5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #1

    Looking for 2-3 players, Curse of Strahd. Group reformation

    Hi there I'm running a Curse of Strahd adventure Thursday nights 7-10pm central time.
    Next play session is January 4th, after all the holidays.

    We are only 10-15% into the main storyline of the adventure, and are all level 5 with some magic items.

    About the game - Combat/Roleplay has been around 50/50%
    Discord chat for 99% of game communications.

    New players joining will start off at level 5, and with magic items equal to the rest of the party.

    I had 2 core players leave to start a Storm kings thunder adventure. Would like to get at least 2, to a max of 4 additional players to pad out the roster.

    We are playing Curse of Strahd, but the emotional tone, and horror elements have been dialed up a few notches above the base adventure.
    I am not afraid to touch on Taboo subjects that have offended a few of my players ( at the end they loved the outcome ), such as child abuse, violence against women and the elderly, and dark religious iconography where appropriate.

    Character backgrounds are welcome, but not a requirement. General character info is sword coast related, or specific to Ravenloft.

    Current party is dwarf barb, elf druid, and a NPC dragonborn cleric.

    welcome to any class/race available to the players handbook and DMs guide.

    reply in thread, or drop a private message if you would like in, looking for at least 2, to a max of 4 or 5.

  2. #2
    What system are you running?

  3. #3
    Blahness98's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Somewhere in Wisconsin
    I believe Curse of Strahd is 5e.
    Ultimate License Holder

    Nothing at the moment.

    Time Zone: Central Time (GMT -6)

  4. #4
    Hi, I'd love to join and play a holy rogue assassin Cleric (War) 1, rogue Assassin 4. Variant Human, feats Sharpshooter, Alertness.
    Assuming you use the 27 point buy - stats would be: 8/16/10/11/16/12
    I'm EST so 1 hour later than you and 8pm-11pm is fine for me


  5. #5
    Id love to join as well- as you seem to be low on magic i guess ill play a caster either sorc or wiz if allowed

  6. #6
    I would be interested in playing Curse of Strahd but not sure what yet...

  7. #7
    Do you guys run much later than the 10pm end time? I'd love to play and I'm good with the darker themes. I want to role play more, most groups I've tried tend to more hack and slash I've been a player/dm since the old Moldvay Basic/Expert days and loved Ravenloft back in the day.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
    I would be interested in playing Curse of Strahd but not sure what yet...
    After some thought it looks like I will play a tiefling Warlock...pact of the blade.

  9. #9
    Ugh... I would so love to join this but sadly I wouldn't be able to be in game till about 5:30 PST... 7:30 your time, and wife plays too but doesn't get home till 1/2 an hour after that. If you did push back your game, please let me know!!!

  10. #10
    If you are still looking, I would enjoy playing!

    To add some toughness to the party I would like to play a half-elf ranger. I do have access to all of the books, etc on FG.


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