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  1. #11
    Skellan's Avatar
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    [FGDaze] Night of Blood - Savaged Warhammer

    Session Time: 8.00pm BST (London Time) (GMT +1)
    Duration: 3 hours
    Calendar Link:
    Number of Players: 2-5
    Short Description: Its dark, there's a terrible storm and something is screaming in pain out in the forest. Just another day in the Old World.
    This is a conversion of the classic 1E Wfrp scenario
    Text/Voice: Voice/TeamSpeak - you must use a headset and mic.
    Game System: Savage Worlds
    Genre: Fantasy Horror
    Newbie Friendly: 100% all comers welcome
    Pre-requisites: At least the FG Demo installed on your machine.
    Last edited by Skellan; June 23rd, 2016 at 00:45.
    Ultimate License Holder - My games are free to play
    Timezone: GMT

  2. #12
    damned's Avatar
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    My Dungeon World game just finished after an epic 5hour session!
    Apologies to you all for running so long - I hope it was fun for you all.

    The adventure that was chosen was:

    We are exploring a flooded settlement
    That lies in a desolate wasteland
    Seeking the tower of a mad wizard
    We are here to gain forbidden knowledge

    Camran the Cleric was seeking the forbidden knowledge for his church...
    Neyrana the Druid knew the flooded settlement surrounded a lost and forgotten druidic circle...
    Fion the Fighter was concerned the forbidden knowledge would be used by the church for war...
    Baltok the Barbarian was afraid only of his nightmares about losing his wife to raiders 3 years ago...

    In the final scene Baltok fought his (now) Vampiric Wife who was performing a dark and corrupted blood ritual along with another Vampire within the ancient Druidic circle within a ruined castle.
    Fion was charmed by the second Vampire early while Neyrana suffered horrifying visions of what could be if the ritual wasnt stopped and the druidic talisman protected.
    Camran protected the talisman with his body before flinging it out of the grasp of the Vampire.
    Fion was torn between protecting the Talisman from Camran (and the church) and killing the Vampire who had dazzled, charmed and incapacitated her.
    In the end Neyrana manipulated the tree into protecting her and the talisman from the grasping clutch of the Vampire but lost control of the spell and the tree (part of the ancient druidic circle) embraced her fully, closing around her and absorbing her and the talisman into the tree and the circle.

    We also gave the MoreCore ruleset its first workout and it went alright.

  3. #13
    Thanks, damned, it was a great adventure and you were an amazing GM, you weaved an amazing story, it's too bad my wife tried to kill me in the end but such is life sometimes.

    Great to meet everyone else, we had a wonderful party. Next time I'm going to try and not take so many baths in the swamp!


  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by NotRussellCrowe View Post
    Thanks, damned, it was a great adventure and you were an amazing GM, you weaved an amazing story, it's too bad my wife tried to kill me in the end but such is life sometimes.

    Great to meet everyone else, we had a wonderful party. Next time I'm going to try and not take so many baths in the swamp!

    Looks and sounds epic!

    FGDaze is racking up some great games and providing lots of opportunities for new players.

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

  5. #15
    Anyone looking for an undead slaying lat night dungeon crawl, I am taking a break after finishing my first session of the day but my server is up for folks to check out my pre-mades while I get food and rest before my 7 pm eastern Descent into Toreurkral: Training Day Scenario. Information is listed above, I've got a few folks interested, and one guy who wants to join the campaign this will turn into if I get enough interest who just can't do another game on Saturdays. So it's not a standard one-shot, this is an application for an actual campaign which may move to another time slot.

    For the rest of you, enjoy your FG-Daze gaming! I saw a bunch of folks in the TS server playing while I was running my weekly session. Hope you had fun!

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by DM|Mag View Post
    Anyone looking for an undead slaying lat night dungeon crawl, I am taking a break after finishing my first session of the day but my server is up for folks to check out my pre-mades while I get food and rest before my 7 pm eastern Descent into Toreurkral: Training Day Scenario. Information is listed above, I've got a few folks interested, and one guy who wants to join the campaign this will turn into if I get enough interest who just can't do another game on Saturdays. So it's not a standard one-shot, this is an application for an actual campaign which may move to another time slot.

    For the rest of you, enjoy your FG-Daze gaming! I saw a bunch of folks in the TS server playing while I was running my weekly session. Hope you had fun!
    Would love to play tonight, but can't play 'till 8:30 or 9pm.

  7. #17
    I'm running on 2 hours sleep, so if I am still around and the others aren't done, I'm all for it. If not, I've got a recruitment thread up in LFG, make sure to check that out, There's a guy who can't make it at all tonight who wants to vote we move the weekly session to another night.

  8. #18
    Any games running at 9pm EDT or after? I saw there's a savage world game, but I haven't played savage worlds in a bit. Any spots available?

  9. #19
    rob2e's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mask_of_winter View Post
    Session Time: 10:00 pm EDT
    Duration: 3 hours
    Calendar Link:
    Number of Players: 3-5
    Short Description: Fuhgeddaboudit! is a mob and road movie, sandbox adventure for Savage Worlds. It is Las Vegas, 1968 and your group has been ordered to make a troublesome accountant disappear. It's a pleasant drive out to the desert, what could possibly go wrong?
    Text/Voice: Voice/TeamSpeak - you must use a headset and mic.
    Game System: Savage Worlds
    Genre: 60's Mobster movie
    Newbie Friendly: 100% all comers welcome
    Pre-requisites: At least the FG Demo installed on your machine.

    I showed up on 6/25 at 10pm EDT just like I was supposed to. Not even one person showed for this, not even the GM? Dissappointed.
    rob2e - Join me on Discord!
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  10. #20
    Mask_of_winter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rob2e View Post
    I showed up on 6/25 at 10pm EDT just like I was supposed to. Not even one person showed for this, not even the GM? Dissappointed.
    It appears the date was missing from this entry but it was on the calendar. I have myself to blame for that. The game was on the 24th at 10:00 pm Eastern.
    Writer for Just Insert Imagination and co-host of the Wild Die Podcast.
    Find me on G+ to get in on one-shots, check out my YouTube and Twitch channel and follow me on Twitter @Mask_of_Winter

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