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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    Yes, LMoP has many links. In fact I updated it recently to include even more links to make it even more user friendly. Find the reference manual from the library list and you can read through that just like it was a pdf or a book.
    So you work on the campaigns within PG? That's very cool ! I am determined to learn the PG program and how to navigate through campaigns properly. My group is taking turns buying campaigns so the expense doesn't fall on me every time so tomorrow its LMoP !
    -The boy who lived.

  2. #42
    SirGraystone's Avatar
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    Curse of Strahd had 4 possible adventure hooks to introduce the campaign, I started with "werewolves in the mist" myself and used "The Dancing Fire" story when they visited the Vistani camp.

    But you can have your group just traveling on the road to Baldur's Gate (or any other city), get lost in the fog and end up in the Town of Barovia.

    The real important introduction to Death House is the meeting with Rose and Thorn, make sure they look scared and sad, to hook your players.

    Read also the "Mark of Horrors", small thing like the wind blowing out a torch, or one player seeing an old or evil version of himself in a mirror, hearing the nanny whisper... can make the story more interesting.

    And remember to have fun :-D

  3. #43
    hey guys !

    Just wanted to post an update and also a couple questions.

    We just had our first session of LMoP with 5 players and it went fairly well -- Slow but fairly well. We're all learning the rules of D&D and also the PG program at the same time which does make it a slower learning process. We all had a really good time and heard multiple times our party say they can't remember the last time they laughed so hard. We really did have fun with it and tried to make light of the fact were all green green green to D&D and PG.

    First mistake I made as DM was I didn't add our party to the party tracker which I did figure out after the the battle and was able to award the encounter EXP to the party ( thankfully ! )
    We were using The Sword Coast map to kick off the campaign and I followed the story line as guided. When we reached the first surprise attack this was our very first battle -- leading up to this we weren't really sure how to track our players movement in this big map and how far they were traveling each turn so for the sake of having something happen we just had the players move without any real guideline leading up to the first ambush.

    Once combat started one of the players asked if there was a smaller grid map we should be using for the battle since it was just the big hex grids. No one really knew until after the battle we saw under the party sheet there is a tab called " Order " and one of our players recognized it from a video they watched. It seems we can use that grid for our combat -- is this how we are supposed to do battles? Its a generic grid, no paths or buildings -- is there a way to load one of the game maps into this grid for combat scenes?

    Another question I have is : Our Wizard cast sleep on one of the enemies and we read that when a target is sleeping you will crit guaranteed on them? We weren't sure if Advantage and Disadvantage rolls are being calculated automatically either or if I / We have to manually add this in the bottom left somehow?

    We all realize this will be a learning experience and the more we play the more fluid our games will become but we just want to make sure we are doing it right So far we are loving it and can't wait to play again !
    -The boy who lived.

  4. #44
    Sounds like you are off to a great start. Don't worry about making mistakes, just go with the flow and correct them next session.

    As for battle maps and the Order tab. The order tab is just for marching order, o you know who is in front/back/middle of the party. Sometimes this is important for traps or surprise attacks.

    For actual battles and exploring locations, most locations have a player map you will share with the party. For the ambush attack, there isn't one included in the module unfortunately. But you can use this map.


    This is how I get these "custom" maps to show up in my module, others may have an easier or better way but this works for me.

    1. Save it to your computer, on your desktop for example
    2. Open up FG and your module
    3. Switch back to your desktop and copy the map
    4. switch back to FG
    5. Open the IMAGES window, and select the sub-category where you want the map to be (For Phandelver use the category "Maps - DD Lost Mines of Phandelver")
    6. You'll see a small "FOLDER" button near the top, click on that. This will open the images folder in your campaign
    7. Paste the map there. When you close the window, you will now see the map listed in the IMAGES window.

    You will need to apply a grid to the map, but I will let you YouTube how to do that.

    If you look ahead to the Cragmaw Hideout section, you will see there are already encounter maps included for that, one for the DM (whcih has the room numbers on the map) and one you share with the players, where they move their icons around and you place and move the monsters.

    Hope that helps.

  5. #45

  6. #46
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    And maps here: https://forum.profantasy.com/comment...cussionID=4700 One for the first encounter and re-skins of most of the maps that come with LMoP.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  7. #47
    AWesome ! thanks for the map link guys. Is there a way to change the theme in Fantasy grounds after a campaign has been started? Currently we have a bright white one -- not even sure how we set it but I've seen a darker more brown tone theme yesterday. I can change the little picture in the center of the program no problem.
    -The boy who lived.

  8. #48
    The bright white one is the official D&D theme extension. The brown one is the default theme which is shown if all custom theme extensions are turned off.


  9. #49
    Hi guys

    We had our second session tonight which lasted 4 hours. We decided to start over since yesterday was more of a trial run. Combat went smoother today and everyone getting a bit more comfortable with role playing their characters. As the DM i'm getting more comfortable as well with my role playing and navigation of FG.

    We do need to brush up on "hide" skill. We understand you can use hide as a rogue for instance but you must not do it in the open. How you get detected is what we need to read up a bit more on. When a monster is in a hide state am I supposed to remove vision from the players? I read about being able to attack around you within 5 feet guessing where the monster or player is.

    Perhaps I'm tired and what I just wrote is too much.
    -The boy who lived.

  10. #50

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    Quote Originally Posted by HarryPotter View Post
    We do need to brush up on "hide" skill. We understand you can use hide as a rogue for instance but you must not do it in the open. How you get detected is what we need to read up a bit more on. When a monster is in a hide state am I supposed to remove vision from the players? I read about being able to attack around you within 5 feet guessing where the monster or player is.
    I've done this - hidden the token - but it's a pain. I now leave the token on the map and apply a defensive effect (+5 to AC for hide +10 to AC for invisible, which is effectively -5 or -10 to hit). This simulates the players listening for movement, feeling the air move, etc.

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