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  1. #1

    John Carter of Mars 2d20

    So, due to the oodles of free time I have... (That was sarcasm)

    I started reskinning the MoreCore ruleset for JCM. I intend on running the quickstart online in the near future.

    I had intended on just using Roll20.......and started reskinning FG.

    No screen shots yet, but I will hopefully have something soon.

    Basic Desktop Graphic - complete
    Basic Decal - complete
    Sidebar buttons - complete

    Basic chat box graphic, frame not set up properly

  2. #2
    Myrdin Potter's Avatar
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    I am backing the Kickstarter. Wondering about the real savings here as the Conan books and PDF are lower priced once they went into retail. Shipping costs are quite high.
    Ultimate License. Running Hyperborea and CoC. Asks lots of questions. Mgpotter.com. PureVPN is a tested solution to run games when traveling. https://billing.purevpn.com/aff.php?aff=33044

  3. #3
    You can generally always get things cheaper if you wait longer.

    I am unsure what the pledges were for on Conan, so no clue if I saved anything. I did get a lot of stuff for my money and I also got to see early versions of the rules. I was certainly player a campaign long before anyone who didn't have a pledge. I certainly got to see and level feedback to Modiphius as well.

    Some times kickstarter saves you money, sometimes it might not. I am 100% fine with my ROI on my Conan pledge.

  4. #4
    Myrdin Potter's Avatar
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    I agree, it took a little while to get into retail and then a little while longer for the price to go down. However, the shipping is high for individual packages from Europe compared to free when I make an order for an online store in the USA. Since you are in Canada, you feel the shipping cost pain a lot more than I do for almost all kickstarters (I am Canadian as well, but live in the USA).
    Ultimate License. Running Hyperborea and CoC. Asks lots of questions. Mgpotter.com. PureVPN is a tested solution to run games when traveling. https://billing.purevpn.com/aff.php?aff=33044

  5. #5
    I am certainly well aware of the shipping costs. There are plenty of items I just ended up never ordering because of the cost of shipping.

  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    I almost never order Kickstarter physical products anymore. Shipping to Australia is usually over $50 and sometimes over $100...
    Kickstarter for RPGs might give you some KS only stuff but generally you should consider your pledge as enabling the product to get to market rather than it saving you any $$ as often it will be cheaper 6-12 months later.
    So do it for products you are keen to become a reality.

    As for the theme/skin - hopefully you are doing it in the extension Ogedei?

  7. #7
    Yep. Started with the Conan Extension that Jolly did and ripped it all out.


  8. #8
    damned's Avatar
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    Love those frames.
    You will find that your BG image might not look right on monitors of different resolutions.
    Hint: you dont have to use all 9 slices...

  9. #9
    Yes. It is custom sized to my monitor at the moment. I doubt I will use it in the final one. Just needed something for my flavor right now, and I had that whipped up for the LiveStreams.

    I will eventually create something more tileable.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I did a quick addition to the MoreCore Conan roller for JCM today. The Alpha rules had a slight variation on successes. Not sure what the final rules look like though. So that might have been for nothing.

  10. #10
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ogedei View Post
    Yes. It is custom sized to my monitor at the moment. I doubt I will use it in the final one. Just needed something for my flavor right now, and I had that whipped up for the LiveStreams.

    I will eventually create something more tileable.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I did a quick addition to the MoreCore Conan roller for JCM today. The Alpha rules had a slight variation on successes. Not sure what the final rules look like though. So that might have been for nothing.
    Please send me the roller when you are happy with it and I will update the MoreCore version.

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