1. #1

    The Ancient - Home Brew Campaign

    This is a home-brew campaign that will start the characters with a limited knowledge of the world. The characters will start in a City called Awan. Awan was one of the few sanctuaries that survived a major cataclysmic event many ages ago. Although the people of Awan can leave its premises at any time, they do not because of the fear of the outside world and therefore stay within the valley. See the attached Players Guide for more information.

    Game System – 5th Edition D&D
    Time: Friday or Saturday
    DM – Jim Marshall
    Email – [email protected]

    I have been DMing since the 1980s and have been running a campaign online using Roll20 and currently Fantasy Grounds for the last five years, but I would like to add another group to this world. Please contact me by email with a little description about yourself, your availability and your D&D experience.

    The link below provides information on building characters in the world.

  2. #2
    Player Guide
    Town - Awan (population 1,124)
    The people of Awan are an agrarian society residing in the verdant valley of Valtana, which provides them all the resources they need to subsist. The average Awan’s profession is a farmer and devoted disciple of their divine provider Awan, which the city is named. Many years ago, centuries ago, the city of Awan was one of the few sanctuaries that survived a major cataclysmic event. As this event occurred centuries ago and apart from the town, the extent of the cataclysm is extremely muddy and unclear. However, the priests of Awan contend that it was caused by rulers who allowed sorcerers and demons in their ranks. It was the reliance on witchcraft and foreign influence that led to their fall. The people of Awan believe it is the power of Awan that hides and protects the believers of Awan from the perils of the outside world.
    Although the people of Awan can leave its premises at anytime, they do not because of the fear of the outside world and therefore stay within the valley. The Terrell mountains are a natural barrier to the outside world and the only ones that leave Awan are the Striden, the holy warriors of Awan who patrol the Terrell mountains. This city has been a pleasant agrarian commune for many years.
    Human is only race in Awan, however there are latent sub-races. As the Awan priests believe this area to be a sacred city, anyone that is not human is tied to ancient fear of the demon races returning; therefore has been banished. There are still genetic remnants of dragonborn, half-orc, halfling, elf, dwarf, tiefling and gnome within the blood of the average Awan. So if you play a sub-race character you may take one trait from that race. However, you always take the chance of being discovered and accused by the ruling priesthood of being a demon spawn.

    Character Creation
    · Classes - Barbarians are the only class that does not exist as the people of Awan are civilized. All magic using and divine classes will not start with any spells. A person starting as a cleric can be a priest of Awan. Any other divine or magic using class will be doing so in secret as the priesthood would banish those using such false methods.
    · Chapter 4 – Personality and Background (pg. 123)
    · Background – (pg.125) – Exclude - Criminal, Noble, Outlander, Sailor, Urchin
    · Chapter 5 – Equipment (there is not a lot of wealth)
    o Starting Wealth – you start with little wealth - remove the x 10 multiplier
    o Armor and Shields – Exclude Heavy Armor
    o Weapons -few if you can buy it.
    o Adventuring Gear – few if you have the gold to buy it
    o Mounts – no mounts
    o Trinkets (pg.160– please take a roll on this list)
    · Chapter 6 – Feats
    o The character will have define how they acquire a martial feat
    o Exclude Elemental Adept, Heavily Armored, Heavy Armor Master, Magic Initiate, Mounted Combatant, Ritual Caster, War Caster
    o Feats may be added that are excluded if characters should come in contact with someone that can train them in the feat.

    Awan’s believe in common sense, truth, law and forthrightness. Chaos and Evil are fiercely opposed, with no backsliding or compromise permitted. Members of this clergy tend to see things as black and white, and this reflected in their practice and doctrine.
    Awan’s believe that without truth and wisdom one could never achieve serenity and so they set themselves upon the path of truth in the service of Awan.
    Ten Rites of Awan
    1) You shall not lie
    2) You shall not kill the innocent
    3) You shall not murder
    4) You shall help the needy
    5) You shall honor authority
    6) You shall follow the law
    7) You shall not betray others
    8) You shall not aid criminals
    The wearing of brown clothing is a simple nod to simple clothing (browns, russets, tans, etc. being widely available dye colors). Likewise, green coordinates well with browns, a practical means of formalizing appearance to signify, mostly to the masses, events of religious significance without necessarily investing in expensive garments.
    They're just as likely to be found helping to bring in the crops with an injured farmer as praying in their temple. This should not be taken that their temples and shrines exhibit no finery. Faithful artisans and the like are not forbidden from offering their craft as a devotion.
    1) An Awan does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. There way is to find peace and happiness in what you have today.
    2) While we want to enjoy what we don’t have, don’t forget to enjoy the incredible beauty of what we do have.
    3) Red sky at night; shepherds delight,
    Red sky in the morning; shepherds warning

  3. #3
    Hi there. Just checking to see if you’re still looking for players for this campaign? Please let me know and I’ll be glad to email you for more info. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Please send me an email at [email protected]. Please tell me your age, experience, time zone and what you would like to play.


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