A fight starts.

    Dusk Briarthorn moves, only to find the door close, so he hits the Sihedron, and the door opens again. The group reinforces Crow, and more Red Mantis appears on the ceiling. Krojun yells at Crow you look like you’re doing Ok, this looks to be a fun fight. Then a tentacle appears, at first one, then more and more. A strange man and a female companion entered the room, and moved their way. They fought the red mantis, and the tentacles. There were so many spells and tentacles, attack and arrows flying, that most of the time both sides and the tentacles had targets.

    At a certain point Krojun yelled, maybe we should not yell anymore!!! Sivath brought in a water elemental, Riris used Ice storm and Lightning bolt, the two strangers to the south fought the tentacles and red mantis, Krojun and his companion fought red mantis and tentacles, as they were.

    Finally there were three Tentacles left and one Red Mantis [To Be Continued….date with the Surgeon Monday, I will be Back!!!].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  2. #92
    Session 79: Still Alive!

    It was noon on Pharast 15th, and the group, Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills, his Thunercallers, the Skoan-Quah Boneslayer, and the mysterious man that said his name was Shadowcount Sial and his fearless chain covered companion Asyra were facing a large number of tentacles in the Acropolis where two dark pools were in the center of a large room. Crow and a Sklar-Quah Thundercaller killed the last of the Red Mantis Assassins. As fast as a they killed a tentacle, other tentacles took the place of the fallen tentacles. Riris felt that the tentacles were mindless, bent on destruction of anything in their way. Soon there were six tentacles at all times. Getting hit by these tentacles was no laughing matter, all of them were hurt, but the worst off was Ivar. Eliera channeled her positive energy, the Duskbunny and Riris took to the air. While Riris was above the group, the Duskbunny went invisible.

    The Shadowcount Sial started moving toward the exit while Asyra kept fighting with extreme glee, she swung hooked chains at the tentacles. After a while the Shadowcount got to the exit corridor and threw something down. A 30’ high and 20’ wide Bonehouse grew in the middle of the hallway. Sial yelled move here to safety. Riris realized that the faster they kill the tentacles the more will replace them, she yelled that too the group. They were getting tired, Ivar swung his Nodachi and hit himself right on his face. As most were moving away, Asyra yelled get moving I will cover you. Crow decided to support his comrades by covering the retreat also, and on his second attack he hit himself and was stunned.

    Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills grabbed Crow and pulled him with him. Egri grabbed Crow and kept dragging him toward the exit. Sivath’s water elemental was shimmering in and out of existence, one of the Skoan-Quah Boneslayer was dying on the ground. Katlin grabbed him and pulled him toward the Bonehouse.

    The last one in the Bonehouse was Sivath, before she climbed off the wall she cast mirror image on herself, which saved her life as three tentacles lashed out at her before she could get to safety. Once everyone was inside the Bonehouse the front doors closed. The tentacles kept hitting the walls of the Bonehouse, while Shadowcount chanted, the walls and the door remained intact. Their host asked them to climb to the 2nd floor, there he said he prepared a Heroe’s Feast for them.
    They went upstairs and had the most sumptuous food they ever tasted and drank nectar so good that it made them feel very good indeed. Shadowcount Sial told them that he belonged to the Brotherhood of the Bones, and he wished to observe the group’s adventures. He said Laori Vaus was his companion, and Sial said thet the group has made a lasting impression on her.
    At which point “Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills” said you actually considering letting this man join you? After not getting a response, he said “but of course you are tshamek.” The party rests in the Bonehouse, and after the rest “Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills” and his companions leave the Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers [To Be Continued….].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  3. #93
    Session 80:

    Egric opened the door and saw a corridor with one wall of this otherwise plain hallway features several long narrow gaps that open into the room beyond. Egric and Riris remembered that the Shadowcount came out of this room.

    Egric checked for traps and saw a room with the floor of this otherwise empty chamber contains a fivefoot-diameter hole in the center, surrounded by a ring of wavy runes. Inside the hole, a shaft filled with brilliant emerald light drops into the depths. Riris examined the runes and thought the runes pointed down.

    They went through a corridor to the east, and Egric found another corridor that ends abruptly, choked off by thousands of tons of collapsed rock and sand. A short distance north they came to a set of double doors. The walls of this chamber were decorated with six life-sized bas relief carvings that depict a diverse collection of priests, each adorned in billowing robes draped in Thassilonian runes. An intricate scripture winds around each carving, coiling around them and along the walls like an immensely long tangle of ribbons.

