5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #81
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dellanx View Post
    Session 70:

    Egric checked for traps, and moved into the next room. This plain stone room is unremarkable save for a dark rectangular pit that occupies the center of its tiled floor. A thick metal grating coated with a thin veneer of rust covers the top of the shaft, leaving only a few inches between each bar. Crow followed him, they looked carefully through the room, and then they heard a “swoosh”, and several blobs popped into the room. Crow must have stepped on an electrical plate, because the shock hurt. Riris cast a lightning bolt, and instead of dying the blobs split, into four. Egric figured out that these were Ochre Jellies. In fact splitting them made the easier ti fight, they soon killed the disgusting creature.

    Egric tried to clear the room of electrical plates, but Sivath still stepped on a pleasure trap, which sprung an electrical trap. Ouch said Sivath, I thought “You said these is clear?” Yes, said Egric, I thought it was.

    Egric checked out the door to the East, nothing, nothing at all. A dark, roiling mass of blood-red clouds and a barren landscape of bone-colored, sun-scorched earth can be seen through the flat portal dominating the center of this room. A maelstrom of wind and dirt spins rapidly around the edges and sends a choking cloud of dust continually spiraling upward about the chamber. In the four corners stand statues of strange, forearmed humanoids bearing bladed weapons and covered in bony spikes. Egric and Crow walked into the room, not much, and then a sonic blast hit them. While the casters stayed outside the room and tried to cast spells that were not working. Ivar and Katlin attacked the Xill. This fight lasted a while, when it was over both creatures were dead, but bit before they did more damage.

    Egric checked for trapes at eastern, finding none he opened the door. They saw two Bralani which did not wish the PC to enter the room. Finally the party member decided to come back later.
    Egric checked for traps at western doorway, finding nothing. They took a second look, and beyond the door's arch, a yawning crack in the stone floor slices a jagged scar across the chamber's stone floor. Acrid yellow smoke billows from the depths of that strange abyss, while tongues of black flame flicker from the edge of the crevasse. Across the chamber, against the west wall, two steep staircases extend to the edges of a large stone balcony. On the stairs and balcony, a half-dozen black-robed cultists stand with arms raised to the heavens, chanting a monotonous litany of profane pronouncements. Each casts furtive glances in the direction of the yellow smoke, where an unusual winged shadow begins to take form.

    The smoke solidified, and a bird like creature attacked Egric. It seemed very tough, but Sivath observed it, and targeted the cultists on the stairway and balcony ahead. Sivath targeted them, and cast Stinking Cloud. It worked; the cultists stopped chanting, and tried to head down stairs. The demon was killed.
    As the cultists, left the stairway, they still puked at the characters, but soon their misery was over. After a while the group finished then off. They found an amulet and a agile breastplate, which was nice, but neither Ivar nor Crow wanted to wear it [To Be Continued….].
    ooooeeer - cultists and pleasure traps - a classic combination!

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    ooooeeer - cultists and pleasure traps - a classic combination!
    I never thought that I would play RPG again, and then I heard about FG!

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  3. #83
    Session 71:

    Pharast 2nd, 4708, Noon: the group looked around the rift room, Egric on the north side near the door and Katlin in the south. Katlin found a secret door to the south. They finally decided to move into the room to the south. They found this hidden chamber simple but elegant, the walls covered in minimalist reed-mat paintings and tapestries. A high four-poster bed with a canopy rests at the far end, and a bookshelf, claw-foot bathtub, and desk covered in documents round out the furnishings. From the items and documents on the desk they figured out this is to be Tirana’s room.

    They tried to decide if they should rest and lay a trap for the witch or hag that has been haunting their group when they rested, but then Eliera discovered that her Magic Circle against Evil was already dropped due to a heal spell she spontaneously cast earlier. They rested, and Katlin, Egric, Riris and Ivar woke up exhausted in about two hours. They went back to rest, and when they woke up, with Katlin, Egric, Riris and Ivar fatigued. Ivar sloughed off his fatigue, Eliera invigorated the others with her lesser restoration spells.
    They moved north, and Egric careful as always checked for traps before they rested. He now opened the door and found a row of everburning torches along the west wall of this large chamber illuminates a pathetic scene. Two immense stone pillars stretch from floor to ceiling near the center of the room, each wrapped tightly with a taut chain connected to the wrists of a hulking giant in dented half-plate armor. The fire-haired brute hangs limply, almost on his knees, his eyes to the floor. The sound of heavy, belabored breathing fills the room. They were about to close the door, when the giant mumbled something, maybe it was “Help.” Sivath asked did he say “Help?” Shrugging they entered the room.

    Eliera asked him who are you and something in the gentleness of her voice got through to the torchered insane mind of the fire Giant named Gruenar, he sobbed and said Tirana, torture plaything. Egric said “You know Tirana?” Gruenar said, yeah, but you will never reach her because she is guarded by a force field, and Only Upar the Kobold knows how to disable it in the generator pool room. Maybe it was the questions, or Egric’s pungent odor, but Gruenar went into a rage and brought down the columns on top of them. After a short but brutal fight, Gruenar was dead, and they were headed up to the generator pool room on level 1. They tried everything they could figure to deactivate the infernal machine, but nothing worked. They went down stairs and proceeded into the next room to the west.

