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  1. #61
    Session 52:

    The group stood at the entry into the dungeon. Egric, Katlin, Crow, Riris and Senishal Neolandus stepped into the lever room, and Egric pulled the lever. They heard a rumble and a muffled pop. While Sivath, Ivar, and Hanma saw a creature with horns, wings on four legs appear in the room. The room became dark, and Ivar moved toward it protecting Sivath. A fight ensued. While that was happening, Egric tried to disable the symbol of pain in the room they were in. Katlin and Neolandus stepped in with him, while Crow and Riris took the turning chamber around to pick up the others.

    Meanwhile spells were bouncing of off this thing. Ivar was beating on it, even though he felt strange. The haste that Hanma cast was being counterbalanced by a slow spell on Ivar. Meanwhile in the other room Egric managed to disable the spell, and he was checking doors for traps, Back in the other room, the fight continued. Eliera dispelled the darkness, and finally Riris and Crow arrived. Riris cast Slumber on it, it worked, but it was still alive when Ivar did a coup de grace. Finally it was killed Eliera with her holly Glaive. The found a bunch of items on it that was split among the party members. Crow got the amulet of health, while Eliera got the ring of protection +2. The evil kukri went into Eliera's backpack.

    Egric was looking at a clear pull of water, when he felt the need to move. He stepped into the adjacent room, as the wall rotated. Egric checked a room to the south and found a huge tiger there. The chose the top door that led to a room with three empty boxes. The right box had a gas type poison, Egric said to self I better do better. The center box had a cobra and a gem, while the third had contact poison. It was bashed by Ivar, and was empty. Eliera said all along this was a bad idea, but the last chest was open and empty.

    The group eventually took it out, hoping for a pelt, but found it was a big clay statue.

    Egric found a secret door, he opened it and went in the room with a statue with some halberds. The statue started spinning the halberd blades, and Egric started doing, somersaulting. He jumped over the blades, ducked, scooted, and jumped on top of the statue, and touched the statue's nose. The blades stopped. Then Ivar hit the blades with his adamantine greataxe and broke them.

    Egric, Crow and Ivar proceeded down the hall, planned the future and became bogged down in. Crow, Ivar and Egric tried to run, past in to the room with images of mosaics of bees. Crow ran into the room to the left and decided. Meanwhile, others decided to run it. Haste was cast by Hanma, and Eliera assessed the situation and cast blessing of Ferver. Hanma, Neolandus and Katlin ran for it. Hanma stopped in the hall with minor scratches or broses, but Neolandus and Katlin were worse off, Neolandus was deathened and stunned, while Katlin was stunned. [To Be Continnued....]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  2. #62
    Session 53:

    The party was strung out before the corridor, in the corridor with the statues, the bee room, and beyond. As Seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis, Eliera, Ririsand Katlin ran by the whaling maiden statues whaled, and spikes shot out of them. Meanwhile Crow kept searching in the room next to the bee room for secret doors, he was looking for another lever. Egric was looking for a shutoff switch in the bee room. Egric and Ivar were being probed by tiny needles whenever they touched the walls or walked in the room.

    Eventually Egric deactivated the bee sting needles, and asked others if he should deactivate the traps in the hallway. Eliera and Sivath said yes please. Egric proceeded to deactivate the whaling maidens one by one. He deactivated all maidens, except one. Sivath ran by it and took some more damage. Everyone looked like they been poked and prodded by 1000 needles. Eliera healed the group by channeling her healing energy.

    Egric found a room to the north. A six-inch-tall bronze dais on the floor in the middle of this otherwise empty room supports a polished column of black marble. The black stone seems to be vibrating softly, filling the air with a faint hum. He checked for traps, and found none. He asked Sivath to check the room out and became interested with the pedestal. She eventually stood in it, and found her Haste spell returned. Eliera had her Prayer restored, while Hanma also saw a magic missile spell restored.

    Then Egric found the secret door that lead to the discovery of another lever that would rotate this particular room counter clockwise. They found another room to the north with four alcoves in the walls of this room contain floating spheres of mist, each floating three feet off the ground. Each sphere is a foot in diameter—one is black, one white, one green, and one gold. Just north of the strange floating spheres, two levers protrude from opposite walls. Egric checked it all for traps and found none.

    Sivath, Katlin and Crow stayed in the room, while Egric and Neolandus rotated the room to get the others. While Sivath investigated the green disc. Then she went to the gold disc, and then she put her hand and torch in it. She disappeared, and teleported into a room with murky pool of water. She used a blink spell and started walking through a wall of stone, and then she was shunted into a neighboring passage. She came back to the group, and explained what happened.