    The dusk bunny started reading the runes. He thought that reading them will require approximately 5 minutes. After a bit of time Riris decided to help, and after five minutes were done, Riris and Dusk Bunny said that the writing is denser than anticipated, requiring perhaps an hour more. After an hour, they explained that the first statue is now complete but there are five more that need to be read to piece together all the information. This will take just 6, maybe 7 hours. Everyone wanted to leave, but Riris did not wish to leave the room. She said it is vital that we finish reading this. Sivath cast dispel magic on Riris, and Riris decided that it was not that important after all.

    They went back west into the room with the emerald well, and went east into a room A strange bronze statue stands in the center of the room with a statue depicting a half-snake, half-human creature with the lower body of a serpent coiled about a stand and the upper torso of a slender human woman. Her hands are crossed over her chest to clutch two objects at her shoulders-the right hand holds a large quill, while the left holds a jade-handled whip. Six birdlike wings emerge from the torso's shoulders, and instead of a head, it has a disk bearing a seven-pointed star. A line of jade runes runs down the statue's belly and along the length of its snaky lower body.

    Egric took the whip, and Riris identified it and said we should not take this whip. Egric said let’s put it in the hole.

    They went back to the room with the emerald well, and Egric started pounding a piton into the stone floor, try as he might, he only managed to gain the interest of another tentacle. Fortunately Katlyn heard something in the large room, and asked everyone to move toward the opposite wall. It came into the room, and explored the area by the emerald well. After about ten minutes, it left, and Egric went back to pounding the piton into the rock floor, only to wake up another tentacle. They went toward the south wall, and the tentacle came an inch from Sivath’s nose, luckily it left back into the other room and after a wile is sank into the murky water.

    Egric smiled, he found a grappling hook, he tied two silk ropes to it, and started to climb down, then he realized that he was floating down. Sivath used slippers of spider climb, but realized that she was floating down. Soon everyone were below in the lower level. This wide corridor, composed of polished black granite, runs north-south. They saw a blue stone disc sitting on the floor to the south, a glowing column of blue light rising up from the disc through a hole in the ceiling. To the north, a five-foot-wide circular opening in the wall opens into a smaller chamber. The ceiling here was only fifteen feet high.

    Egric found a plug on the east wall, he wanted to use brute force, but Sivath advised exploring this level first. Egri went north until he went into the next chamber and came do a stairs up. He saw the walls, ceiling, and floor of this chamber have been painted to resemble a starry sky, giving the illusion of walking through space. Here and there between the stars are painted small blue butterflies. A ten-foot-diameter stone sphere floats near the room's southern wall. Three short metal rods protrude from the lower hemisphere, radiating outward like the legs of a tripod, only the rods rest on empty air rather than a solid surface. The sphere itself appears to have been carefully carved with drawings of tiny rivers, mountains, oceans, and forests.

    Egric went toward the sphere, and started thinking about the group’s quest, nothing happened. Eliera said, this looks like a shrine dedicated to the goddess Desna. She explained that Desna is a Varisian goddess often described as a beautiful elven woman, with butterfly wings containing all the beauty of a clear night sky. She is often depicted as having dark hair, silvery eyes, and a coy but distant smile, wearing diaphanous gowns and sometimes accompanied by swarms of butterflies. Riris thought about Korvosa, nothing. More thoughts, nothing, nothing, nothing, until Sivath thought about the night sky. She was teleported inside the globe, that Riris thought looked like an older Golarian.

    Sivath floated in the void traveling toward the outer planets and stars. She saw a large gas giant, a triple star system, a black planet traveling fast around a large star, a star being devoured by the void and a star exploding. What a rush, Sivath thought I think I will worship Desna. Then she realized that she had a headache, she thought of Golarion and was outside the globe. Sivath told the others how the orb operates, after trying it two times. Egric and Katlyn also traveled into the orb. When each felt a headache, they left the orb as Sivath explained it.

    They went back to the stone plug, and Sivath summoned an earth elemental spell, it went through the plug, and returned and showed the plug’s distance to Sivath. Sivath cast dimension door, and took Egric and Kathlyn with 40 feet in. A jumble of five humanoid skeletons lie in the southeast corner of this chamber. Stone niches in the southern wall contain a few pieces of clutter. Sivath cast light and they found many items in this tomb, where Katlyn thought something bludgeoned the occupants of this room. Sivath took them back, among the items Katlyn got the Bright Orange Cloak of Resistance +3 and Egric got the Scabbard of Keen Edges. Other interesting items were Bottle of Air, Decanter of Endless Water, and a Sustaining Spoon.

    Egric noticed that the whip he found above was in his inventory instead of the portable hole, he asked Riris if the item is cursed, and Riris said, yes, yes it is.

