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  1. #1

    Discord and ambient/background audio...

    So, I've been trying to get a decent setup to at the very least play some good background music for our games. I've setup virtual cables and use voicemeeter (actually been using voicemeeter for over a year for other reasons) but the sound quality in discord for music is completely garbage. It's on par with walkie-talkie. FYI, the channel's bitrat is maxed.

    I've tried a zillion options to try and improve it but it's just not working. I've also opened a ticket with discord support who has been trying to help (nothing has yet).

    Does anyone do this already? Play music (non-stop) and other ambient sounds (cave winds, ghostly sounds/etc) and the sound quality is good?

    There is something called "WildBot" which we can use that will play music linked from youtube but I can't do "mood" or ambient sounds on queue with it.... Wildbot sounds decent enough...

    I'm wondering if it's just because I'm not in one of the larger communities that get attached to the "improved" audio quality servers I've heard rumor about. Maybe I should try it out on the FG discord server. Do any of those channels have bitrate maxed?

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Im not sure if this is a helpful response or not but do you experience the same audio issues when using TS?
    I think most audiophiles shudder at the quality of sound on any of these mediums.

  3. #3
    i do this successfully, by running a second instance of discord rather than using a bot. Sound is surprisingly clear, and works well with Dulux-Oz's DOE extensions and other players running through a virtual cable.

    try this link
    Currently Running: Eberron
    Recently Complete: Lost Mines of Phandelver / Green Ronins Freeport Trilogy / Tomb of Horrors
    Currently playing: nothing at the moment.
    Timezone: Australian Sydney Time - what ever the hell that is at the moment

  4. #4
    I'm using 3 instances of Discord, one for voice, one for music and one for Syrinscape. I know when I'm listening to music and sound through the Discord channel, it sounds like garbage, BUT when I asked my players about the audio quality they all said it's good. It made me wonder if Im not getting good stream quality because Im the host? Do some testing with players in the Discord channel and ask them what they think.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by HavocSmurf View Post
    I'm using 3 instances of Discord, one for voice, one for music and one for Syrinscape. I know when I'm listening to music and sound through the Discord channel, it sounds like garbage, BUT when I asked my players about the audio quality they all said it's good. It made me wonder if Im not getting good stream quality because Im the host? Do some testing with players in the Discord channel and ask them what they think.
    I am running 2 discords (one for me, one for the audio"bot") so I've a similar setup.

    I will ask them... because to me (as with you) it sounds horrid when I'm listening on discord.

    I've done the same thing through g+ hangouts (sorta, required some voicemeeter magic) and it sounded decent enough so I'm pretty sure this is a discord quality issue but still hoping I'm just not turning some knob correctly.

    I'm not expecting movie-theater quality at all just so I'm clear. It just sounds like old school roger wilco (which was like walkie-talkie quality).

  6. #6
    I use Discord without any need for a virtual audio cable. I run two bots. One for music and the other for a soundboard. I have a custom exe available here on the forums called Mimic that will easily allow you to control your discord bots from within Fantasy Grounds with the help of the DOE sound extension.

    Check out the thread here.

  7. #7

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    Was gonna say, I haven't tried it for an RP session yet (which granted, might get tedious doing bot commands) but my plan was just to use a music bot and send it the commands for music to stream instead of playing music from my PC over the channel.

  8. #8
    Hey folks. I've finally gotten things set up with Discord and Syrinscape. I am using Discord and then Discord PTB (beta) as the means of piping music into my voice channel. The Discord PTB was recommended by Rob Thowhy.

    My issue is that I keep getting an app saying 'trial' in the voice channel. I can't tell if it is coming from Discord PTB or my Virtual Audio Cable.

    Anyone experiencing the same?

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Hmmm. Interesting. I just circumvented the VAC, setting my headset as the default device for both my music account and my normal account. Still getting the 'trial' statement.

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