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  1. #1

    [FGDaze] 5e - Into the Awaroth Woods

    Session Time: Saturday 25th June 2pm-5pm NEW ZEALAND TIME (server and Teamspeak will be available from 12pm to test voice and build characters).
    If you're in another time zone see:,-600,cn3
    Calendar Link:
    Number of Players: 3-5
    Short Description: Lured by a scroll where the long dead sorcerer Urgaan boasts about treasures hidden in his tower, the party arrives at the outpost near the Awaroth Woods.
    Text/Voice: Teamspeak - you must use a headset and mic. (server/instructions here:
    Game System: Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
    Genre: Fantasy
    Newbie Friendly: Yes, the DM is a Newbie too!
    Pre-requisites: Teamspeak and Fantasy Grounds Demo version.

    If you only have the demo version, perhaps build your character in the two hours before the game while connected to the server, otherwise you won't have access to the easy drag-and-drop character building. I'll also have a few pre-built characters you can choose from.

    Depending on the players, it could take longer than 3 hours to complete the scenario! It's hard to estimate game time. If we can't finish in 3 hours and everyone wants to continue the game, I'll schedule a follow-up session.


    1. If you are completely new to DnD, you should familiarize yourself with the rules as much as you can - particularly the rules around the class you want to play. See the basic rules here (read up on the classes):
    2. I'd like the game to be "all ages" friendly and I expect everyone to abide by the Adventurer's League code of conduct, which is part of the player's guide here: Basically, be respectful.
    3. If you are familiar with the scenario, please don't sign up. Join a future session instead - I'll give priority to new players.
    4. On the day of the game I'll have the server running and Teamspeak set up two hours before we start - you can connect and build your character on my server if you like, and test out Teamspeak if you are not sure your mic setup is working. Even if you think Teamspeak is working, it's a good idea to connect early and test it out.
    5. Don't sign up unless you are sure you can make it!

    A few more details about the game:

    Level: 1
    Ability Scores: points buy or standard array
    Equipment: Standard choices from the PHB
    Class or Race restrictions: Any from the PHB (I don't have any expansion books)
    Alignment restrictions: Any non-evil alignments

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Just a note: I am aiming the adventure at first level to make things simpler for newcomers. If we are all comfortable with it, I'll raise that to level 3 so the characters are more capable, that should make things a bit more interesting.

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    In 5e even Lvl 1 PCs are pretty capable - just give them max HP - they only have to last 3-4hrs and if they go out fighting thats cool too

  5. #5
    After too long away from tabletop gaming (even online), I've been looking for a chance to try out both 5e and Fantasy Grounds, this seems the perfect chance. Count me in.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Hey guys I applied and would love to get in on this. Im new as well. Also what time would this be in eastern us?

  8. #8
    damned's Avatar
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    Enter your Timezone in your Profile settings and visit the Calendar link in the first post and it will show you the correct time. Additionally the TimeAndDate link in the first post will show you the time in over a hundred locations.

  9. #9
    i would love to join and will apply
    May the force be with you..always

  10. #10
    Ok, I've accepted everyone and we have a full house - that will make for an interesting group of characters!
    Can you all PM me your email addresses so I can (reliably) message you all at once?

    I've had a look and the adventure should be fine for a group of first level characters, so lets stay with level 1 characters to keep it simple.

    @siegleeagle did you figure out the time in your zone? Follow the link:,-600,cn3

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