    The group went upstairs, and Egric deliberated about what to do about the whip, he finally decided to put it back into the hand of the statue of the goddess Lissala [To Be Continued….].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  4. #94
    Session 81:
    The group left the Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers and traveled toward the Lyrune-Quah Moon House, on the way there they saw a bank of smoke. After a bit of time the smoke went away. The group moved in, and the smoke bank went up again. Out of the smoke bank came out two snake like creatures with many legs, they breathed fire and attacked the group. Riris thought the creatures were called Behir. The group fought them, and slowly the hazy, smoky monstrosities were killed.

    They traveled on until the Skoan-Quah Boneslayers thought they were close to the lands of the the Lyrune-Quah, then out of the north came running six Lyrune-Quah Moon Maidens and their wolf companions. A Moon Maiden stepped forward, an in Shoanti said I am Tekra'Kai the Leader Leader of these maidens, you are not welcome here “tshamek” these at Lyrune-Quah lands state your business quickly.

    The Ivar spoke for the group, we were looking for a Truthspeaker of the Lyrune-Quah to aid us in a quest. Tekra'Kai hearing this, why should the Lyrune-Quah provide you with a Truethspeaker? Ivar answers we have those that worship Desna with us, they have the Spherewalker’s Mark to vouch for their true intantions. Upon seeing the on Sivath, Egric and Katlin, Tekra'Kai explains of her problem.

    Currently, very few Lyrune-Quah have gathered at the House of the Moon. It is still early in their season, and the bulk of the tribe has yet to arrive in the area. Unfortunately, as is sometimes the case, we arrived to find that a local predator took up the ruins as its territory—in this case, a dangerous creature indeed. We were the first tribe to arrive, in the region, therefore responsible for driving out the monster and making the House of the Moon safe for the tribes yet to arrive.

    Unfortunately, it provrd to be a bit more trouble than a pack of gargoyles or a few hungry ankhegs, and already six Lyrune-Quah moon maidens have perished at the monster’s talons. Tekra'Kai humbly requested aid in dealing with the creature, because she does not thing that it will leave peacefully.

    The group agreed, and they approached the House of the Moon. As they went over the hills crest, they saw a silvery tower standing atop a low promontory in the foothills here. The surrounding stone has been smoothed by ages of wind, but the tower itself remains as stark and crisp as the day its final block was set in place. The structure shimmers with a slightly reflective sheen, as if an almost invisible layer of silver covered it. A thirty-foot-tall opening allows access to the tower interior at ground level, the curving sides framed by the long pea**** tailfeathers of an immense butterfly or moth that has been carved into the building's facade. The creature's wings furl to the left and right, fanning over two side towers attached to the central spire, which rises to a height of a hundred feet. Above, a silvery sphere caps the tower's peak, as if the moon itself had fallen out of the sky to become impaled upon the structure's steeple.

    Coming through the Southside entry, two hallways may be seen left and right. Two identical stairways go up to the next level on the east and west sides of the House of the Moon. The walls glow as if bathed in moonlight, they are otherwise black in color, but very beautiful. If one looks closely images of stars, moon, butterflies and other celestial bodies may seen on the walls.

    The group went up the stairs of the House of the Moon, and as they entered a very large room, they encountered a large creature all red and full of rage. One of the Lyrune-Quah moon maidens said Red Reaver, as the creature roared. Even if they heard her, most of them did not speak Shoanti. They moved in at the creature, as it hit them with monstrous power of its claws and teeth. Riris suggested, leave here, but that did little good. Ivar took the brunt of the monster’s fury, as they tried to deal with it. Sivath put grease under it, but it ignored it. Egric flipped over the beast and flaked it with Crow. Ivar flanked it with Katlin. Eliera and Shadowcount Sial bravely healed Ivar, as the creature punished the valiant barbarian. Then finally the creature groaned and died. By this time it was bleeding profusely from the rogues vicious attacks caused by the rogue.

    Lyrune-Quah moon maidens led the group down stairs, they told the group that any say now the rest of the tribe will be here, with our Truethspeaker. The group decided to rest in the provided room, while the Shadowcount and Asyra retired to the bonehouse which they set up about 500 feet from the House of the Moon [to be Continued….]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  5. #95
    Session 82:
    On Pharast 16 in the evening, the group rested at the House of the Moon waiting for the Lyrune-Quah tribe to arrive. Tekra’Kai explained to them that the tribe should be here soon, and then they will meet the tribe’s Truethspeaker. While resting they received adoring glances and appreciative glances from the Lyrune-Quah maidens all around them.
    The Skoan-Quah Boneslayers said their farewells to them, and left back to the Callow Mounds. Shadowcount Sial and Asyra moved off a ways from the Moon House rested in the bonehouse. In the morning on Pharast 17th, the rest of the Lyrune-Quah tribe still have not arrived. It was not until that evening, that the rest of the tribe and the Truthspeaker did arrive. Tekra’Kai introduced Truthspeaker Akram to the group, a rather old and spry man in blue robes.