    They decided to rotate the room again. They found Crow and Katlin gone. They rotated the room again, and saw Katlin laid out sleeping on the floor, while Crow standing over her trying to wake her up. Sivath and Egric tried to drag them in the rotating room, Sivath fell asleep too. They eventually got them in the room, and they decided to rest while they waited for the sleeping party members to wake up. Egric fell asleep a few more times while he tried to deal with the symbol. Finally it was deactivated, and started doing a dance. I deactivated it he yelled.

    He then proceeded into the next room while invisible, all they heard from him was "I am stuck". Katlin came to help him, but became stunned herself. Hanma managed to get them both out. Egric went back into the room after he had a rope tied to him, just in case. He managed to get the stun symbol deactivated and started doing a dance. I deactivated it he yelled.

    They rated the room, and found themselves looking at a great green throne atop a dais in the northern end of the room. To either side stand statues of a tiger-headed man-each holding aloft a pair of chains from which manacles dangle. Dried blood spatters the walls, floor, and even the throne and statues, filling the room with its stale reek. In the left corner they found Vencarlo Orsini, or what they thought could be him. They questioned him, they looked at his hands. He told them that he is glad they found him, they must have gotten his note?

    Eliera said the note the Red Mentis gave us? No you should have got the note from the Field Marshal Cressida Kroft he said. After a while they verified the Vencarlo Orsini was not an Rakshasa. When asked if he was Blackjack, he denied it, until they told him about what they found in his house. Then Vencarlo said, okay, you caught me redhanded, I am Blackjack. Neolandus recommended that they should leave Old Korvosa as soon as possible, and asked them if they have a way to do it. The party told him about Vimanda (Lady Arkona), Neolandus said that she was not present when he was imprisoned by Glorio Orkona (Bohor). When asked if he trusted her, he said, no, but he would hear what she had to say.

    They backtracked up through the dungeon and the lower level, and came up in the garden. They found Lady Melyia Arkona (Vimonda) in her human form, looking at them. She was happy to see them, especially Crow.

    After exchanging greeting and formalities, she got right to business. Neolandus made a stipulation, even though you have an agreement with Lady Arkona reference her brother, I feel that it is prudent not to say much in her presence about the groups plans.

    Lady Arkona said: I understand, however I do have some information and a deal that may save Old Korvosa. It will require the signing of special contract.

    I have a Keelboat, and a Master Siege Engineer with Siege Engine Crew. If you can muster a complimant of 15 Crew to sail the ship, then I have warehouses Nisroch, Nidal. Having my man Peter with you will allow the crew access to the Warehouses.
    The Government of Korvosa would have to pay for this food, the delivery to Old Korvosa.

    Are you interested? Are you able to supply a crew?

    After much discussion, the following stipulations were added:

    1. Lady Arkona would be unable to harm or kill the future Korvosan Government
    2. The future Korvosan government nor its agents would not be able to harm her, or her family
    3. Payment will be negotiated by the future Korvosan Government if the "The Avengers" are successful in their mission.
    4. The Arkona family would help police Old Korvosa.

    After more discussion, everyone present signed the contract, and made a circle and held hands around the elephant. Their hands glowed and the contracts burned up.

    Lady Arkona, then spoke to Crow, she thanked him for helping to secure the rule of her branch of the Arkona family, while putting her hand on her belly. She took a Sawtooth Saber and Ioun Stone and gave it to him. [To Be Continued...]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  3. #63
    Session 54:

    In the basement of the Arkona palace the party rested. During the night, you witness Riris get into a dream trance. After she wakes up, all she says is. They are coming.

    It is midnight on the Calistril the 20th. Lady Arkona, her man, the "Wild Ones" and the "Smugglers" join you in the lower level. The Aranea Devina says that the rest of the crew will join the smugglers on shore, when they drop you off.

    The boat was pulled up to the dock, and the party and the crew got on. With the darkness around them and the darklight lanterns lit, the keelboat ventured out of the Arkona hidden cave, and set course northward. After about an hour the boat landed the party on the Korvosan shore of Palin's Cove. They were informed by Verncarlo that they are heading to the Blackbird ranch, which is owned by a friend of his.

    On the first day out, they ran into a hermit, that they met before in and around Korvosa. They questioned him, and found out that refugees have been leaving Korvosa in droves, but recently the queen has sealed Korvosa shut.

    Then the party encountered some ants and killed them. Ivar tried to eat them, later because he thought erroneously that they may taste like chicken. Dueing the night Ivar killed a elk, and the party had it for breakfast. They camped about 2 miles from an inn, but decided to stay inconspicuous. Hanma thought he saw some farmers walking on the road, however they did not see their camp.

    They moved on the next day, the 21st of Calistril, and around mid-day they ran into some Ankhegs. Ivar and Crow wanted the dead insect's carapases, but they were too bulky. They moved on, and later in the day they skirted Harse and arived at the Blockbird Ranch. Vencarlo introduced them to Jasan's family, and Jasan brought them below to the basement. There Vencarlo asked Jasan for an amulet of proof against Location/Detection for Nrolandus. His friend gave it to him.