    There the corridor was lined with alcoves containing statues of different breeds of humanoids, their faces contorted with horror. Many of the statues are missing limbs and other protuberances, and the floor is littered with cracked and shattered bits of stonework, as well as entire statues pulled down from their pedestals or seemingly deposited on the floor without ever having an intentional placement. Egric opened the door, and Crow entered first. Two birds attacked him. The Bralani whirled and stirred up dust, and trued to save the birds, but the party pressed them, and the birds died. One Bralani went unconscious, and Sivath tricked the other by convincing her that the Birds were alive. Sivath used silent image spell, and made the birds run out of the room, and the one standing Bralani ran after it yelling “Stop, stop!!!”
    They went north, where it soon got very hot. This massive, thirty-foot-tall cavern appears completely natural, save for the ornate circular cistern in its center. The stone lip surrounding this pool is several feet high and made entirely from jade carved in intricate and fanciful swirls, and appears to be the head of a well shaft drilled down into the cavern rock. Inside it, glowing lava bubbles and froths sluggishly, casting a blood red light on the stone walls and occasionally spattering over the sides with a hiss.

    Ivar saw an Efrit and ran into the room, he was feeling warm all over. The efreeti attacked Ivar, then a dragon red dragon popped out of the pool and attacked Ivar. The efreeti cast a wall of fire, which separated Ivar from the rest of the group. Riris cast enlarge on Crow, and Crow ran into the dragon’s reach, then the unthinkable happened, the red dragon killed Crow. With the group nicely lined up the Dragon breathed it’s cone of fire. Riris started climbing the wall near her above the wall of fire. Katlin ran into the room earlier, and now she unleashed fury on the dragon, so she thought, but there were too many misses. Eliera moved through the wall of fire, she channeled energy on the group as she prayed and protected the party. Sivath cast her Bolt Lightning spell, this was the beginning of the end for the dragon and the efreeti. Egric threw his last thunderstone, and defended the efreeti, Soon the efreeti was killed, and the dragon was fatigued and dazed. But not before the dragon was killed by Katlin, the dragon took his attacks on Katlin, and then Katlin killed the dragon and it fell in to the molten lava pool. Unfortunatly the Lava splashed the and hit Katlin. Still alive and stabilized, the dragon started to gain consciously as Sivath’s ball lightning spell killed it.

    They took Crow’s body back into Tirana’s secret bedroom, and brought back Crow to the land of the living and healed up. [To be continued….]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  4. #84
    Session 72:
    The party finished resting in Terana’s bedroom; it was the 3rd of Pharast some time past midnight. They ventured back toward where they fought the dragon and Egric scouted around the corner. He saw what is in the room. The floor of this large natural cavern is composed of two rocky shelves separated by a subterranean stream that flows gently from north to south. The passage into this room opens onto the western shelf, which is bare and flat save for three stone outcroppings. These stones are several feet high and so smooth as to be shiny, twisted into strangely organic bulbs and swirls that make them look like solidified liquid. On the eastern side of the shelf, an arch of stone spanning the stream leads up to the second shelf, which rises an extra five feet above the stream. Unlike the rest of the area, this arch has obviously been worked, crafted into a set of beautiful stone stairs. A low hum fills the chamber. He also spotted three piles of soil that he recognized as elementals.

    He went back to the group and told them about them being in the room, and they made a plan. Sivath fire balled the room, but the rocks in the room absorbed the spell. The party charged in the room and started attacking the earth elementals. Eliera and Riris cast in the room, but the stones absorbed them. Egric found a Kobold in the room by the name of Upar. He held a knife to his throat, and the little Upar pissed himself. Upar told Egric that he will do anything, just please don’t hurt him. Egric said tell me how to disable the generator and we will let you live. Upar agreed, and gave Egric a piece of paper with letters and code. Riris went to the generator room and typed in a “OFF” and nothing. She typed in “Shut Off”, and nothing then she looked at the sheet of paper saw “P”, “W”, “E”, “O” and “R” on the sheet circled, and typed the zeroes and ones in the order of the word “POWER”, and everything shut off.

    Riris returned, they buffed where they killed the birds, and they moved in to the elemental room. They saw across a span of water and up a short flight of stairs stretching a long flat ledge, pocked in several places by geysers hissing steam. To the north stands a waist high stone altar, and on the bare stone in front of it a seven-pointed star glows blood red, a lit candle at every point. In the air above each of six candles floats a sword, point down and faintly radiating the same red light. The space above the seventh candle stands noticeably empty. Cords of bright red energy occasionally reach out, tentacle-like, from the glowing lines and stroke the swords languorously before falling back into the seemingly solid stone. Terana was waiting for them.

    Itrana cast a fireball, followed by a disintegrate spell aimed at Crow, and then she said “Some-times these things don’t work”. They fought her pet bats, while Ruhiel made two bats calm. Tirana cast a magic missile at Crow, followed by Baleful Polymorph, “turn into a pig she said” and nothing happened. Offended Terana smiled nicely at crow, then sneered at him and said “some-times it does not happen either”. It was a long battle; Terana withdrew spells from the stone and used them against the group. A random geyser randomly erupted, dousing them in steam adjacent to the geyser. Rvery time they hit her they took damage from Terana’s fire shield spell. They also realized that she was immune to fear and movement effect.

    Eventualy they killed her and the floating blades dropped to the ground. The found her gear and the seven sword of sin. Crow got Asheia, Sword of Lust. Ivar got the Tannaris, Sword of Envy. Of other items found: Bodice of Resistance +3 was chosen by Eliera. Bracers of Armor +6 went to Sivath. Headband of Vast Intellect went to Riris. The Ring of Freedom of Movement went to Katlin, and Ring of Protection +3 went to Ivar. They discussed how long they plan to stay in town, and Egric suggested week, then they must depart into the desert [To Be Continued…..]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  5. #85
    Session 73:
    Pharast 3, 4798: The group delivered the blades they found below Kaer Maga to Wen Histani, the head of the Abadar order in Kaer Maga. She rewarded the Avengers and they assured each other that the knowledge of the blades must stay secret and secure. She offered them hospitality, and Crow a dinner date, which the elf graciously accepted, even though Wen was not his type.