    After hearing the groups need to recreate “The legend of Skurak, by clansing ones soul in the fire of the great Cindermaw the Clan-Eater” Truthspeaker agreed to accompany the adventurers on their quest. Truthspeaker Akram asks the group when will they leave?, and they answer in unison “Now”.

    Their journey through the desert at night on the 17th of Pharast, avoid some snakes sitting on some rocks, then ran into several Bat Swarms. Weapon attacks did not do any damage, but Sivath’s and .to a lesser degree Riries, were able to unleash the power of area effect spells.

    They encountered the same Sphinx they saw when they were traveling from Kaer Maga to the Callow Mounds. The Sphinx envied the group to join it, and struck up a conversation about Mother’s Day in some distant land, it was a most incredible story of families celebrating motherhood, by giving the females in there family circle gifts and taking them to brunch (breakfast/lunch). Incredible, what a great story they thought. Then the Sphinx asked Dusk Briarthorn to accompany her behind some rocks. Dusk Briarthorn agreed, and the happy couple went to frolic behind some rocks.

    When they returned, the Spinx was smoking a cigar, and handed out delicious strong brandy to the whole group. The Sphinx asked the bunny if he would leave with her, but Dusk Briarthorn said that he serves Riris, but if he is ever released from his duties he will try to find his furry love. They left the Sphinx in the desert, and the desert beige/tan sand became black stone. Riris thought the stone was Lava rock. Ahead they saw a burning pool of lave, then salamanders came out of the pool and attacked.

    Egric tried to sneak attack a salamander on the group’s far left flank and missed, Ivar and Crow face the four in the center, and Asyra faced the salamander on the right. Crow and Ivar did good against their adversaries, while Egric was grappled and started taking heavy damage. Asyra was grappled also, but she was in far better shape. Sivath cast haste on the group. The Eliera and Truthspeaker Akram tried to pour all their healing into Egric, while Shadowcount Sial cast super damaging Slay Living and Harm spells at the salamander grappling Asyra. Sivath was casting magic missiles and grease at the salamander on Egric, Katlin moved to assist the hurting rogue, while Ivar and Crow finished off the salamanders in the center. Crow dominated the last salamander in the Center and sent it against Asyra’s salamander, then he moved to assist Egric. Ivar also moved toward Egric.

    Egric finally broke his bonds, and moved back. Egric received more healing. Then Egric moved back and attacked, he did a lot of damage, but apparently not enough. The Salamender turned toward him and attacked. Egric was down and dying, Elira and Ekram healed him, while Katlin was facing off with the beast, and he came back to the land of the living. Eventually Egric, Katling, Ivar and Crow finished off the salamander on the group left, and then they moved on the Salamander on Asyra. Soon it was done, all six salamanders, were dead.

    Then they found two magical spears, which turned out to be plus +2. They put them in the portable [To be Continued…..].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  6. #96
    Session 83:

    The group was on the “Ash Flats” traveling toward the location where the Cindermaw was known to hunt to the Truthspeaker Akram. They asked the Truethspeaker if he knew where to find it, and Truthspeaker Akram said that it will most likely find us. They kept moving south-east until they saw a glow of molten rock and lava ahead.

    The Crow and Ivar saw something up ahead, then it was gone. They had a bad feeling about this, and discussed on who would be swallowed. Ivar, Crow and Katlin used the Red Shaunti War Paint. Ivar got the Magical Beast Bane Dagger +1 out of the portable hole, and put it on his belt, just in case.

    The lava was becoming more abundant, and they soon walked on islands of land surrounded by red hot lava. The Cindermaw reared out of the lava and attacked Ivar doing grievous damage to him, if not for his rage and the Hero’s Feast it would have hurt a lot more. Trying not to kill it, Egric ran closer to the Cindermaw and yelled “Hey eat me I am a Drumstick” as he waived his hands. Nothing happened. Ivar kept insulting the Cindermaw in Shaunti, and the Cindermaw stung him back and bit him. Eliera, Truthspeaker Akram, and the Shadowcount Sial, kept healing the group, especially Ivar. The Duskbunny cast suggestion in Dragon and said “Swallow Ivar”.

    Realizing that the taunting was not working, Ivar, Katlin and Crow started hitting the Cindermaw. Crow yelled in frustration, relating that he wanted to leap inside the Cindermaw’s mouth. Sivath obliged, and used Levitate spell to send Crow up. The Cindermaw swallowed Crow whole. From inside Cindermaw’s belly Crow struck out with Asheia, Sword of Lust at the insides of the beast, and felt control over it. “Spit me out!” Crow commanded. The next moment they saw Crow spet out of Cindermaw’s mouth and levitate down, while the beast swam under the lava.

