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  1. #1

    LFP - The Talisman 5e Tuesday 7 PM -6 (Central Time)

    FG License: Ultimate
    Game System: DnD 5e

    Time Zone: Central USA(-6)
    Day of week and time: Tuesday’s 7 PM (1900 hrs Central Time)
    Start date: March 6
    Duration & Frequency: 3 hours (+/- 30 min.), most weeks
    Term: Open Ended

    Text or Voice: Voice
    Voice software used: Discord

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 60/40 ish. More Role Play than Combat but I have to admit, I love a good fight.
    Number of Players in game & needed: 4-6
    Character starting level & equipment: 1st, standard, quick advancement
    Character restrictions: Standard PHB class and races, other wizard’s publish considered (check first). No dragonkind PCs. No evils (we're the good guys/gals)

    Details: The Talisman

    Tag: Don’t fashion me into a child that needs saving from a dragon. I am the dragon, and I will eat you.

    Hook: The Lost Valley is a safe haven for the last remaining good people of Laerakond – a continent of ancient dragon empires and mysterious kingdoms. The power that has protected The Valley is fading and in order to restore it, a small group of youth are selected to leave their homes and family to find... The Talisman.

    Game Setting: Set in a forgotten part of the Forgotten Realms – a take on Returned Abeir (Laerakond). Think Forgotten Realms meets Game of Thrones.

    Selection: Apply by posting interest and character concept here:
    https://discord.gg/c29ZeJN (Descent Discord Channel) Be sure to include your forum name so I know how to send invites to the game when accepted. Selection based on team fit and concept.

    Gamecalendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2982

    About Me: I've been gaming since the beginning - DMing since the 80's. New to FGs app. so please be patient with me in the beginning in the tech department. I've won a few rewards for GMing (some in the VTT format and the Pbp) over the years. I'm looking for fun folks to RP with and you should like storying telling as much as anything else.

    Feel free to ask any questions you might have 'here'.

    - Savoy
    Last edited by savoylen; March 7th, 2018 at 04:35.

  2. #2
    I’m a olde skool player from the AD&D ages and have been around FG for a while. Schedule depending I may very well be interested! Please keep me in mind!
    D&D 5e, West Coast, USA

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by nannywanny View Post
    I’m a olde skool player from the AD&D ages and have been around FG for a while. Schedule depending I may very well be interested! Please keep me in mind!
    Nice to meet you... will do!

  4. #4
    I would be interested in at least talking to you. I am new to FG and coming back to D&D after many MANY years away. I played when I was teenage years and am now 38. But, during the last couple weeks, I have been reading PHB and working on character sheets. So, I am getting back the old thoughts and remembering and learning all the newer stuff. I still have a few things that I am not sure of, but thankfully have been getting some help from people in the FGC discord, a great resource for newer and returning players.

    I tend to want to play stealthy characters in RPGs that use bows and like to stay far away and kill that way. Also, have tended to play with character sheets on rogues, and like that thieving, shady type of character as well. However, when I played Everquest, I tended to go toward the paladin. And I have mained a tank in Star Wars the Old Republic MMORPG since it launched in 2011.

    Feel free to ask me any questions, but I would very much be interested in talking to you about this. And if you want to count me in, I would be willing to commit to your group.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by JBagky View Post

    Feel free to ask me any questions, but I would very much be interested in talking to you about this. And if you want to count me in, I would be willing to commit to your group.

    Awesome... and welcome back to DnD. I'm glad you found the FGC. Great group!! I like have new players at the table... the best way to learn this game is to play There is plenty of room in the setting to play most kinds of characters so as long as you can see them being "one of the good guys (or gals)" then it will work. They could even have a dark past but for whatever the reasons are now... they are definitely playing for the Light Side of the Force today.

    I'm planning on being on my Discord channel next Tuesday for at least an hour around "game time" listed above (7 Central Time USA) for anyone that has questions about the game or to help set up characters. (I'll have my books open for use then too). That would be a GREAT time to chat if you are still interested.

    So if this all still sounds good to you, please hop on the Discord server (https://discord.gg/c29ZeJN) to everyone know you're in, and drop us a few lines of a character concept. You'll see a couple of others already there - but if you need help with that part, just let me know.

    I hope that helps... I look forward to meeting you!

    - Savoy
    Last edited by savoylen; February 18th, 2018 at 02:30.

  6. #6
    I've been good questions on the game server (discord) but please feel free to ask question here as well if you think you might be interested in this type of game.
    I'll be doing QnA this Tuesday (7 Central) and helping with character creation as we get ready to launch.
    I think there is room for 1, maybe 2 more team members.
    - Savy

  7. #7
    I'm interested! Been playing since the old blue box edition, some experience with FG, but not much. I have a license and the 5E FG bundle. Fairly experienced with 5E. I'm in Kentucky, so one hour ahead of you. 8pm is perfect start time for me.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Vardeman View Post
    I'm interested! Been playing since the old blue box edition, some experience with FG, but not much. I have a license and the 5E FG bundle. Fairly experienced with 5E. I'm in Kentucky, so one hour ahead of you. 8pm is perfect start time for me.
    Nice to meet you - I see you've jumped on Discord so let us know what you're thinking character wise there and we'll get this party started!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by savoylen View Post
    Nice to meet you - I see you've jumped on Discord so let us know what you're thinking character wise there and we'll get this party started!
    Posted in discord, human cleric of life or light.

  10. #10
    OK... I've sent invites through the game calendar system: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2982 (also posted in the announcement above).

    Game is closed at this time but if you are interested in an alternate seat when they open (as they usually do in the beginning), please let me know.

    Thanks for all the questions and encouragement!

    - Savoy

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