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  1. #1

    Single Story Entry

    I was wondering if there's a ruleset that already uses a 'single story entry' that flips rather than spawns another window.

    Basically, there's a single story window such that when a map pin is double clicked, it just flips the page of the already open window. This saves the hassle of moving the newly spawned window and or deleting the old.

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    There isnt as far as I am aware. The new/current story entries will add the < and > at the bottom of the page and the ^ too if names correctly. If you are following a linear adventure you can use those to keep pace with the pins rather than using the pins but I havent seen what you describe...

  3. #3
    Guess I'll have whip it up for my game, before I start, I do recall Moon saying that pins were something intrinsic to FG itself. I'm not entirely sure if this behavior can be overridden?

  4. #4
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    The answer is no. Each story entry is uniquely stored in the XML (for obvious reasons). And when a story is pinned to the map it is only that story which is being pinned. Since it is likley that you need several story entries open at onvce anyway overriding the previously opened one might bot be terribly convenient.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  5. #5
    Well that died quick; at least I'm glad I didn't waste any time.

    As to why a single entry is useful, I'd position my story entry in one place in my setup and the map in another. The goal was that I could quickly click the pins and have the story window act as a kind of "information panel".

    That's not saying overriding the behavior is a replacement. For the cases where I need multiple windows open, use a modifier key + click (ie: ctrl+pin click) would allow two windows, with perhaps the last active story window as the one that contextually flips.

  6. #6

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    FG remembers the position and size of windows. If you open all your story entries before the game, make them the same size and put them in the same location, then when you click the pins, it puts them in the same place. If you click a new pin, it will put that story entry on top of the others. This will give you the illusion of what you want.

  7. #7
    damned's Avatar
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    I think what Ken.L is looking for is a target=blank/new/named ability like html anchors use
    I cant think of any way to achieve this today.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Andraax View Post
    FG remembers the position and size of windows. If you open all your story entries before the game, make them the same size and put them in the same location, then when you click the pins, it puts them in the same place..
    That's like opening 10 instances of a web browser of different reference material and putting it in the corner of a monitor, without the taskbar/panel/launchpad. I'll see what I can do about this as I've started to use pins more.

  9. #9

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    Isanti, MN
    I didn't say it was efficient; I said it would give you the *illusion* of what you want. They will all open in the same place so one will cover the others. If it's already open, clicking on the pin will bring it to the front.

  10. #10
    damned's Avatar
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    Another downside to this Andraax is that on many systems performance is impacted after a dozen or so windows are opened. Although I suppose you dont have to leave the windows opened.

    I wonder of it would be possible to link to a Reference Manual + Page - you can link to the Reference Manual Page but not the Reference Manual + Page (or I dont think you can...?) as I think you can only have one reference manual copy open (you can have multiple different reference manuals open).

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