    Owed the Truthspeaker says, you have recreated the Legend of Skurak and Cindermaw, the Sun Shaman, and the Sklar-Quah will listen to you now. They left Cindermaw’s hunting ground toward the lands of the Sklar-Quah. They left the ash flats, and moved into the desert.

    Crow spotted dragon bones bleaching in the hot sun, up ahead. He saw one good tooth in the dragon’s skeleton and pried it out. As he did, a airborne blue dragon breathed lightning and caught them off guard, it started flying away. Ivar gave chase and hit it with an arrow. The dragon screamed and kept flying. Katlin fired and hit it. Sivath cast Stinking Cloud on it, and they see it enter the cloud. Crow fired and hit it, and caused it to be knocked prone, it landed on a top of a desert column, about fifty feet from the ground, and ten feet from the stinking cloud. The dragon, got up under a barrage of arrows, and before it could take off in the air, it was wrapped by black tentacles that Sivath cast. The arrows quickly reduced its vitality; even the Duskbunny hit it with its crossbow.

    The dragon begged for its life, offering its treasure in a nearby cave, for its life. After much deliberation, they voted, it was a tie. Finally the Truthspeaker cast the deciding vote, and the dragon led them to its hoard.

    They left it be and continued their journey. Soon they were surrounded by Sklar-Quah Burn Riders. Ivar and Akram greet the burn riders. The burn riders listen to the Truespeaker, and he explains quickly how this group seek to divest themselves of their tshamek status, a comment that elicits a round of laughter from the burn riders.
    Yet as soon as Akram mentions the groups of adventurers have recreated the Legend of Skurak and Cindermaw, they grow serious. The patrol swiftly agrees to escort Akram and the group to Flameford at the very heart of Sklar-Quah lands. The Sklar-Quah do not disarm them, though the group is effectively surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of Shoanti who are ready at an instant to defend their home from the outlanders.

    They ride into Flamelord Village [To Be Continued….]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  7. #97
    Session 84: Part 1

    After Akram's tale is complete, the Sun Shaman retreats to his tent with Chief Ready-Klar to further discuss the implications of what this group seeks in private. An uncomfortable silence looms while the crowd waited.
    Krojun crossed his arms and stares at Ivar.
    Akram quietly explains to the group that if the Sun Shaman rejects his petition and decides the group are still tshamek, they (Akram included) will be disemboweled for trespassing on Sklar-Quah land.
    An hour passes.
    The shaman and chieftain return to the fire. He asks each of the group's members to stand before him and speak his or her name.
    The Sun Shaman repeats the names in sequence, and then tersely announces that henceforth they are to be considered tshamek no more. They are free to come and go among the lands of the Sklar-Quah, as long as they maintain peace and honor and respect Sklar-Quah tradition.
    Many of the Shoanti, Krojun included, and struggle to contain their fury but none openly reject the Sun Shaman's proclamation.

    Akram suggests at this point that the PCs should further petition the Sun Shaman to join the Sklar-Quah. After all, now that they are no longer tshamek, there is no real reason why they couldn't.
    Some time passes
    The word of this request spreads quickly through the camp, and the initial shock that the have become Shoanti is replaced by this new scandal.
    A look of amusement on the Sun Shaman's face. In his ever-patient voice, he explains that if the newly made Shainti can pass the Trial of the Totem, they can be acknowledged as honorary members of the Sklar-Quah, but that is the best he can offer them. He does confirm that if they pass the trial, he can speak to them of the tribe's past.
    At the mention of the trial, Krojun can take no more. He shouts in protest and then storms off with several burn riders to take a long ride through the Cinderlands to cool off.
    As Ivar, Sivath, Eliera, Egric, Katlin, Riris and Crow agree to accept the Sun Shaman's nebulous offer, the Sun Shaman advises that it begins after dawn and motions for everyone to disperse from the council f ire.
    For his part, Akram explains that his traditions preclude him from sharing a sunrise with the Sklar-Quah and so he intends to depart before dawn. A honor guard of three burn riders takes up the charge.

    Akram wishes the group luck in their trial, and as he leaves offers one final bit of advice-Krojun is an important member of the tribe, and anything the group can do to win his respect can only help them.

    The group goes off to sleep, in their assigned guest tent, and before dawn the Sun Shaman arrives. He leads them to Bolt Rock.

    A single ledge winds up to the westernmost flat-topped area of Bolt Rock. A plateau that sits about 30 feet above the surrounding plain. A second ledge leads up higher to a second mesa, this one 40 feet above the ground. During storms, the large quantities of iron ore in the rock here attract numerous lightning bolts, and as a result the place has become one of particular obsession for the Sun Shamans, who often ascend Bolt Rock during storms to experience the fury.