    Then Riris asked Vencarlo, How do you two know each other?

    We were in the Blackbirds together. The Blackbirds broke up more than 2 decades ago over an unfortunate conflict involving the rights to treasure looted from a dwarven tomb. Jasan and I wanted to return the weapons recovered from the haunted tomb to Janderhoff, but the others in the group wanted to sell the weapons in Korvosa. The argument came to blows, and in the end Jasan and I opted to retire from the adventuring business entirely.

    We found out that the remaining Blackbirds vanished without a trace in the dungeons below Kaer Maga not one season later. Jasan and I counted ourselves lucky at the time to have gotten out when we did. Although we took wildly separate paths in life, we remained good friends. As you, I trust Jasan with my life.

    Then Neolandus told his Story:

    When I confronted Queen Ileosa about King Eodred II's death, her response was to send Red Mantis assassins after me, which is-proof enough of her guilt to me. Through a combination of luck and knowledge about the castle's layout, I barely managed to escape with my life and went into hiding with my friend Salvator Scream in Old Korvosa.

    After I recovered from the attack but before Salvator handed me over to the Arkonas, I spent much of my time in Old Korvosa researching the situation by interviewing key people, poring through records in Endrin Academy, and piecing together information and rumors I heard to try to determine what caused Queen Ileosa's sudden personality change from a petulant spoiled queen to a scheming murderous tyrant.

    My suspicions grew, but until Queen Ileosa's first public appearance after the plague, I tempered my suspicions with hope. I knew that Queen Ileosa had been "borrowing" the treasury key to look through Korvosa's holdings. Neolandus was also familiar with several old and obscure legends about the chambers below Castle Korvosa-chambers, it was whispered, that were old even when the Shoanti dwelt here, and that used to hide something of great power or evil. There was little more information to go on, but I did uncover mention in some documents from Korvosa's earliest days of something called Midnight's Teeth, and that these teeth were believed to be some sort of sacred relic of great import to the Shoanti. Circumstantial evidence indicates that the Shoanti kept these teeth in the chambers inside the pyramid that now serves as Castle Korvosa's foundation.

    My further research uncovered an old legend that chilled his soul. Several hundred years ago, a powerful blue dragon and agent of Zon-Kuthon named Kazavon brought the orcs of Belkzen to their knees and began conquering the neighboring nations of Ustalav and Lastwall, until I was finally defeated and his remains scattered. Some of these remains, according to certain Zon-Kuthonic scriptures, contained fragments of Kazavon's essence. One of these relics was the Fangs of Kazavon.

    By piecing together his evidence, I suspect that Midnight's Teeth were none other than the Fangs of Kazavon. The description of the queen's new crown sounds to me as if she now wears the Fangs of Kazavon on her brow, the implications of which troubles me greatly.

    I wasn't able to gather much more information before the Arkonas took him, but I do not suspect there was much more to learn. Hard facts about Midnight's Teeth were sparse to begin with-Korvosa's founders didn't think it important to preserve much in the way of Shoanti culture. Yet there is still some hope. The Shoanti have very strong oral traditions, and if anyone knows the truth behind Midnight's Teeth, that truth is doubtless hidden among their historians up in the Cinderlands.

    Armed with this information, the next step should be clear. The PCs must travel to the Cinderlands and establish a rapport with the Shoanti to discover what they know about Korvosa's earliest days and what they kept so hidden deep inside the pyramid. Unfortunately, rumors that the Shoanti are preparing to launch an attack on Korvosa and her holdings seem to be true-emboldened by the news that Korvosa is buckling under the effects of riots and plagues, word from the Storval Rise is that the largest Shoanti tribe, the Sklar-Quah, is preparing for war. I have a bit of advice here on where to start-the Skoan-Quah, the Tribe of the Skull.

    Of all the Shoanti tribes, it has been the Skoan-Quah who have been most open to talk of peace between Korvosa and the tribes. Until recently, a large number of Skoan- Quah ambassadors dwelt near Korvosa, and peace talks between the two factions were slowly but surely heading in the right direction. I recalls one old shaman in particular as being level-headed and friendly, a man named Thousand Bones.

    One of the last things I tried before the Arkonas got hold of me was to arrange a meeting with the old shaman, but unfortunately, shortly after an event involving one of the Shoanti braves during the riots, the Shoanti abandoned Korvosa.

    Thousand Bones and his people have returned to a place east of Kaer Maga in the Cinderlands known as the Kallow Mounds, and their reports on the tumult and chaos in Korvosa very likely fueled the neighboring tribe's sudden need to strike while the enemy was wounded.

    Yet I doubts that Thousand Bones has abandoned hopes for peace.

    I know that Thousand Bones's tribe dwells in the southeastern portion of the Cinderlands; he believes the best course of action now is for someone to travel to this tribe, find Thousand Bones, and learn from him any information about what Midnight's Teeth actually were. And if they do know more-perhaps they know how to fight against an evil that apparently grants Queen Ileosa the ability to survive a mortal wound.

