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  1. #1
    Trenloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Colorado, USA

    FG Con 11 - Friday October 13th - Sunday 15th. Theme - 3PPs!

    This is just a very quick announcement to let people know of the official dates for FG Con 11.

    It will be Friday the 13th (oooooohhhhhh) October to Sunday 15th. Starting around 5pm New Zealand time on the Friday and ending around midnight Hawaii time on the Sunday - over 72 hours of gaming.

    So, block out that weekend... Get your game(s) on!

    FG Con 11 will have a theme of Fantasy Grounds Third Party Publishers (3PPs).

    3PPs are publishers who produce material for RPG systems that they are not the owner of the base RPG. For example: Kobold Press product material for D&D 5E and Pathfinder - so they are a 3PP for 5E and Pathfinder. Wizards of the Coast is not a 3PP for D&D, neither is Paizo a 3PP for Pathfinder; as these are both the base publisher for those respective products.

    We would like to get GMs running 3PP material on Fantasy Grounds. There are many 3PPs who have some of their products converted to Fantasy Grounds - making it easy for the GM to run.

    We currently have support from a number of 3PPs for the following systems:
    1) D&D 5E. AAW Games, Legendary Games, Kobold Press, Frog God Games, Dan Harlan, Rob Twohy.
    2) Pathfinder. AAW Games, Legendary Games, Frog God Games
    3) Savage Worlds. Savage Mojo and Just Insert Imagination.

    Further details here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...P)-information

    If you have a great 3PP product that you're interested in running, but it is not in Fantasy Grounds format then please consider running it (you'll have to set it up for FG yourself). But get in touch with us and we'll see if we can reach out to the relevant 3PP and get some recognition/feedback from the 3PP.

    If you're thinking of running a session or more at FG Con 11, please consider running material from a 3PP. We won't prevent anyone running non-3PP material, but would prefer GMs for this FG Con to run 3PP session/s if at all possible. Please get behind the 3PPs that provide fantastic, and often unique, material that is converted to Fantasy Grounds.

    Full details on the 3PP support here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...P)-information

    Our thanks to SmiteWorks who will upgrade all Full licenses to Ultimate for the weekend of FG Con 11 - as long as you have a Full license anyone can play in your game at FG Con!

    GM event submission is open now at https://www.fg-con.com/ Gm event guidelines here: https://www.fg-con.com/information/gm-guidelines/ and here: https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/up...Guidelines.pdf

    Player registration will open on Friday September 22nd, 12-noon GMT.

    TeamSpeak will be the voice communciation for FG Con 11 (as for previous conventions). Instructions here: https://www.fg-con.com/information/teamspeak/
    Last edited by Trenloe; October 3rd, 2017 at 22:21.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  2. #2
    Would the theme be Spooky by any chance? (Friday the 13th and close to Halloween)

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Clearing my schedule!!!! I will DM and play.
    Ultimate license
    Current Timezone : EDT (GMT -4)
    Running: Various Adventurers League modules
    Playing: Curse of Strahd (Friday nights- OTG), Storm Kings Thunder (Thursday Nights- OTG)
    STEAM: (OTG) Teufelhunde87
    AL DCI: 4115443776

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Will be running at least one game if not more. Might be a progressive series over the weekend. The sooner we have the theme the sooner we can plan within the theme.
    Ultimate License

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Ahoggya View Post
    Will be running at least one game if not more. Might be a progressive series over the weekend. The sooner we have the theme the sooner we can plan within the theme.
    Hey Ahoggya. How have you been? Looking forward to jumping into one of your games. Let me know when you post them up. Please tell Countrycricket74 hello for me.

  8. #8
    I'm in! Not sure if it will fit the theme though. More to come. Dun..Dun...Dunnnn.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    ShotGun Jolly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    St. Johns, NL, Canada
    I am off work, and I WILL BE THERE!!!

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