    Atop Bolt Rock stand several fired-clay pylons known as sun totems. Each totem is 10 feet tall, and the sides are decorated with numerous sigils sacred to the Sklar-Quah. The lower portion of each totem is rounded. When not in use, they are stored in an upright position in square stone pods at the base of Bolt Rock.

    The Sun Shaman explains that during the Trial of the Totems, each prospective clan member is represented by a specific sun totem. He directs the group members to select one totem as their own, then explains that, as a group, they must carry these totems up to the lower tier of Bolt Rock, where they must be balanced in circular depressions and kept upright for a day.

    He explains further that the group has until the shadow of the upper tier is no longer cast upon the lower tier to erect the totems.

    At the next sunrise, the group must then move all of their totems up to the highest mesa (again, before the lower tier is in full sunlight) and keep them upright in another set of depressions found there for an additional day.

    When the sun rises on that second day, any totem still standing grants its group members equivalent Sklar-Quah citizenship.

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  8. #98
    Session 84: Part 2

    The Sun Shaman goes on to explain that while no food or water are brought to the PCs for the 2 days they must remain atop Bolt Rock, they are welcome to provide their own. Likewise, they are welcome to use magic or whatever means they have at their disposal to aid in keeping their sun totems upright for the 2 days, as long as the magic does not change or damage the totems themselves or the structure of Bolt Rock in any way.

    Bolt Rock is clearly visible from Flameford , and the Sun Shaman explains that many eyes will be turned eastward for the next 2 days.

    At night, the totems glow with their own radiance, an effect of minor magical enhancements placed on the totems that allows those in Flameford to see even on darkest nights if the totems still stand.

    The trial explained, the Sun Shaman transforms into a crow and returns to Flameford to rest-the PCs are on their own.

    The trial explained, the Sun Shaman transforms into a crow and returns to Flameford.

    Crow, Katlin, and Ivar give their belts of strength to Egric, Riris and Sivath, and the group move their totems to the lower tier. They manage to roll and lift the totems into place on the lower tier. Once each totem was lifted upright, it fit in a shallow concavity and rounded base of the totem, which helped to stabilize it, but constant hand support was required at all times to keep the totems balanced, or they would eventually topple.

    They quickly found that keeping the totems upright for 2 days was a perilous task in and of itself, but unfortunately for them, several other factors combine to make the trial even more arduous heat and lack of sleep, made their muscles ache.

    By noon on the first day, their muscles ached badly, it was very hot, and getting hotter in the desert. The sun was merciless; as the day moved ever so slowly Egric dropped hi totem, then Eliera, followed by Riris. The heat got a little better, and night came. During the night Katlin and Riris dropped there totems, it was good that they did not break.

    About one hour before sunrise they moved their totems to the upper tier of bolt rock and set them in place. Then the morning the sun came up. They all became fatigued, one by one, and then exhausted. As they went in and out of consciousness they phased in to the realm of totem spirits, Riris was the first to receive a vision, she noticed shimmering waves of heat rising from the stone around her. The shimmers begin to cloud her vision, and a moment later Riris saw snow crane wave its wings, and Riris felt cooled off.
    One by one as they became exhausted and the time dragged, they each expirianced a similar vision desert butterfly appeared to Sivath, Katlin saw a wolverine, a Lion chose Egric, the wolf felt a keen to Eliera as that time she communicated with that dire wolf pack near Korvosa, a tiger growled at Ivar, but Ivar stayed where he was secure in the knowledge that he would never run from his totem again, Crow saw a crow gliding on top of a hawk majestically last, but not least.

    During mid day the group see Krojun staring at the parties general direction silently for a few minutes and then begrudgingly he says, but you are "Strong ones!" You are lucky to have one another as nalharest (brothers and sisters). He then turns and leaves.

    Night comes, Riris and Egric drop their stones one more time, and a big crack runs down the middle of Riris stone. Barely they keep their eyes open during the night. The stones are so heavy, but now the totems seem to be helping them, they whisper to them, encourage them to be strong.

    Then Early in the morning Crow says get ready, something comes at us. SThey get ready as eight monstrous land sharks, Bulette come at them from all sides. They could not let go of their totems, so they braced for the attack. Sivath cast Black Tentacles at the two Bulette east of her, and they were stopped by her spell, she then used her Quickened Rod to cast haste on the group. One Beletee attacked Crow, but Crow deftly cut down with his sword and cut off its head. It died at his feet.

    Ivar was not so lucky, as a Bulette attacked him it bit him and raked with claws at him. He hit it back as best he could. Riris used slumber to put asleep the one on Egric, then one came at Egric from the north. Katlin tried to kill the one on her at a great disadvantage, because she had to switch the grip on her bardiche and use it one handed, while holding up the pillar with the other.