    The group asked many questions, and decided that convincing the shanty not to attack, perhaps to reveal more information would be a good thing. Then Jasan invited them for diner and beer. The went upstairs to meet the family. Trinia Sabor was real glad to meet them again, especially she made it a point to stay near Hanma, and stay away from Crow. [To Be Continued....]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  4. #64
    Session 55:

    As you come up the basement stairs, Jasan calls his wife. He tells the bad news that they will have to leave the Blackbird or Jenderhoff, it is not safe here, he says. The group will head north. Cook dinner woman, tonight we feast with friends, tomorrow we accompany Vencarlo and Neolandus to Jenderhoff.

    Hanma then said that his blackblade advised him to head back to Korvosa. Trinia then said she will come with Hanma. Vencarlo then said to Hanma, that he often thought looking at him that he would make an excellent Blackjack if he wanted the job. Hanma agreed. Then Vencarlo gave Hanma his gloves, boots and rapier. Hanma said that he can make his armor black. Hanma gave hos rapier to Trinia, and Trinia gave her rapier to Vencarlo.

    What of them, his wife asks of Jasan? They go their own way north, while Hanma and and Trinia will head back to Korvosa, Jasan says. With tears in her eyes the good woman, gets the house moving. The boys go below, while the girs start getting the kitchen oven fire ready.

    Atrica Adriel, Janas's wife and her daughters Aria Adriel and Brita Adriel are cooking and the aroma is wonderful. While the dinner is cooking, Jasan's son's bring Britus Adriel, Lentus Adriel and Grylla Adriel bring beers.

    With beer in hand Jasan invites the group outside to the pasture. You observe well bread horses. Jasan picks nine horse for the group. Then he shows you where the saddles are, I am not able to provide much he says, but any friend of Vencarlo is a friend of mine. You may have to go into Harse to get provisions tomorrow if you feel you need them..

    A few beers make everyone relax. The smell of freshly baked bread, meat, poultry is making your mouths water. As you observe the hustle and bustle of Jasan's wife and daughter, it is truly amazing. The light benter and laughter is welcome change of pace, even though everyone knows there are hard times ahead there are no complaints or tears.

    Then Atrica says Dinner!!!!

    The table is set. The family puts out its dishes and silverware. Jasan's wife set out her best for the adventurers. There is salads and sliced up vegetables. She explains that they made Roasted Mutton and Dried Watercress, Salted Duck and Buckwheat Biscuits, Stewed Chicken and Dried Lentils, Stewed Lamb and Onion, Vegetable Stew, and Pickled Chicken and Artichoke Hearts.

    Eliera is especially glad of the vegetable dishes. A variety of beer, ales and stouts are here for the partaking. For desert there are sliced fruits, peach and cherry pies, coffee and tea. During dinner there are lost of smiles, the woman ask Eliera, Sivath and Katlin how they like traveling with such hansom man? Katlin says, it is alright, we are just friends.
    Grylla looks at Crow and says, I like that one, he has a such an innocent smile. The girls giggle. Grylla (is exceptionally beautiful, with black hair and narrow hazel eyes).

    Pay them no attention smiles Janas, we don't get many visitors around here, he smiles at Crow and says, I have a cross bow and know how to use it. Father you never let me have any fun says Grylla! Trinia says, girls, and laughs. She looks over at Hanma and says, personally I prefer dark and handsome Magus types, I think I am drunk.

    After dinner the six party members go to the dungeon to discuss the ghostly visitations. And as they are discussing their nightly visitor, a ghost arrives. It is Zellara, the beautiful ghost of the deck.

    She tells the group that it is time for the Harrow reading. the Harrow Reading is Done (See Session 55 Harrow Reading), after which the group asks Zellara to stick around and see if anyone comes around. The group take watch turns. During the 3rd watch, Zellara screams at the intruder. The wake up, Zellara describes a old crone of a female, and Riris guesses that it is some kind of a night hag, an Ethereal creature. So it was sent from the frozen north to assassinate one of the woman in the party?

    After Eliera dispels removes Riris and Egric's fatigue, the party sleeps in. After noon they say their good buys, and head into Harse. In town they put their horses into the stable, and head of for the Green Goose Inn. At the Inn they meet the proprietor and the very friendly staff. They find out about the shops in town, and figuring that shops are already closed, they decide to eat and have a few drinks. Crow passes on some triple team entertainment opportunity, which make Ivy, Mary and Milla a bit sad, but he buys them drinks, and they head to play with the town's alchemist.

    They bed down for the night in the inn's great room, and have an uneventful night. In the morning they head toward the alchemist shop, when they here a sound of breaking glass and Riris and her bird fall asleep.