    They sold and shopped for magic items at Phoaton Skota’s shop in Kaer Maga.

    On Pharast 3rd Riris had a conversation with her Mother that did not yield much new information, accept the likely hood that someday she may meet her mother.

    Pharast 4 Egric’s Conversation with Yovan yielded that from Jenderhoff, Mercival Jeggar’s group went on foot between Runtash and Falcon rivers. The roads are dangerous we have been in several fight along the way. Ersta, Egric’s father-in law has passed away. He said that his dead mother will help.

    Pharast 5 Egric’s Conversation with Aranea she has done well by proving herself a compitant as the unofficial administration leader. The elders of old Korvosa decided unanimously to have Aranae as the the new Old Korvosa governor.

    Pharast 6 Egric’s Conversation with Hanma revealed to the group that the queen’s minions were doing quite well, until Hanma’s group paid them a visit. They found a note from their leader and her daughter:
    “I am Shistemal, a Gilded devil imposter masquerading as Opal the leader in charge of Drudgespades gang warehouse, how clever am I. I was assigned by the "One" that in Korvosa to serve serves Asmodeous, the ruler of Nine Hells and promised such services to the Queen Ileosa Arabasti. I hope to be the darkness that serves her loyally. The "Forget Me Not" water that I have developed released in small quantities in the local water supply keeps our operations anonymous.

    The church of Asmodeous has openly come out for the Queen. The church of Abadar has done the same, all but one priest by the name of Ishani Dhatri Cleric of Abadar. The fool has told his leaders that he will defy the queen; the Abadarians have informed the queen's servants that the man is a fool and is not connected with their church. We expect many churches in Korvosa to support the queen soon. We have no reason to believe that the church of Pharasma will break their neutrality; all that church cares about is that the dead are buried. The church of Saranrae is too small to give us trouble.

    The Field Marshal Cressida Kroft and what remains of the Korvosan Guard are becoming less and less necessary because the queen's Gray Mayden's will soon be ready to secure all of Korvosa. In my opinion the Field Marshal has a huge yellow streak on her back, instead of defying the queen like the late Commandant Marcus Thalassinus Endrin of the Sable Company, that one will lick the queen's boots all day and all night.

    There are rumors of a rebel leader in Korvosa. Is there a connection to the party that left Old Korvosa around the 20th of Calistril? When I discovered through the visiting Lofties of a resistance cell in Old Korvosa, I decided yo investigate. If I can eliminate them it will bring my operation notoriety with the Queen Ileosa Arabasti, and if I discover they are the rebel leadership we will come there in force. If I should perish there, Shiblla my daughter in evil pretending to be Ezisha, will return here and continue my work. The queen has sponsored our operation at the Drudgespades warehouse. The "Forget Me Not Water" is of great help in making new recruits for the queen. If the trials go well here, then we may be able to do more to convert into more Gray Maidens and Red Mantis Assassins for our queen.

    By the Grace of Asmodeous, her will be done.
    Later Entry in a different hand: Returned from Old Korvosa the cell in Old Korvosa is just a gang of Thugs, dangerous but inconsequential. I will continue to look for the rebel leader. Ezisha revealed that Thieves Camp and Trails End are emptying out of its mongrel Varisian and Shaonti residents faster than expected. That with the news that Ishani Datries leaving the Church of Abadar the group, an that he may defy the queen.

    They found an Urn Trinia recognized the name Sevika, Ersta’s (Egrics’s father in-law) mother’s ashes?

    Pharast 8 Egric’s conversation with Field Marshal Cressida Kroft: revealed that she is under surveillance and can’t talk.

    They proposed a deal to the Korvosa church of abadar.
    1. The Swords is Sin are to be kept save by the bank of Abadar in perpetuity
    2. The groups banking operations and visits to the banks are to be kept under strictest secrecy (all branched), in Korvosa.
    3. Sanctuary and escape clause.
    Finally after hours the Bank of Abadar agreed to discuss provisions’ for sanctuary and confidentiality to all agents and representatives of Avengers’ for a fee of 10,000 gp guaranteed by the Korvosan Government.
    Crow entertained the ladies in Kaer Maga, and then he noticed a rabbit accompanying Riris [To be continued .]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  6. #86
    Session 74:
    On the morning of Pharast 11, the group traveled through Kaer Maga to the standing market near the gap in the Warrens district. They bought horses and a cart there, and began the journey out into the wilderness of the surrounding desert. They traveled by day at first, the heat at first seemed pleasant, but the horses got tired fast.

    They stopped during the day and rested, and made lunch around the camp fire. They fed the horses and watered them. A creature came out of the sky, Sivath recognized it as a sphinx. It asked if she may join them. They agreed, and the sphinx set next to tiny little bunny, Dusk Briarthorn. The two made eyes at each other, the sphinx was flirting and joking with the bunny. What is your name asked Sivath? Echidna the sphinx, said the sphinx. Then Ivar asked it are we going in the right direction to get to the Skoan-Quah, Kallow Mounds? The sphynx said, I will answer if you guess the answer to my riddle. They agreed, and the sphinx asked: What can elephants make that no other animals can make? Egric answered Baby elephants? Yes said the sphinx, you are going the correct way. Ivar asked is Thousand Bones there? The sphinx asked: What time do the ducks wake up in the morning? Katlin answered, at the quack of dawn. Yes, said the sphinx.

