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  1. #11
    ddavison's Avatar
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    I added a new method that Zeus put together for us. That might be a little easier.

  2. #12
    I'm not much of a Mac guy, but I can do most basic tasks on the Mac but I'm hardly an expert.

    I've got an old Macbook that is still running Snow Leopard and I thought I'd give this a whirl. I had previously installed FG a while ago using the WINE wrapper, but never actually tried to play a FG session on it since my gaming machines are Windows. Doing the previous install was a bit of a pain but it worked fine when I followed the instructions and just stepped through them all carefully.

    The new install is fantastic. Downloaded it, unzipped, moved to Applications, bang and done. I loaded up my Ultimate key and library today and did a test run as a GM during my weekly gaming session. Looked great from an install perspective.

    I did have some strange issues during testing which I'm not sure were issues with the old mac(the windows clients were losing connection to my mac upon occasion), or with my unfamiliarity with the OS, or which were due to the fact that it's running in a wrapper (I couldn't see how to resize the screen from the default small window, and if I maximized the app the click targets were displaced from the buttons by quite a few pixels). But on the whole my issues were not install related, so a big thumbs up from my perspective.

  3. #13
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Thanks Gaglug,

    To expand the window, you should be able to drag from the bottom right corner to fill the screen. I would be interested to know if the mouse alignment was still off when using that method. I think that issue showed up for someone previously and there was a fix for it - I just need to research it a bit more.

  4. #14
    Doug, you can get around the Bootstrap issue by paying for a Apple developers license.

  5. #15
    I installed on an older Macbook Air. Installation was easy. Seems very responsive. What other info or feedback do you want?

  6. #16
    I'll try this out in a day or so. When I ran Fantasy Grounds in OSX from Steam Client (launching the Wine installer), it was very slow, especially with multiple modules loaded like PHB, DMG, MM, LMoP and a few others which contain extra classes/races. I installed Wineskin and then emulated the Windows Steam Client (onto OSX) and it was noticeably faster but still rough around the edges. When running my Bootcamp Windows through VMware Fusion, it was better still (emulating Windows which now ran the native Windows Steam Client running the Windows version of FG) but the best, night and day difference was running native Windows and now I can load 10+ modules without impact.

    All senarios was on the exact same laptop and the exact same Windows version. It just depends on how I 'launch' or 'boot' Windows or other software depends on whether I can copy/paste back and forth between OSX and Windows, or gain full hardware performance (losing the Mac interactions).

  7. #17
    Uh oh, I thought everything was working properly on OSX Sierra per my earlier post but I found my first problem since following this installation process. I posted the issue here in the Healing forum:

  8. #18
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Sorry Dave, I've been getting home late from work + tax time + PT at night...

    Finally got to try it. It installed in a JIFFY and started up fine!
    Tomorrow will test it as a client to my Ultimate edition then will register it and try it as host with second instance connecting to it on same mac.

    One thing kept meaning to post but didn't get chance to. You don't really have to unlock anything or make exceptions - just go to Applications folder and open the icon up with a control click where the menu comes up and you choose "open", if do it that way - you get the same message but with an "open anyway" or thereabouts button as well. Once you do that, it will open fine going forward without needing to do this.

  9. #19
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varsuuk View Post
    Sorry Dave, I've been getting home late from work + tax time + PT at night...

    Finally got to try it. It installed in a JIFFY and started up fine!
    Tomorrow will test it as a client to my Ultimate edition then will register it and try it as host with second instance connecting to it on same mac.

    One thing kept meaning to post but didn't get chance to. You don't really have to unlock anything or make exceptions - just go to Applications folder and open the icon up with a control click where the menu comes up and you choose "open", if do it that way - you get the same message but with an "open anyway" or thereabouts button as well. Once you do that, it will open fine going forward without needing to do this.
    Thanks Varsuuk. Is this common Mac user knowledge or something we need to explicitly call out in instructions?

    Other Mac folks, can you try having a connection connect to your game to see if you get a crash like patoarch is getting? If so, which version of OSX are you using?

  10. #20
    Doug, no it isn't a commonly know way of getting around that, so I would suggest you add it to the instructions.

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