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  1. #101
    Cool, thanks. I forgot about free background skills.

    As for his power framework, I figure he got sprayed / gasses / irradiated / etc. with some sort of physical enhancer by the shady business guys as part of their secret human testing program, and they're monitoring his team to see what effect it had.

    I was thinking of some sort of industrial "glue" that strengthens the molecular bonds of his tissues to make him super strong and tough, or perhaps an environmental fusion with the steel and cement to give him strength from absorbing some of their properties. And there's always splicing his DNA with alien DNA as a possible source of the powers. But being new to the system, I wasn't sure exactly how power frameworks work anyway, and I figured we could hammer it out when we get together. I figure his power framework would include the Characteristics STR, CON, and BODY (and maybe DEX), as well as the powers Armor, Damage Resistance, and Regeneration, which is why I didn't buy him any powers beyond those.

    EDIT: That was the idea behind his Susceptibility disadvantage, as well: whatever process gave him his powers involved some sort of catalyst / solvent / byproduct that affects him because of his powers.
    Last edited by Spin-Man; May 12th, 2017 at 19:25.

    FG Con 10 – Fantasy Grounds Online RPG Convention - April 7-9 2017
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  2. #102
    I'd If you have to make him sniff glue to activate his powers

  3. #103
    I created the Industrial Glue 20 point Power Framework for Good Samaritan. I placed his enhanced BODY, CON, DEX and STR in the framework.

    I had to increase the active cost of STR to make it fit the minimum Active Cost Required by the 20 point framework. I did this by making his Strength require 0 Endurance to use and making his Strength Based attacks Penetrating.

    The net result was a savings of 38 points left to spend.

    Zero Endurance for your attacks is a good thing, if for no other reason than the reduced book keeping required.

    Penetrating attacks mean that you always do some damage even if you do not exceed the opponents defenses. In the case of a normal attack, you would do Body and Stun normally if your damage does equal or exceed their defenses and if you do not exceed their defenses, you do an amount of stun damage to them equal to the Body Total that your attack rolled. So, you still "ring their bell", so to speak.

    My suggestion on where to put the extra 38 points might be:

    Take a crowd control power. In other words, something like Foot Stomp, which is an area effect energy blast mechanically, but effect wise is explained by you "Putting Your Foot Down" with authority creating a shockwave against a group of mooks that might be trying to gang bang you. That's a standard type of super strength feat that you see in the comics. You could call it Foot Stomp or Whirlwind attack, The Good Samaritan Boomerang or whatever effect that you want to give it, but mechanically it's the same thing - a low powered point blank area effect energy blast used to clear out groups of easy target minions. It's a good thing to have in your arsenal so that you don't have to punch your way thru groups of minions one single punch at a time.
    Last edited by vodokar; May 13th, 2017 at 02:59.
    Ultimate License Holder GM

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  4. #104
    Thank you for that. It helps a lot. Here's what I came up with:

    Sonic Boom [20 points]
    8d6 Energy Blast vs ED [Starting 40 points]
    Advantages - Does Knockback (+1/4), Explosion with Personal Immunity (+3/4); [40 x (1+1) = 80]
    Limitations - Charges: 2 per day, still uses END (-2), Increased END Cost x 2 (-1/2), No Range (-1/2); [80 / (1+ 3) = 20]

    By stomping on the ground, the Good Samaritan creates a thunderous shockwave that knocks opponents backward.

    That still leaves 18 points: I'll take another look when we connect on Monday, but I'm thinking of getting 9 points of the Hand-to-Hand attack power for +3d6 damage, and putting the other 9 points into more Armor for +2 PD and +4 ED.

    FG Con 10 – Fantasy Grounds Online RPG Convention - April 7-9 2017
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  5. #105
    Sounds like a plan. Very creative especially using charges and increased End to get the price down on the sonic boom. I used a lot of creative ways like that to give my son's character extra features that he wouldn't have been able to afford normally. Limitations can be your best friend.
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    3) C.O.O.L. Beasts
    4) Basic Fantasy Ruleset
    5) Metamorphosis Alpha Ruleset

  6. #106
    I like the thunderstomp attack and I am looking forward to having an iconic superhero on the team who fits that good bruiser positional role. Being fairly non-lethal with Gravitas I will enjoy seeing The glue based Good Samaritan really....STICK it to villains.

  7. #107
    It appears that the Teamspeak FG Community Server is still available for use. We will try using that tonight. password: Dungeoneers Look for the Champions channel.
    Ultimate License Holder GM

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  8. #108
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vodokar View Post
    It appears that the Teamspeak FG Community Server is still available for use.
    It's not going anywhere.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  9. #109
    Something that came out of the discussion last night turned on the light bulb and I solved it. Attachment 18985.

    On the Endurance Calculator, you can now:

    1. Dial in your # of dice for the attack or action you want to do.
    2. See how much endurance that attack or action will use.
    3. Then, doubleclick on the end used box and it applies that amount of endurance.
    4. If you tried to do an action that you didn't have enough endurance left for, it will tell you that you can't do that and set your endurance back to what it was.

    And of course, you can still click on the end used on the combat dashboard to recover end.

    Also, to point out, on the Combat Dashboard, there is a STR box and a # of dice box right next to it. If you have an action that uses Character Points directly and not # of dice, you can enter that into the STR box and it will tell you how many dice that is equivalent to. You can then use that data when filling out the endurance calculator section.

    Also, the suggestion about Block for the Champions Attack Roll. It is now functioning. Attachment 18986

    And lastly, in order to make our visual cues more meaningful and to better match the 4 color spirit of the genre, I played a little with the turn icons. Attachment 18991. The normal red flag is still the turn flag for the round/segment. Blue flag for each player turn. The swirly icon to let you know it's post-segment 12. Green Flags for the players during that round to let you know that each player can heal and only heal during that segment.
    Last edited by vodokar; May 17th, 2017 at 06:02.
    Ultimate License Holder GM

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  10. #110
    I have selected our first adventure. Pyramid in the Sky. It's a nice long one that looks really fun and intriguing. As of right now, we are still on target for a next monday start. Tremendous amount of work to do between now and then, though.
    Ultimate License Holder GM

    Games currently Playing: AD&D, DCC RPG and D&D 5e

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    New School NPC Maker PFRPG - 3.5E
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    Current Projects:

    1) Adventure Module.
    2) Maintaining and improving released projects.
    3) C.O.O.L. Beasts
    4) Basic Fantasy Ruleset
    5) Metamorphosis Alpha Ruleset

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