5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    LFG - D&D 5E - CST - Weekday Evenings (Wednesday or Thursday)

    Been playing D&D 5E (on fantasy grounds) for a while now and am looking to join a weekly game, whether a new campaign (module or homebrew) or one already in progress, on Wednesday or Thursday evenings (7 CST or later). Ideally I'm hoping to find a long-term campaign but am open to one shots if they are needed to see if the group would work. I have access to both teamspeak and skype as mediums to communicate through. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    well chris I am looking for a few more players for a curse of strahd game.

    I am expecting strahd to take several months of regular play, and will branch off to other modules from there.

    Ive been running dnd for several years locally for family and friends on paper, and now use fg. I use dischord for voice chat, its easy and free.

    I think I can fit you quite well. send me a message if you are interested in joining on.

  4. #4
    I'm looking to start curse of strahd up on Wednesday nights 8:30 / 9:00 to roughly midnight. 2-3 hours usually for a session.
    I have 2 players already on board, I would like to have 4 or 5 total.

  5. #5
    @legitomega, I'm very interested in being a part of this, I sent you a PM

  6. #6
    @legitomega, I would be interested in playing in that campaign if you are still looking for extra people. If you are, please send me a PM since it would be easier to discuss.

  7. #7
    my group is now full with 6 players. thanks everyone that showed interest

  8. #8
    If you have anyone that doesn't work out I'd be happy to jump in.

    I'm CST and free most evenings. I've played D&D since I was in 4th grade (sometime in the early 80's) and 1st edition or Basic were the only options. I've played all the editions except for 5e, but am currently in prep to run The Lost Mines of Phandelver on FG for some friends.

    I've played every role and enjoy all classes so I can fill in with whatever is needed or wanted.

    Thanks for your time!

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