    When the heat died down, they said their good buys, moved on. Ever east the vent, Crow and Ivar kept them moving in the right direction. To the Skoan-Quah, Kallow Mounds they went by night. They saw animal tracks, the desert was alive all around them. It started getting windy, so they decided to get near a large rock and made a wall out of the cart by tipping it over. It kept the majority of the sharp obsidian glass from cutting them to shreds.

    In the morning befire they moved on. Ivar proposed that they try to attract the Hag by slumbering him. Riris said, sure let’s do that. The Katlin said, lets slumbered the Horse. The glyph of warding and the magic circle against evil were cast by Eliera, and the rod was passed to Sivath. They waited for the hag to show up, but nothing happened.

    Very disappointed they were as the sun came up. Crow heard something, he woke them up. They looked around, when suddenly a blue dragon attacked them with his breath weapon. After Ivar fired some arrows and missed, Sivath cast a stinking cloud around it. The dragon became nauseated, and turned and ran away.

    They again traveled until it go to tiresome, made camp, and moved on when the sun went down and the stars showed up. They traveled during the night, and before morning they encountered a blue dragon. The dragon breathed a line of electrical breath, that Eliera and Ivar found very painful. Sivath summoned a Cloaker that was a bit confused, because at first it was confused. After casting stinking cloud, Sivath realized that this is a different dragon. Crow ran at the dragon, a yelled I am going to kill you ugly beast. Then Katlin and Crow became shaken from the dragon presence.

    Sivath’s Cloaker moaned and nothing happened, it should have been paralyzed. The dragon hit people left and right, Katlin was still moving. Crow attacked with the sword of Lust and the ordinary magical blade that was given by Lady Arkona. Ivar came at it from the west. Sivath cast haste and Ivar attacked it, however, they switched tactics without being able to intimidate. Eliera began to pray. Then they converged for the kill. Over and over they hit, before. The dragon died, but not before it hurt Ivar very badly. [To be continued….]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  7. #87
    Session 75:
    It was night on the 13th of Pharast, and the group just finished killing the dragon. Crow was skinning the corpse; it was the biggest dragon skin he ever skinned. After stowing the skin in the hole, very nasty indeed, they moved on.

    As they moved, Crow said Kallow Mounds that way, and they road on. Finally they got in among some natural stone formations, and Katlin said, I think we are moving in the wrong direction. Then Crow looked around and saw some footprints, that Riris was the first to recognize belonging to a rather large dragon. She said so to everyone. Crow tracked the footprints to a large cave opening.

    Egric scouted the opening and reported to the party that he saw two orc guards inside. They went into the dark cave, and Egric snuck up on the first orc and tried to kill him, but that Orc started screaming like a pig. Riris Slumbered the other orc, and Egric killed the first orc, then Coup De Graced the second orc.

    They heard more noise from inside the cave, as they moved inside. Out of the gloom came a mass of orcs organized in a troop of orc soldiers. Ivar moved to the front, and was confronted by a desert giant. Egric moved forward too and was also confronted by a giant too. The desert giant on Ivar knocked the barbarian’s sword out of his hand, and it flew north. A bunch of medium sized orange monsters swarmed on the sword and started adding digestive juices to it.

    Ivar’s nodachi started to dissolve. Ivar fought the giant with his claws. Sivath hasted the group and Eliera blessed the group, all but Egric who was too far ahead on the left flank. Egric was hurt badly and Ivar was enraged as he watched his sword digested, all he could do was take it out on the desert giant. After the sword dissolved, Sivath released her fireballs on the little varmints, and destroyed them almost to the last one. Soon they defeated the troops and Sivath magic missile killed the last living rust monster, and Crow dominated a desert giant that attacked them, and a little while later the group failed to kill the giant, and it was prone until they managed to kill it a few rounds alater.

    Eliera finished healing the group and they started exploring the cave. They spotted lots of bones in the cave, and Crow found a few gold coins. They followed the coins, and found more and more gold. A huge pile of gold, with a glass tube with a greatsword inside a glass case. As Ivar approached Crow and neared the blade, the greatsword turned into a very large nodachi inside the case. After Egric looked at the case and said “It has no traps you may open”, Ivar went away from the gold and busted the case, and took out his new Nodachiand held the nodachi lovingly. Riris spellcrafted the nodachi and found out that it is: +3 furyborne keen silver nodachi. They quickly counted all the gold and loaded it into the portable hole. Short while later they were on the road again toward the Kallow Mounds. .

    As you approach the Kallow Mounds, these cairns grow more and more frequent. About a half a mile out, the camp, they are intercepted by a group of four Skoan-Quah boneslayers-warriors who patrol Shoanti burial mounds and are trained from an early age to be particularly effective against the undead. This Ivar tells the group later. The four boneslayers are somewhat surprised to see tshamek, but greet them nonetheless. Their demands for what the PCs are doing approaching their campsite aren't completely rude and hostile, and as long as the PCs state their desires plainly, the boneslayers agree to lead them into their camp. Ivar mentions all this to the group later.
    They arrived in the village [To be continued…]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  8. #88
    Session 76:

    It was noon on the 13th of Pharast, and the group road into the Shoanti settlement of Kallow Mounds under an escort of many Shoanti, and accompanied by Skoan-Quah Boneslayers. Many Skoan-Quah surrounded them.

    Skoan-Quah are pushing and pulling, a young brave is asking what are tshamek doing here? Ivar realizes that Skoan-Quah are referring to them as “Strangers”. He quickly says we are looking for Thousand Bones.

    The chieftain of the Kallow Mounds, and of all the Skoan-Quah, is a quiet and gaunt man named One-Life introduces himself and introduces an elderly woman known as Ash Dancer, she goes to get Thousand Bones.