    The party is attacked most cruelly by a group of three bandits, their dog and two red mentis assassins. They turn the tide on their enemies, even though several times the red mentis an the bandits were ahead. Finally, Riris was woken up by the cleric Eliera's divine magic. Riris managed to put the two red mentis to sleep, one was killed by Katlin's arrow, while the other was apprehended by Crow.

    They searched the dead, and dragged in their prisoner into the Alchemists shop. As they did all that the Owl started thrashing badly, they tried to get to it, but it cut its own throat with its talon and died from shock. [To Be Continued...]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  5. #65
    Session 55 - THE HARROWING:

    Positive Past
    Zellara smiles and says this card represents the Positive Past:

    The Dance (lawful good, Dexterity) is a rich and delicate framework that, like the universe itself, requires everyone within it to abide by its rules, lest the entire construct collapse. It advises staying in perfect step, knowing your place in the greater good.
    Those who step out of the pattern do so at their peril. Misaligned, that pattern might be hypnotic, but not to the good of all.

    This card represents the fact that years ago the Shoanti dwelt in an around the lands that are now Korvosa, they protected that for what information you seek, the Midnight Teeth.

    Neutral Past
    Zellara says this card represents the Neutral Past:

    The Cyclone (chaotic evil, Strength) is a force that tears through whatever it meets. This disaster does not come in the course of natural order but is one that comes from the plots of intelligent beings. The Cyclone signifies war, arson, or other plans that destroy everything they touch. Misaligned, this card can indicate renewal after a blustery trial.

    This card is a metaphor for time, the only thing that is contestant and ever changing. The empires of Aztlant and Thassilon, were destroyed by the Earth Fall, the Runelords were no more, the dark ages came, the world was reborn. Peace followed by war, then piece again. So it has been in the past, balance.

    A member of the group has been singled out by a creature, that has been sent to assassinate her from the frozen north.

    Negative Past
    Zellara frowns and says this card represents the Negative Past:

    The Uprising (chaotic neutral, Strength) represents being caught in the clutches of something much more powerful than you. It is an overwhelming strength that often crushes what comes in contact with it. The crown held high signifies an overthrowing of a leader of some sort. In the spread, it indicates a force much stronger than the person receiving the reading.

    This card is a symbol of the evil that beings do to other beings, in the past it symbolizes the early days of Korvosa's founding and the fact the Shoanti dwelt there before the place was colonized by the Chelaxians. They came to the shore of Korvosa, devil worshipers, they drove out the valiant savage and built a great city. The Shoanti, a nomadic people were driven ever north into the Cinderlands. Yet other evil dwelt in the land before this, when tyranny takes hold, it rarely happens in an instant; it arrives like twilight, and, at first, the eyes adjust. Yet more then one tyrant may exist at same time? Varisia was a land of tyrants.

    This card suggest that The Avengers have a role to play in a future uprising, and that its appearance in this part of the reading implies that now is not the time for direct action against the queen.

    Positive Present

    Zellara frowns and says this card represents the Positive Present:

    The Beating (neutral evil, Strength) signifies coming under attack from all sides, but it can also indicate the dissolution of the self—mentally. Whether the strength is of the flesh or the mind, it dissolves under the relentless attack. Misaligned, this card suggests that during the assault, undiscovered strength is found.

    This card representing the present is a metaphor for Group being fugitives, in their decision to enforce their now homeless state and that they have been turned into nomads. There are parallels between The Avenger's forced flight from Korvosa and the Shoanti's expulsion over 3 centuries ago, and that by following in the footsteps of those Shoanti and heading up to the Cinderlands through Kaer Maga is the route to resolution, it is clear. As nomads take the opportunities as they come to you in Kaer Maga and other wise.

    Neutral Present

    Zellara says this card represents the Neutral Present:

    The Eclipse (lawful evil, Wisdom) represents self-doubt and loss of purpose. This card afflicts those with faith in the divine, as their talents can wane under this stress. It can also indicate a loss of way along a path. If misaligned, it can augur an unheralded ability coming to the fore or a concealed location revealed.

    This card represents unforeseen opportunities, while at first it seems like a delay, in reality it will be of great help. By helping others you will help yourselves. Also, there is something following you, it preys on your dreams.

    Negative Present:
    Zellara frowns and says this card represents the Negative Present:

    The Twin (neutral, Charisma) signals duality of purpose or identity. This doppelganger can also mean indecision, as a person or group wavers between very different options. It can also mean 23 divided loyalties abound. The card makes a harrower wary, as it can also mean the entire spread has a hidden or reversed meaning." "

    While you are gone Queen Ileosa, will reinforcing her power in Korvosa. This seems horrible, but it will take her time to execute her plans. If not Ileosa the whom? Is there an un-named enemy. It seems you have enemies behind and ahead of you.

