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  1. #41
    skj310's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by celestian View Post
    That is a pretty simple change. The main reason I did not allow them to edit was so players could not see effects. If I give them the ability to edit they will see effects. So, DMs that have ID'd and non ID'd items the players could see/edit the effects regardless.

    I might could see if I can have it so if the item is not ID'd they couldn't see/edit but that's going to be a little more work.
    right, excellent point! forgot about ID vs non-ID.
    and agree if it's ID'd then they can monkey away, if not then they cannot see

  2. #42
    How about giving the choice to the DM? If the DM wants the player's to see the effects, then add an item in the options menu that would allow that. Default would be no, but the DM could change it to yes later on. Another option on the option menu suggestion is to add a choice for show ID'd effects. I picture the option menu line would be "Show Item Effects" with the choices "No (default), Yes, ID'd Only" My suggestion would add this line under the Game (GM) submenu of the option items.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by astromath View Post
    How about giving the choice to the DM? If the DM wants the player's to see the effects, then add an item in the options menu that would allow that. Default would be no, but the DM could change it to yes later on. Another option on the option menu suggestion is to add a choice for show ID'd effects. I picture the option menu line would be "Show Item Effects" with the choices "No (default), Yes, ID'd Only" My suggestion would add this line under the Game (GM) submenu of the option items.
    That is a good idea. I'll look and see if I can do that without impacting to much other stuff. Any time I have to add/adjust other parts it means I have to make changes to code elsewhere that other parts of the ruleset or mods use. If it's something I can do w/o impacting much (which I think I might can) I'll just add the option. I'm a big fan of Campaign Settings.
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  4. #44
    skj310's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by celestian View Post
    That is a good idea. I'll look and see if I can do that without impacting to much other stuff. Any time I have to add/adjust other parts it means I have to make changes to code elsewhere that other parts of the ruleset or mods use. If it's something I can do w/o impacting much (which I think I might can) I'll just add the option. I'm a big fan of Campaign Settings.
    oooh ... indeed! very good idea Astromath!
    You are my here Celestian!

  5. #45
    Waldbaer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skj310 View Post
    oooh ... indeed! very good idea Astromath!
    You are my here Celestian!
    Hey, NO way! He's mine already so do not interfere!!!
    The One who walks the woods.
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  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    Hey Celestian.

    Adding an effect which uses an ability from the effects dialog won't work since FG does not know who the [WIS] belongs to and so it can't determine the value. Such an effect would therefore need to be added from the player's action tab to work correctly.

    See the graphic attached. The 'Special Ring' I effect I created when placed on the character shows correctly as SKILL: 2 History (the character's WIS is 14 giving him a +2 bonus). However the same effect attached to the Signet Ring is not translating the WIS bonus. I suspect that the same thing is happening when it is adding from your extension as happens when you add from the effects dialog. The item is not recognising the fact that it is 'this' character who is applying the effect so it doesn't know where to get the WIS score from.
    So, I've been rolling this around in my brain trying to figure out the purpose of this sorta effect. If the player has a intelligence that gives them +2 wouldn't it automatically be applied already if you rolled a "History" check?

    I'm not entirely sure I'll be making a change that will allow this. I've not had the chance to dig deeply (holidays have taken more toll of my time than expected) but if I am right the effect will need to come from the character and that causes all kinds of problems since I use "source" of the effect to track a lot of things and changing that to PC breaks several parts of the code. The only real solution is to have another "source" type value on each effect which im not entirely sure I want to do either. I'll have to see where it gets the source from and see if I can change the test there w/o breaking to much else.
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  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by astromath View Post
    How about giving the choice to the DM? If the DM wants the player's to see the effects, then add an item in the options menu that would allow that. Default would be no, but the DM could change it to yes later on. Another option on the option menu suggestion is to add a choice for show ID'd effects. I picture the option menu line would be "Show Item Effects" with the choices "No (default), Yes, ID'd Only" My suggestion would add this line under the Game (GM) submenu of the option items.
    Preliminary testing v2.2 with this change and seems all is well. Campaign setting for "PC: Adv Effect Edit" added. It allows them to "Edit" items in they are in a character sheet, the item is ID'd and you've allowed pc's to edit effects.

    If I don't find anything wrong with my local testing I'll post the update tomorrow.
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  8. #48
    Update 2.2: Add option in Campaign settings to allow Players to edit effects on items in inventory if ID'd if enabled.

    If the campaign uses item ID and the item is ID'd and the items is on a character and "PC: Adv. Effect Edit" is enabled the player will be able to edit the effects on the item.

    Reminder, equip/unequip the item!
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
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  9. #49
    Just found this extension and have been trying to get it working to make some magic items that modify ability scores when equipped but can't seem to get it working. I made a test "Belt of Incredible Dexterity" which is set in the Adv. Effect section to [DEX: 2;] and it does not seem to be adjusting the ability score. I've tried to /save the campaign and reload it, unequip/equip the item, delete the item and re-add it to the PC's inventory; still no dice.

    Any ideas on what I'm missing?

    EDIT: Nevermind... Figured out that it adds the effect to the combat tracker automatically and modifies the score when a dice roll uses that score. Ability score of 18 with a normal +4 results in a +5 being applied to the rolls as if the score was a 20. Nice work!
    Last edited by PopinFRESH; December 8th, 2017 at 02:33.

  10. #50
    I've been trying out this extension and its pretty amazing good job!!!

    So after a few successes implementing some items / abilities, I was trying to build the Periapt of Wound Closure to apply the Stable effect when the player reaches 0 HP. First I tried using the following:
    IF: Dying;Stable
    but it after adding the PC to the CT and the after the player reached 0HP (Dying) the effect disappeared and was replaced by Unconscious. After asking around I found out Dying is not a word FG recognizes so it could be that.

    After I tried using the condition Unconscious to trigger the effect so I have something like this~
    but again this got removed from the effects and replaced by Unconscious effect.

    Is this the standard behavior or a bug?

    thank you for the help ^^

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