    Although the initial contact with the Skoan-Quah could be tense, these tensions fall away once Thousand Bones arrives on the scene. His ready smile and welcoming calls do much to set the other Shoanti at ease, and their initial hostility gives way to curiosity-many of the Skoan-Quah have never seen an honest-to-goodness tshamek before.

    Crow ask Thousand Bones about the Queen Ileosa, but Thousand Bones waves aside any talk of Queen Ileosa or Kazavon for now, telling the PCs that he has similar worries of his own but that such a discussion should be held at the proper location and time-in this case, Thousand Bones suggests, during the evening's Bone Council fire.

    Until evening, Thousand Bones arranges for a guest yurt for the group to rest in. He has plenty of food and water delivered to the tent.

    Then they hear commotion outside your yurt. As they step outside the yurt they see a dozen or so barbarians leading a travois with a bundle on it. Thousand Bones arrives and tells them: that is a Sklar-Quah named Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills. Krojun, along with an honor guard of a half-dozen Burn Riders. He has arrived at the Kallow Mounds for the same reason every other Shoanti visits-someone important has died. In this case, they bring the body of Berak, a Sklar- Quah hero known for leading many successful attacks against orc aggressors from Urglin.

    He warns that Krojun is a hero to the Sklar-Quah, and that blood spilt here would undermine the already shaky situation between the tribes.

    When Krojun does arrive, he spends a few moments sizing up the PCs with a sneer before turning to address Chief One-Life:
    "Why do the Skoan-Quah harbor tshamek trespassers?"
    As Chief One-Life struggles to find an explanation that won't further enrage the towering visitor, Thousand Bones nods at the giant's words as though considering them carefully, but then responds sharply, "Tell me, Krojun, when did the Sklar-Quah become judges of who trespasses on the Kallow Mounds where the ashes of our fathers lie?"

    "Your words change the question, Thousand Bones," answers the Shoanti hero with a snort. "These ones bring trouble to the Cinderlands, and you know it. The coming days shall reveal to us all who is right about them."

    "Perhaps," answers Thousand Bones. "But not today, and not here. Would you have word of Berak's burial tainted by bloodshed get back to your Sun Shaman?"
    Krojun pauses, the cords in his neck straining, but then he exhales and grins.

    "You misunderstand me, Thousand Bones. My grief has wounded my words. But see to it that no tshamek defiles our memories here."

    His smile broadens as he pulls a thin leather loop from one of his packs.

    "Certainly, though, guests of the Skoan-Quah must be brave to come this far. You wouldn't mind if I tested the courage and strength of your guests, would you?"
    Riris realizes that the strap is for a Soanti game named "sredna.".

    In sredna, two opponents face one another on their hands and knees with their foreheads spaced just over a foot apart.
    The contest requires a thin cord of leather tied in a loop. One end of the loop is placed behind the ears of each competitor so that the players are bound to one another. When the game begins, each player stares his opponent in the eye while slowly attempting to crawl backwards.

    The resulting tug-of-war results in extreme pain as the leather digs into the soft part of the back of the neck and skull. At some point, one of the competitors relents, acknowledging defeat by bowing his head, causing the strap to roll over the top. Sredna games typically only last for seconds, but two evenly matched opponents might duel much longer. In such cases, standoffs and ties are frequent.

    When a sredna match begins, each player must spend three "breaths" (3 rounds) staring into each other's eyes before attempting to pull. Pulling before the 4th round is an immediate disqualification. Intimidation and patience are almost as important tools to win sredna matches as is strength. During these initial 3 rounds, the players make opposed Intimidate checks by growling, gnashing teeth, and spitting insults. Each time a player wins one of these checks, he gains three sredna points, and in the case of a tied Intimidate check, both players gain two sredna point.
    On the 4th round, each character makes an Initiative check to determine when he moves. On his turn, a character may opt to tug or dig in.

    Tug: The characters make opposed Strength checks. A defending character who dug in on his previous turn receives a +4 bonus on this check. If the tugging character wins the check, he gains two sredna points. If he fails (or if the results are evenly matched), his opponent gains two sredna points instead.

    Dig In: The character readies himself to withstand his opponent's tug, he gains a +4 bonus on his next Strength check to resist a tug.

    Ivar and Krojun face off and glare at each other. Krajun seems to take the lead, then Krajun begins to Tug and Ivar digs in. They went that way for more than minute, no Soanti remembered anyone being able to play that long. Then Krojun won, just by a hair. Krojun good-naturedly claps Ivar on the shoulder and proclaims, "Almost as good as an aurochs calf. Nothing to be too ashamed about”.

    Krojun and the other Shoanti went away, Thousand Bones lets the Skoan-Quah guest know that the Council of Fire will be tonight. Ivar tells Thousand Bones that he felt odd during the match, and Thousand Bones looks him over. His eye fall on Ivar’s sword. He says to Ivar, is that your sword Ivar son of Takoda? Yes, says Ivar. That is a Shoanti Totem Blade of the “Tiger”, I think you fighting with the spirit of the blade Ivar, when you not run from Totem you and Totem will be one.

    They go into the yurt, and Eliera casts ectoplasmic Glyph of Warding, and Magic Circle against Evil. Then they go to sleep. On Sivath’s watch the ward got sprung. The Hag retreated and moved to the prime material plane, and Sivath cast Glitterdust. The Hag and her nightmare became blind. Katlin closed distance and hit the blind hag. The Nightmare breathed smoke; it did not seem to do much good. Eliera then cast prayer, and the Bunny tried to use a scroll of haste.