    Sivath and Riris used their area effect spells to great effect. Dusk Briarthorn cast burning hands on one Bulette from his wand. Riris woke up the other Bulette on Egric. Crow dominated the Bulette on Ivar and sent it to attack the one that just broke free of Sivath’s Black Tentacle spell. The other Bulette was still bound by Sivath’s spell and taking damage from her Ball Lightning spell and fireballs. She used her quickening rod to great effect causing grievous damage to the land sharks.

    Egric’s sword hit teleported a Bulette, over another Bulette. The Bulette arrived over a Bulette that was unable to get to them, and fell 200 feet down and died just missing its sister. While Crows, Bulette started attacking the one on Ivar, Riris cast Ice Storm and woke up the sleeping Bulette on him. The Bunny moved to flank that Bulette, but it attacked and bit deep into the Bunny. It fell behind the land shark, dying. Eliera could not heal the Bunny because it was out of reach. Riris feverishly attacked the land shark on Egric, while Egric attacked it with his sword. Sicath cast unseen servant, that moved toward the Bunny to get it close enough for some healing. Egric sent the other Bulette in the air, as the Bunny stabilized. The final Bellete was killed bt the efforts of Eliera, Riris and Sivath.

    For four more hours they kept their vigil and managed to hold up their totem poles on their pedestals.

    With the third dawn, the Sun Shaman leads the entire tribe from Flameford up to Bolt Rock in the pre-dawn hours, and as the sun rises, with their totems still intact and standing, they are greeted with a rousing cheer. These totems represent new brothers and sisters in the Sklar-Quah, an event that is cause for great celebration. Before the jubilation gets too out of hand, the Sun Shaman holds high his hands for silence, then personally welcomes Ivar, Sivath, Eliera, Egric, Katlin, Riris and Crow, whose totem remained standing and intact into the Sklar-Quah. Yet he goes even further and acknowledges that the group fought here as nalharest Sklar-Quah would, as the dead seven bodies of Bulette aknowledge this mighty feet. Crow sends away the only standing Bulette far away. It licks Crow, once, twice then sadly goes away, from the only elf she could ever love, as a loyal dog would.

    They are exhausted after their trial, and the Sun Shaman suggests that they return to their yurt in Flameford to rest and recover from their ordeal atop Bolt Rock. As the Shoanti and the Avangers make their way back to Flameford, the Sun Shaman quietly tells them that he is nearly ready to speak with them about the information they seek regarding Midnight's Teeth and the great evil that the Shoanti once guarded so long ago.

    Before he does, however, he must seek out the wisdom of his ancestors by traveling to the Kallow Mounds to commune with them. As tradition demands, the Sun Shaman is accompanied on this trip by Chief Ready-Klar and four of the tribe's thundercallers-the journey is made via wind walk. The Sun Shaman estimates that they will return to Flameford in but a day, and suggests that the groups take that day to rest, recover, and relax. While they are gone, Krojun is given command of the tribe, a responsibility he accepts with pride and honor [To Be Continued…].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  9. #99
    Session 85:
    Pharast the 21 morning after dawn, the Sun Shaman and Chief Ready-Klar head to the Kallow Mounds to commune with the ancestors. The group took the that day to rest, recover, and relax, in a camp secured by slashrock and the Sklar-Quah Saunti, under the leadership of Krojun Eats-what-he-kills. As the goup got up hungry in the evening, they heard shrieks and roars from outside the tent. Flameford awakens quickly to the assault, but you realize, with the village's chieftain and Sun Shaman not present, the the enemy have a deadly advantage.

    As the group came out of the tent, they saw battle all around them, their eye was attracted to a group of Sklar-Quah under attack from a bunch of gargoyles. Several thundercallers were trapped by the winged beasts, and they moved to intercept the winged monsters. Egric moved invisible that way, while Sivath cast haste on the rest of the group. The first to reach the gargoyles was Ivar, however he swung so hard that he hit himself in the face and became stunned. Crow and Katlin joined the fray, and Crow took the head of one of the beasts. Their efforts were bitter sweat, one of the thundercalles escaped while another died from the claws of the flying monsters.

    As the group thought they were about to defeat the invaders, another threat showed up from the east. They were Red Mantis for sure, if there was any doubt that these were the Queen’s Agents, there were no doubt of itr now. The situation was chaotic, with the threat from the east, Sivath cast black tentacles on Red Mantis Assassins, but they came at them unstopped and un-grappled. The bunny used illusions to full the Red Mantas Assassins, Egric, Ivar, Katlin, Crow, Krojun and the other Sklar-Quah engaged this new threat.