    Positive Future:
    Zellara smiles and says this card represents the Positive Future:

    The Empty Throne (lawful good, Charisma) has a sense of loss that is palpable. The ghost signifies that those who are gone will always be with us. They taught us important lessons, if only we choose to listen. This card can bring information from a far-off or ancient source. If misaligned, the ghosts of the past are restless, and might require effort to set at peace.

    Cards representing the future, you will travel through Kaer Maga, to the Cinderlands and beyond. You will make a new enemies, some were sent by the queen and others you know nothing about, you will deal with them.

    You will encounter other forces in the Cinderlands who might at first seem enemies, but could be powerful allies

    For some time to come The Avengers will be strangers in a strange land, but someday you will return to liberate Korvosa.

    Neutral Future:
    Zellara says this card represents the Neutral Future:

    The Locksmith (lawful neutral, Dexterity) presents the subject with the keys she needs to unlock her destiny. He grants the tools to access a new location, clue, or treasure. He does not grant insight into how or where to use the tools granted. This card often represents a strange, ancient, or magical object.

    This cards to implies that the group strength will be important in their immediate future, but that you are not yet strong enough to face Queen Ileosa herself.

    Negative Future:
    Zellara frowns and says this card represents the Negative Future:

    The Marriage (lawful neutral, Charisma) can be a union of people, ideas, kingdoms, or other distinct things. The progeny of the salamander and water weird shows that a union might bring forth new power from both parties, or it might be a ruinous joining of that which should never have been united. Once wedded, the two cannot be parted. This is the card of permanent change.

    This cards represents the future and paints that Korvosa and Kaer Maga are dangerous places. Yet Kaer Maga is safer for you than Korvosa, and Kaer Maga is the gateway to the Cinderlands. One of you will be swallowed alive, the fire will engulf you, at the moon house you will face a great evil, you will be finally exhausted at trial on hot fiery plane. You will be hounded by the murderous insects enemy sent by the Queen Ileosa herself, the battle will be joined in the Cinderlands.

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  6. #66
    Session 56:

    After the fight with the Red Mantis, the party ran into the Alchemist's Shop dragging the Red Mantis Assassin behind them. Rancis the alchemists protested, he said this is a place of business, you can take your "thugary" outside. Eliera and Sivath said, but we do have business. Oh said the alchemist, on proceeded to barter an Elixir of Swimming, Oil of Arcane Mark, Oil of Magic Vestment, Potion of Eagle's Splendor and a Potion of Invisibility to Eliera and Sivath. Rancis suggested that they take their little friend to the empty house near by, and get out of his shop. The party thanked him, and went on their way. Crow noticed that one of the corpses was gone.

    In the empty house, Riris was still crying for her lost bird. The Red Mantis Assassin laughed at her pain, and insulted the party. They tried to interrogate him, and he told them that if they let him go, he will bring others to find them and kill them. He asked them if Neolandus the Seneschal was with them? After the disappointment of not getting anything useful from him, Crow killed him by crushing his scull with his boots. Sivath cast prestidigitation spell and cleaned up the blood. Crow decided to go track down the walking corpse, while the other's shopped and sold items.

    They left the empty house and visited the smithy. A little boy, with hero worship in his eyes met them outside. Soon they met his parents Ferum and Rosy Armstrong. The Armstrong's told them about some of the other business in the village.

    Crow tracked the dead man come to life, south then north out of the village, he realized some time later that the tracks became half wolf and half man.

    Meanwhile Eliera and Sivath came to a weapon shop. Seeing nothing they were interested in, they went to a magic shop. In the shop Eliera traded for a Wind Fan and Sivath got Size Alteration Staff with the Dragonhide Breastplate and one more item of weaponry.

    Crow eventually noticed that the query footprints, turned into wolf prints, then he joined what appears like wolf pack, and he ran off with them in full wolf form.

    Then Eliera and Sivath went into the Armor Shop, the armor shop owner traded them a +2 mithral rallying full plate, for Plate Full of an indentified metal. The party went back to the Inn, by then Crow returned.

    The quietly part ate dinner, and Crow stayed away from the tavern's working girls. Ivy and Mary tried to entertain Ivar without any luck, and Milla was sadly dissapointed at not spending time with Crow.

    In the middle of the Night on the 25th of Calistril the party left Harse, and headed North.

    Near the river crossing on the way to Abketh they found a man fishing. They decided to stop and talk to him. They quickly discovered that he is a Cleric of Irori, they ate fish and talked. Eliera noted that she strives for perfection in Art as well in life. The Cleric of Irori, by name of Kane, said that humans are imperfect Eliera agreed to disagree with him. Kane did say that he came here from Abketh ten days ago, he liked the village

    They bedded down for the night, Crow started to meditate, and Riris went into a dream state. Then Crow said, I smell fire. He climbed a hill and realized that up ahead a village was burning? He went down the hill, and asked the group to go scout the damage and help the villagers. They voted, and it was a a draw, then Crow said, then I am going anyway, they joined him one by one, finally Katlin and Eliera had to come along, since no one was staying.