    Then Ivar joined the fight, and started damaging the hag. Sivath cast grease and the Hag and mount fell prone. Then Egric and Crow hit the poor, prone defenseless Hag. Riris cast force sword, and went into melee. The bunny through holy water at the mount and ride, and Sivath cast Magic Missile, and finished her off with her Quickened Ball Lightning spell.

    The Nightmare moved into the ethereal plane, and healed itself in the process. Those with ability to hit ethereal creatures continued to attack it, until it got up and ran away [To Be Continnued….].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  9. #89
    Session 77 (Part one):

    After defeating the Hag, the group rests until the evening on the 13th, they wake up when Thousand Bones arrives and lets them know that is time for the Bone Council Fire. The majority of the camp retires to go to sleep, but Chief One-Life, and Ash Dancer join them for the council, as well as four Bonecallers.

    Thousand Bones Says: "You have already done my people a great favor by returning the body of one of our warriors. I sense now you come to me to ask a favor in return, yet know that by doing this favor, you are helping us all. The Skoan-Quah are a peaceful people, yet we are also all but shunned by our kin. Our willingness to mix with tshamek shames many of my brothers and sisters in the other quahs. Only their respect for our tradition of guarding and protecting the dead of all Shoanti keep them from open hostility against us. My words do not reach their ears when I advise against war on Korvosa. They hear tales of the city in flames, of its king dead, of disease ravaging its people, and they see this as the time foretold. A time when the Shoanti can ride down from these burning lands and reclaim greener lands to the south, lands that were once ours. Yet war is not good for us. My brothers do not see that, even crippled, Korvosa remains a powerful enemy. It is best to make your enemies your friends, do you not think? Yet my brothers do not listen to these words. They see weakness, they demand action. "Yet you could not know of the coming war. You come to me with a different favor. Speak of what you wish of me, and perhaps we may find our needs are the same."

    Tell us about the Shoanti who dwelt by the river before Korvosa was founded.
    "This was many generations ago, yet it is a wound that has never healed. My brothers among the Skoan-Quah have forgiven, but our numbers are small. We were once a part of the Sklar-Quah, yet our readiness to forgive marked us traitors and we were exiled from that clan. In the generations that passed we grew more at peace with our role here-there is beauty in the Cinderlands, if you know where to look. We have abandoned our memories of lives below the rise in a way the Sklar-Quah have not. Those memories poison them. They do not see that this land is theirs. They only see lands that their ancestors called home. If you seek more wisdom of those times, you must seek out the keepers of words among the Sklar-Quah. You must seek the words of a Sun Shaman."

    What can you tell us of Midnight's Teeth? Thousand Bones' brow furrows at this question and he appears to be deep in thought for a moment before answering.
    "The name is not unfamiliar, yet I know little more than that I have heard it mentioned but twice by Sun Shamans of the Sklar-Quah. Always in reference to the past, and to what you now call Korvosa."

    Can we simply walk into a Sklar-Quah camp and ask them for aid?
    "Sadly, no. You are tshamek. Outlanders. Rightful or not, the Sklar-Quah will see you as the children of those who murdered their ancestors and drove them from the green lands. The Sun Clan does not like outsiders at the best of times. And less so now that war against Korvosa is on every brave's lips."

    Tell us more of this talk of war on Korvosa.
    "It pains my heart. Many will die, Shoanti and tshamek alike, if such a tragedy comes to pass. The Sklar-Quah talk of a great Burn Run from the Storval Rise all the way to the heart of tshamek lands, to Korvosa. The Sklar-Quah's mood is very dark. This is hard for the Skoan-Quah. We have made paper with Korvosa, agreeing that we will not make war. Yet after the Sklar-Quah raid, the tshamek will come north, led by your new queen. They will kill many Shoanti brothers and sisters, including Skoan-Quah. The winter will be harsh and many giants will be coming south to take advantage of the loss of braves.

    Can you talk to the Sklar-Quah for us? You're not tshamek.
    "Alas, this will not work. They would ask us why we want to know of such things. We would have to tell them. They will not give us secrets to tell tshamek."

    Is there any way the Sun Clan will stop treating us as tshamek?
    "You must understand. The Sklar-Quah are very certain of these things. They may come to respect lone tshamek after many days of seeing them act honorably, but what you ask is for the Sun Shaman to lay bare his quah's heart. The deepest memories of his clan. These memories are not for tshamek. Not since Skurak the Reborn have the members of the Sklar-Quah unbanished a man and welcomed him into their quah.

    Skurak? How did he manage it? Thousand Bones smiles enigmatically for a brief instant before going on.
    "The legend of Skurak is of a great warrior and greater traitor to the Sklar-Quah. He slew his brother, a brave of even greater courage. To the Sklar-Quah, family is purity-crimes against the family are the greatest a man can commit. Although Skurak claimed the death was an accident as he and his brother were hunting, others spoke of murder spawned of jealous rage. Skurak was declared a tshamek by the Sun Shaman and cast out. But before Skurak left he said he would be born again and return to his tribe. This he did. He went to the killing grounds of the great Cindermaw the Clan-Eater. Skurak walked up to the beast carrying only his dagger. Without fear he dove inside the beast and cut his way out. He returned to the clan and declared he had been reborn, and had left his misdeeds behind in the cleansing fire of Cindermaw's belly. The legend says the Sun Shaman accepted this and Skurak's time as a tshamek was spoken of no more."

    What is Cindermaw?
    "A legend, yet one of flesh and blood. Cindermaw dwells on the northernmost edge of Shoanti lands, in the place where Shoanti and orc and giant vie for life and water. His hunting grounds are known as the Feeding Grounds of the Quah-Kael, the land of the Clan Eater. The orcs of Urglin avoid this region; the giants of the north hunt only on its edges. Within, few have returned to tell tales, but those who do speak of a mountain that crawls and of fire that roars."

