Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #21
    I thought (assumed?) that what I had originally said was perfectly clear - but obviously it wasn't, so let me elaborate and be more explicit.

    The DOEs will continue to work and will continue to be supported by me for all of the "standard" CoreRPG-child Rulesets available via the FG Updater utility. At this point in time (Feb-2018) this list of Rulesets consists of: CoreRPG, 3.5E, 4E, 5E, 13A (13th Age, ETA=Soon(TM)), CoC, CoC7, CnC, d20 Modern, Fate Core, Numenera, PFRPG and SW.

    As SmiteWorks adds new Rulesets to the FG Updater / "standard list" then the expectation is that these new Rulesets will also be supported by me as far as the DOEs are concerned. This does depend upon a number of factors, including but not limited to me being provided a copy of the new Ruleset for testing purposes.

    For any other Rulesets that the DOEs are currently supported for (in whole or in part) that support is being depreciated in preference to those Rulesets becoming child Rulesets of this new DORCore Ruleset. This should be a relatively minor change and code-clean-up for those effected Rulesets - provided, of course, that the Ruleset Dev would like his Ruleset Users to continue to have access to the functionality provided originally by the DOEs and now by the DORCore.

    New Community Rulesets will also benefit from the functionality provided by the DOEs/DORCore by being developed as child-Rulesets of the DORCore.

    I am happy to provide help to me fellow Community Devs to make their Ruleset a child-Ruleset of the DORCore, upon request - note that this is "provide help" not "do the work for them". To this end I am currently writing some API documentation to go along with the DORCore to make this as easy as possible, plus I am (almost) always available to answer questions, etc.

    As new functionality is added to the existing DOEs and as new DOEs are developed the functionality they provide will be added to the DORCore at the same time, so that, for example, playing a game with the CoreRPG & DOEs will be exactly the same as playing a game with the DORCore - except, of course, that the DORCore also includes the Universal Die Roller (UDR) and a few extra Chat Box Slash Commands, etc, that the CoreRPG & DOEs do not have. Thus, it makes sense for new Rulesets to be developed as child-Rulesets of the DORCore - which was one of the design goals in the first place.

    I am not taking anything away from anyone - everyone will still have access to whatever functionality they have right now and in some (most?) cases will actually end up having more functionality. What I am doing is shifting some of the workload from a single Dev and "spreading the work around" to a group of Devs and doing it in a way that will actually make it easier (I believe) for Community Devs to provide a Ruleset with a whole bunch of functionality right off the bat.

    Everything I have ever done for this Community and everything I ever do has but one over-riding aim - to improve the RPG experience of those choosing to use FG and the REMs (Rulesets, Extensions & Modules) and other artifacts I produce. In fact there have been a few ideas and artifacts that I have submitted to SW which have been turned down and rejected (or put on hold), including a REM Updater that would allow Community Developed REMs to be pushed/pulled from a distributed virtual-repository in a way similar to the FG Updater - but even with these rejections and the time and effort "wasted" on them I have still been working for this Community. At no time have I ever (I believe) done anything to take away something I have provided to this Community (apart from perhaps taking a step backwards so as to ultimately provide a better way forward) - and I am actually quite hurt to think that there are those in this Community who would think that I would actually do such as thing, especially based upon my existing "track record".

    I'll get off my soapbox now. </rant>

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  2. #22
    Please note the new version in Post #1, fixing Issues #5 & #13.

    Last edited by dulux-oz; February 4th, 2018 at 05:03.

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  3. #23
    Okay, that make a lot more sense. I shouldn't check these boards when I'm sleep-deprived...

    As long as people using the SW rulesets will have full support for you extensions going forward... actually even that is more work than I'd expect you to do. I'm surprised you ever had time to support all those AND support community rulesets as well. (I'm guessing I'm not the only one sleep deprived.)

    Good solution to what I imagine is you getting overburdened with volunteer work.
    I never claimed to be sane. Besides, it's more fun this way.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Nickademus View Post
    Good solution to what I imagine is you getting overburdened with volunteer work.
    Thank you

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  5. #25
    Myrdin Potter's Avatar
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    Let's see if I understand this right.

    If I use the main rulesets released by smiteworks, keep right on using the current extension series.

    If I use the DCC or the AD&D Core rulesets, which are based on the 5e ruleset, if a DOE extension breaks using them, then the solution is for the community developer to make them a child of your new ruleset (which I don't fully understand what that means as I don't write rulesets). If the extension works, then great but if it does not, you explicitly are not supporting it except for this new path if it does not work. Or are you going to check to see if the ruleset is on the list and make the extensions not work at all if they are not?

    Not supporting every community ruleset under the sun makes perfect sense to me as it has to be a ton of work for you.
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  6. #26
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    At the moment you might have the DCC ruleset which includes code like this:
    <importruleset source="CoreRPG" />

    So it first loads up CoreRPG and then it loads up DCC which overwrites some CoreRPG code and then adds a stack of new code.

    Instead of supporting DOE on top of DCC it will be supported under DCC... eg CoreRPG would load then DORCore would load and then DCC would load. Each one adding additional functionality.

    This way the Man in Black would keep the DOEs working in DORCore and you would build on top of that.

    I havent done any testing yet but most of what DORCore adds (Im about to be corrected) is:

    The DOEs
    The Universal Dice Roller
    Some Right Hand Token Styles.

    So it shouldnt break too many things...

    The developer would change the code above to:

    <importruleset source="DORCore" />

  7. #27
    Myrdin Potter's Avatar
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    DCC is layered on 5e. AD&D core is a rewritten version of 5e.
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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin Potter View Post
    DCC is layered on 5e. AD&D core is a rewritten version of 5e.
    No and Yes.
    They are both re-written from other rulesets and both are layered directly on CoreRPG.

    This is from DCC -
    <importruleset source="CoreRPG" />

  9. #29
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    pathfinder is triple layered - CoreRPG, 3.5e, PFRPG
    vodokars AD&D is triple layered - CoreRPG, CastlesAndCrusades, AD&D
    everything else that Im aware of is a single or double layered right now...

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    At the moment you might have the DCC ruleset which includes code like this:
    <importruleset source="CoreRPG" />

    So it first loads up CoreRPG and then it loads up DCC which overwrites some CoreRPG code and then adds a stack of new code.

    Instead of supporting DOE on top of DCC it will be supported under DCC... eg CoreRPG would load then DORCore would load and then DCC would load. Each one adding additional functionality.

    This way the Man in Black would keep the DOEs working in DORCore and you would build on top of that.

    I havent done any testing yet but most of what DORCore adds (Im about to be corrected) is:

    The DOEs
    The Universal Dice Roller
    Some Right Hand Token Styles.

    So it shouldnt break too many things...

    The developer would change the code above to:

    <importruleset source="DORCore" />
    Yeah, that's right
    Last edited by damned; February 5th, 2018 at 23:22.

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