    They neared the village, and they saw the devastation. The whole village was burning. Sivath explored several houses. Egric sent his owl to look at a lock. The village was devastated.

    They left the village and headed North Easterly. A short while later Crow saw tracks of a small humanoid, possibly children asked Sivath? I don't think they are children As he was moving stealthily forward, when a barrage of arrows hit him. [To Be Continued....]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  7. #67
    Session 57:

    On a brisk sunny day on the 25th of Calistril the group encountered goblins in a a clearing as they came out of the forest. While the group was deciding weather to charge the goblins or not because they were still on horse, Crow charged while being fired upon by the merciless goblin archers. Crow and Riris understood that the goblins were protecting some hole. What hole?

    Crow reached the goblin line and one of the goblins cut his horse in half, but Crow being quick managed to jump off the dead horse and started to attack the goblins. It soon was apparent to the group that Crow's charge was foolish, because he was in grave trouble. Finally Crow was reinforced by Ivar and Katlin, and Crow was able to move back. The goblin soldiers fought on, while the arrow barrage diminished. Then Riris notice a cave opening. Slowly the goblins died and the group healed up and decided to enter the cave.

    It was dark and gloomy in the cave, and it stank of burnt sulfur. Egric went in invisible to explore the cave. Approximately fifty feet into the cave Egric came to a sharp drop off, which descended 20 feet down sharply. Except in the corners it was a much more climbable slope. Egric moved ahead, and Riris flew after him. Egric noticed water up ahead. Others came down the slope, until it was Eliera's turn. Eliera took a nasty spill down the rocky side of the cliff.

    As this happened a red dragon flue out of the gloomy darkness, and breathed fire at most of the group piled up next to the slope. The fire was extremely hot, some used the rocks to hide from the worst of the heat, Crow on the other hand evaded all of the fiery damage. The dragon hovered in mid air and cast a spell that made the area near by smoky. Egric through a Tanglefoot bag at the red dragon, to no effect, while Riris took the brunt of the goblin archer skilled ranged attacks.

    If not for Eliera's capable healing, the group would have perished. Then the unbelievable happened. Crow decapitated the red dragon, and it thudded to the stony cave floor. Several rounds later both Goblin archers were dead. They were very good archers, but they were no match for the group.

    Egric saw something shiny in the pool of water, it turned out to be allot of gold. They searched the goblin archers and found more items. Crow stood near the dragon and thought, wonder if we can skin the dragon. [To be Continued]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  8. #68
    Session 58:

    The party decided to rest inside the cave, while Crow was skinning the red dragon and the unseen servant was bringing up the gold from the bottom of the flooded cave. While nothing happened Crow, Riris and Katlin woke up exhausted. Eliera removed their exhaustion. Then they were fatigued, Eliera removed their exhaustion and Katlin's fatigue, the others had to rest. Meanwhile, Eliera cast a divination spell, and found out that something that the group is doing leading this thing to them, because it is tracking one of them. But the description of the creature, Devourer, did not match the footprints in the sand. They made dragon stakes, all ate them accept Eleira.

    They decided to cast divination another day. Crow and Egric proceeded to carve out dragon teeth, and dragon claws. Sivath noticed that the water was rising in camp. They moved the camp to the upper part of the cave, and finished resting. When they got up, they finished the dragon steaks and left the cave.

    They traveled north east, toward what Crow thought the direction toward Kaer Maga. In a tight forested clearing they ran into some dire lions. Apparently the lions were not hungry enough to eat the group. After a quick fight the group moved on, but not before Crow skinned them..

    They ran into the river that heads to Kaer Maga flowing down to Sirathu. About an hour away from Kaer Maga they saw a party of Orc Slavers with a chain of slaves. Crow crossed the river, followed by Katlin. The Orcs warned them to stay away, and that they are bound to Kaer Maga slave market. Crow attacked. The Orcs screamed and yelled, but the group would not listen. The fight started, one Ork tried to escape, but Sivath caught him with her ball lightning spheres.

    Then Egric went toe to toe with the with an Orc, and he had to withdraw and heal. Soon the enemy was dead or fully unconscious. The slaves came back. The slaves went back home with non magical Orc's gear.

    After that, they road a bit, and discovered a base at the bottom of the Starwall Rise cliff, that from this vantage point looms over them with the weight of the ages. [To be continued....].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  9. #69
    Session 59:

    Calistral 26th, at about 6pm. The group approached the outpost, and was met by the local merchant. He offered to buy their horse, and by accident gave the platinum instead of gold. They met the duskwardens and they heard about the need to traverse the underground passages to get to Kaer Maga. After selling their horses they were a bit overloaded, and decided to exchange their gold for platinum to reduce encumbrance. They also sold some of their bulkier items. Ivar actually got rid of his torches and trail rations to drop the weight.