    So this is a way for us to earn the Sklar-Quah's favor? To be eaten by and then escape from Cindermaw?
    "Perhaps. Yet this route is more complex than you suspect. The Sklar-Quah would never believe the words of tshamek on such a matter, nor would they risk travel to the Feeding Grounds just to see foolish outlanders attempt to recreate legends. I could come with you, if my bones were not so tired, yet I am Skoan-Quah. My words would hold little light with the Sun Shaman, I fear." Here Thousand Bones grows silent for a moment, and Ash Dancer speaks for the first time. "They could bring a Truthspeaker, Thousand Bones."

    What is a Truthspeaker?
    "There are those among our people who, after living lives without lie and never speaking falsehood, have earned the title of Truthspeaker. It is a rare honor, one that requires many years of chastity, of self-control, of introspection. There are Truthspeakers among the Sklar-Quah, yet that does not help you. Were that the Skoan-Quah had one. Yet The Skoan-Quah and the Sklar-Quah are not the only Shoanti in the Cinderlands. I have heard tell that the Lyrune-Quah, who dwell in the shadow of the Wyvern Mountains far to the northwest, have Truthspeakers among them. If you could perform the ritual of rebirth at the Feeding Grounds of the Quah-Kael in the presence of a Truthspeaker, his words would be all the proof you need to secure an audience with the Sklar-Quah."

    Where do we even find the Moon clan?
    "The Lyrune- Quah are nomads. This time of year, they gather at a place sacred to them, a place called the House of the Moon at the northeasternmost edge of the Wyvern Mountains. Yet I fear that they will distrust you as tshamek as well, unless you bring to them proof of your honesty and need."

    What can we bring them to secure their aid?
    "The Lyrune-Quah are unusual among the Shoanti. They do not seek enlightenment through our ancestors, but from the Song of the Spheres. They are devotees of Desna, and they trust those who worship her. Yet that trust is, alone, not enough to earn the aid of a Truthspeaker to be witness to your heroics against Cindermaw. The faithful of Desna have a tradition of exploring distant and dangerous places as a way to honor their deity, who watches over all who travel. When they reach the goal of their pilgrimage, a priest leaves a found-mark to honor his journey. One of the Lyrune-Quah's greatest ancestors was a priest of Desna named Tanjah-their legends speak of her pilgrimage into an ancient ruin and her discovery of a potent relic sacred to Desna, a stone globe held deep within a place called the Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers. Those who follow Tanjah's footsteps and seek her found-mark upon this globe are said to be given the Spherewalker's Mark, and with this mark, the Lyrune-Quah would welcome into their camp even their most bitter rivals."

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  10. #90
    Session 77 (Part Two):

    What is the Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers? Where is it?
    "It is a ruin left over from an ancient time, a time when great powers ruled over this land. We speak of these ancient lords only in whispers today, but you may know their mark by the Sihedron, the seven-pointed star. I know not what perils await you within the Acropolis, but its location is not unknown to the Skoan-Quah. When you are ready to leave, I shall send with you four boneslayers to lead you there."

    How can we repay you for your help?
    "By convincing the Sklar-Quah you are friends, that you represent Korvosa, and that war is not in anyone's best interest. This will save both our peoples needless pain and grief. If you can earn their trust and respect enough to learn from them the secret of what their ancestors watched over before the outlanders drove them away, they will listen to your words and see the wisdom there. This is all I ask, and it benefits you as well."

    Once the group have asked their questions and are sure of their goals, Thousand Bones tells them that he will not send them into the Cinderlands on their quest alone or unarmed. He calls forth four brave young Skoan-Quah boneslayers, introducing them as Ahalak, Hargev, Nalmid, and Shadfrar. These four are the PCs' guides through the Cinderlands, and lead them where they need to go. Further, he presents some gifts. Thousand Bones smiles and says, "I had suspected for some time you would need my help. These gifts are nothing to me, but they may be everything to you." Then he leaves the tent.

    The Bonecallers bring horses to the group, and without delay they ride off north-east. They travel all night, stopping after the sun comes up in the sky in the morning of Pharast the 14th.

    The boneslayers accompanying you stop and mutter and whisper at this discovery.
    One of the Skoan-Quah says the head belonged to a Sklar-Quah, but was placed here by a "tshamek devil"
    Another says: The Shoanti call this "tshamek devil" the Cinderlander. The brave goes on to explain that, for the past several years, this mysterious figure has stalked the Cinderlands. He never attacks large groups-targeting only lone braves with a strange "sideways screaming bow."
    We believe he is the unquiet ghost of a Korvosan general who stalks these lands and will continue to slay Shoanti until his victims equal those the Shoanti took from him. Two crossbow bolts in the eyes have become the Cinderlander's calling card, but the aged condition of the head implies that the mysterious killer is long gone from the region. In any event, one of the bonecallers scrambles up to retrieve the decapitated head.
    Without knowing the Shoanti's identity, his ashes cannot be interred in the Kallow Mounds, so instead, that evening, the boneslayers hold a short service of their own, burning the head, scattering the ashes, and burying the skull under a cairn of rocks.

    After the funeral, the group moves on.