    The Red Mantis Assassins were hard to hit, one moment one was here and the next one was there, Riris was having problems when targeting them with her spells. She started using Evil Eye on them followed by cackling, by using her blouse special ability. To make matters worse the Queen’s Assassins were using their spells to paralyze, fascinate and make helpless some of the Allies, but by sticking together they were able to fight off even this threat. It seemed they were about to win, when more Red Mantis Assassins, a crossbow wielding plains drifter, his cat, and a half-wolf man that Sivath recognized as the human that escaped from them after the group was ambushed in the Village of Harse.

    They knew then, that it was still not over, the Avengers are Sklar-Quah now and they were determined to stop the invaders [To Be Continued….].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  10. #100
    Session 86:
    Sivath was surveying the progress of the battle from on top of the tent. She was getting low on spells, and the third wave of assassins, with a beats man, and crossbow wielding human were the worst threat. Her stinking cloud got some of them, but not all. Her companions were spread out, and then she heard something behind her. She looked back and saw more of the assassins behind the next tent.

    A woman dressed in red leather armor without a mask, got up on a tent and yelled: You are traitors to Korvosa, and queen and country! You deserve nothing better than death, like Seneschal and friend Neolendus, who we killed last week. We will bring you heads back to Korvosa preserved in pickling juice, so they may be hung on spikes next to Neolandus’es head. I am the leader in charge Cinibar, and I will show you no mercy.

    Then, the man to the east of you yelled: Shaunti lovers die, as he aimed his crossbow and shot, at Crow, then yelled: you are worse than the Shaunti you betrayed your people! How can you side with these killers of woman and children? Know that I am Cinderlander, and I will kill you all.

    Ivar charged toward the Cinderlander and began fighting the long fight. After the Cinderlander could not fire his crossbow, he used it as a melee club. Meanwhile Eliera was healing those around her. Egric was fighting the assassins near him, while Riris was casting as fast as she could, but she was running out of icestorm spells. Katlin, Crow, Egric and Krajun were fighting the panther Neverfail. The red mentis kept undulating, and fascinating Katlin and Riris. On Katlin the fascination went away because some of the red mantis were inside a sphere of darkness all of a sudden.

    After a long time Neverfail was killed by the heroes, who did not think of themselves like traitors, and the Cinderlander yelled, you killed my ***** prepare to die.

    Then Riris slumbered Cinibar, in hopes of killing her, Crow swung at Cinibar, but failed to kill the red mentis leader. Ivar was attacking the Cinderlander, when the beast like druid, if that what he was, attacked him with his fags and claws. Ivar killed the Cinderlander, and the beast, that what Ivar thought of him kept attacking him. Eliera got to Ivar’s side and began to heal him. Sivath was using the burning arc spell, to good effect, she kept thinking, to bad I don’t have my lightning bolt balls. She laughed, and cast another spell.

    Then the unthinkable happened, the conscious Cinibar managed to kill Egric. The brave rogue fell where he stood, and Katlin, Crow and Krukun started attacking her. Riris still fascinated, finally woke up when the redmentis stopped concentrating, and Riris was casting evil eye on the enemy, desperate to help her friend Egric. Tears streamed down Riris eye, as she flung vengeful spells at their enemy.

    Eliera brought Egric back to life, healed him and caste cure serious wounds on him and restoration. Finally they killed the rest of their assailants, never had they been so exhausted. Their magic so depleted.

    A great cheer went up from the Sklar-Quah. They cleaned up the enemy, and honored the dead, there were so few dead. No one, not even Krajun-Easts-what-he-Kills could remember a more decisive victory. The party were invited to the great circle, food and spirits were served. Everyone got very drunk.

    The Sklar-Quah offered to honor their new blood brothers and sister, as true Sklar-Quah greatest warriors bear shaunti tattoos named: Damkil (Orc Skull), Akmiz (Fire Hand), and Razkiv (Emberstorm). These were offered to the party members as high honor ended. Eliera chose the Emberstorm Tattoo on her Leg’s inner thigh. Katlin got her Emberstorm Tattoo on her forearm. The extremely charismatic Sivath chose to get her tattoo on on her shoulder in the shape of an Amberstorm. Then, Crow decided to get the Fire Hand on top of the right arm. The Ivar decided to get hid tattoo on the back in the shape of the fire hand, and finally Riris and Egric got their orc scull tattoos on the left leg and left arm respectively.

    They continued drinking into the night, when the Sun Shaman of the Sklar Quah and Chief Ready-Klar arrived in camp. They took in the situation, and Krajun explained to them, that never in his memories have the Sklar Quah won such one-sided victory. The Sun Shaman nodded and said they will have a council in the morning under the rays of the father sun [To be continued…].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

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