    During the night Riris began the familiar summoning ritual which cost a pretty penny. Then they continued to rest. When Riris got up she talked to Egric, and Egric told the party that, his wife said that Vancarlo and Neolandus have arrived in Janderhoff. When they woke up, Katlin and Crow were exhsted. Eliera had to cure their ailment. Then she cast a divination spell, and got a misleading response. Riris new familiar cast a commune. From the images that his familiar shown, an did a commune they realized what ever it is it was after Riris, but is confused, and that Riris mother is still alive.

    In the morning the party ascended a stairs with the duskwarden guides. They climbed a stairway, and found it blocked, and decided to explore a passage that opened up. They found a large room with some very pitiful dwarf types, that attacked them, before it was over, it was done. In the far end of this room were some demon dancer statues, pushing down on a man as if they wanted him to go to hell, but in exotic ecstasy? Crow felt air drifting in from the east. Crow ran around the corner into some very surprised goblins. After a short tit-a-tat the group let the surviving goblins go.

    Egric wished to explore the cavern. The group found an old shrine, the cleric Eliera looked at it but could not identify the deity. All she knew was that this is what happens to gods that are not worshipped any more, maybe this shrine was pre-starfall in age?

    On the walls of this area they also found many niches, filled with ancient bones those that appeared to be bleached in what looked like an ossuary. They voted and decided to keep exploring. [To Be Continued]
    Last edited by dellanx; November 12th, 2017 at 18:25.

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  10. #70
    Session 60

    Egric took the lead and found a room with a shrine of some beautiful goddess with multiple arms. He checked for traps and a fireball went off. Egric docked and it missed him. He got up and began disarming the trap, while Crow the ranger came near him. The fireball went off again. This time both Egric and Crow dropped to the ground. Crow got up feeling all dirty. Egric said you better back up. Crow backed up and Egric continued to work on the trap. He began playing with the left breast. Bang!!!! Another fireball went off. Egric dropped to the ground, then he got up. He checked the right breast. Another bang, Egric got off the floor, and started playing with both breast. He looked back and said, this does not give me any pleasure, then a Click!!! It is disarmed, he said. In the bottom of the statue, in the pedestal he found 5000 silver pieces, a sable mask and a potion of Enlarge Person.

    Egric found a rotting stinking corpse with a War Prayer Book, and Sivath left an unseen servant at the plug, and the part went south west. They moved on and found a room about ready to collapse and a room that was partially plugged. Egric found a room where he had to jump over a scythe. He went in further and read an inscription that someone has scrawled "The Foxes of Antun killed a hydra here" on the west wall. After that, they found a stone plug and Katlin began hitting it with her Bardiche, Ivar tried to help. After ten hits it was still up, and Sivath said let me try. Sivath withdrew a Staff of Size Alteration and cast Shrink Item. The stone block became a tiny winy block of rock.

    Egric went inside and saw a snake-like creature go invisible. The group tried to move in the room, but the snake-like creature cast a fireball. Egric yelled it is a Spirit Naga, and attacked. Crow and Katlin joined the fray. Sivath and Riris too. Riris tried to Hex the Naga, while Sivath haste on the group. Eliera through a spear of light at it. Katlin would have used the kitchen basin on it, but decided the Bardiche would do. The Naga hissed, "Stoppppsssss, don't killlllssss". Sivath said "you better have something to offer". The Naga said, I have 100 platinum and two scrolls and a location of a plug just like this one. She gave them the items and led them to the plug.

    At the plug, Sivath shrank it, and Egric followed by Crow moved up. Crow was oblivious to the danger, while Egric saw it and quietly entered behind it. Crow stumbled on a roper thing, and was bitten by it for his trouble. Katlin ran into the room and try to attack it, and was grabbed by its tentacles and was pulled toward it. While Eliera healed the party, Ruhiel, Riris' familiar kept casting Sanctuary as before in the Naga room. Riris hexed it to sleep, and Katlin killed it with a regular blow.

    They found a pearl and a potion here, as well as 600 gold. They searched the rest of the catacomb, just niches with more burial alcoves, and more unsafe rooms. The pearl was a Pearl of the Pearl of the Sirines and the potion was a Neutralize Poison variety.

    They found many more collapsed and about to be collapsed rooms, they decided to see what the statue was, and Eliera figured out that this is a ancient statue of Lissala possibly.

    They went toward the breeze and came out in a big cavern. The Duskwardens took the lead and they ran into some mushrooms like Violet Fungi. The duskwardens were attacked by the fungi, and engaged the fungi, and the rest of the group came behind them. They quickly managed to kill all three fungi.

    They came to a chasm, and Riris flew across the span, and Egric secured the other side. The group and the two duskwarden guides crossed the chasm. The continued on until they closed another chasm and entered Kaer Maga [To be Continued.....].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

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