    During the day break Riris and Egric explain that Egric just found out that his suspicions of having claim to the throne of Korvosa has been confirmed by Mercival Jeggare. Egric contacted Mercival Jeggare who is currently rebuilding the Sable Company at a secret location near the City of Magnimar, the nobleman has endorsed Egric’s claim to the Korvosan Crown. Being a planner Egric wastes no time in proposing a new form of Government in Korvosa after the war with the Queen Eleosa’s forces. However, Jeggare informs Egric about the system of government before Queen Ileosa seized power, and advise him to become elected first then amend the laws, slowly and gently. Korvosa is a fickle master, Jeggare reminds Egric to remember his grandfather fate. Look at the current queen, she is the ultimate arbiter of affairs in the city-state of Korvosa, is she not? She is running Korvosa into the ground. You will need the support of the army, navy and air force, as well as the churches of Korvosa, especially that of Abadar. With that he outlines the checks and balances system, and promises to give more detailed information later on.

    Ivar asks dies Egric realy have claim to the Korvosan throne? Riris then explains that Hanma recently found Ersta’s Mother’s Memory Crystals in Korvosa, she was known as Sevika. This is their content:

    Memory Crystal 1
    Sevika: Your majesty, you need to leave now they will be here soon.
    King: Sevika, the Portheria dynasty dies with my passing, I have heard that the Arabasti’s sent assassins to destroy this inept king. I should have never attacked Ker Maga, now it is too late.
    Sevika: Let me save your new born sons, your majesty!
    King: I did not announce that two sons were born to Eliza, take Vigo save him, Delnar will die with his mother. I doubt that the Arabasti scum will spare my families lives. Here are my wedding bands make sure these make it to my son, these will protect him and his wife, they must never take them off.
    Sevika: Picks up the child and takes the wedding bands and departs the castle, through the darkness. A ways behind her scrams are heard as the King Chadris Portheria the III and his family are killed.

    Memory Crystal 2
    Sevika: Watches as Vore and Octa, it is hard to believe that no one recognizes him now. She remembers that Vigo was raised by a childless couple she found, and now she was watching his wedding, he was known as Vore ever since he came to live with the couple. It was easy to do, she placed the child in basket and put him under their door and knocked. She had known that they were childless, when the couple saw the babe they took him in and made him theirs. They were of good stock, and raised him as a good Korvosan should be raised. When the couple was about to be married, she sent them wedding bands as a gift from a rich uncle, they took it as a good omen, and during the wedding ceremony exchanged rings. A note from the uncle said: Never take them off.
    Vore and Octa had two children Marlessa and Egric. Sevika kept an eye on the family. One day Sevika was delayed on other business. Later on she was able to piece it together: Vore got it in his head to catch some fish, he did not wish to drop his ring in the water so he left it at home. That night they brought Vore home dead. He fell in the water and drown. To make things worse Egric disappeared.
    His mother Octa was beside herself, she gave the rings to Marlessa with the following instructions, if Egric returns these are his and his wives. Remember make sure he knows never to take them off. Octa soon lost her mind. Marlessa became involved with the Sczarni, to support her ailing mother.
    Memory Crystal 3
    Sevika: Ersta see that boy?
    Ersta: That scrawny Lamm?
    Sevika: Yes that one, offer to buy him from Geodron Lamm, that boy is wasted on the likes of Lamm.
    Later on
    Geodron: What do you wish of me Ersta? I wish to buy that boy off you, I need a new kitchen help. Very well that is 10 pp.
    Ersta: Boy what is your name?
    Egric: Egric, what is it to you?
    Ersta: I am your new boss, boy to the kitchens with you. Ersta smiled, he liked the boy.

    Memory Crystal 4
    Sevika: I will pass away soon Ersta, I need you to promise me something?
    Ersta: Anything mother.
    Sevika: she whispers quietly, make sure Egric knows about me, he will make a good king.
    Ersta: Sure, King, King of what kingdom?
    Sevika: Take these Crystal and place them in my urn when I die, only those friendly to Egric will be able to read these.

    They rest the day, and in the evening they continue traveling north-east. After midnight on the 15th of Pharast they travel on, until they see a camp dire ahead. Crow sees a Shoanti woman drinking tea around a camp fire. The woman invites them to rest near her fire. They break out their rations and Crow breaks out some of his booze. They share pleasant conversation with Mana, she tells them that she is traveling south to meet Thousand Bones she has heard allot about him, and wishes to learn from him. She tells them the dangers of desert storms in this parts.

    In the evening on the 15th of Pharast, the woman Mana, packs up and starts walking south. In fron of their eyes she changes into a Brass Drago, and says “Have a safe journey!” The shoanti gasp, and Crow thinks to himself, “I should have hit on her!”

    They packed up camp, and once the worst of the head departed they moved North East. As the group approaches the acropolis, the sky on the horizon begins to darken alarmingly.

    A powerful duststorms filled with blasts of burning ash and cinders, these devastating storms are feared by the Shoanti for their swift speed and terrible fury- known as Black Blizzards to most tribes, the advent of an emberstorm could be taken as a bad omen, as the boneslayer companions are quick to point out. They see an outline of an ancient door.

    Above ground, all that remains today is a partially collapsed tower bearing the mark of the seven-pointed star-the Sihedron Rune. Just to the side of the mark, a pair of 20-foot-wide stone doors stand ajar, leading down to a dusty flight of stairs descending down in to the acropolis depts. Walls are composed of black granite flecked with bloodred deposits of rock crystal. Intricate rune patterns of Thassilonian writing and seven-pointed Sihedron may be seen. Egric scouts ahead invisible, he sees a room with black water ahead, and doors to the North and South. He sees another Sihedron Rune on the wall near the door, he tries to open the door, and after exhausting all options he touched the rune and the door opens. Crow and he goes in, the rest stay outside. After a minute the door close. Egric puts his hand on a similar rune on the other side of the door, and says to everyone come in the north passage [To Be Continued…].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

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