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  1. #1
    damned's Avatar
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    FGDaze! - Saturday June 25th 2016. Game announcement thread.

    FGDaze! games announcement thread.
    Saturday June 25th 2016!
    GMs please make a discussion thread specific to your game in this forum, create a game calendar entry (with the time of your event in the "Scheduled play times" section) and then announce your game(s) in this thread with links to your discussion thread and game calender entry.
    Remember to use [FGDAZE] in your Calendar Campaign name
    Please DONT reply to posts here - this is a listing of all games only.
    Other posts will be removed from this thread.

    FGDaze! is an opportunity for GMs to run a one shot of something special, something different, something fast and fun!
    Its a great opportunity for new GMs to try their hand at a short session.

    Its also a great place for new players to grab a game and get to experience some role playing fun.

    And most importantly its a great place for players and GMs, new and old, to meet some other gamers.

    GMs Your game post should include the following minimum information:

    Session Time:
    Calendar Link:
    Number of Players:
    Short Description:
    GM License/Player License:

    Other useful info includes:

    Game System:
    Newbie Friendly:
    Pre-requisites (esp for AL and PFS):

    Create a Calendar Entry. Dont put a time up for voting - set the time and accept it so players know when the session runs. Its a great idea to make a separate thread for your game so that you and your players can discuss anything pre-game. Communicate regularly with your players so they have confidence the game is on and they know what is expected of them.

    Players you should read the GM post carefully. Get the timezone stuff right. If you sign up - turn up - dont leave everyone else hanging. Express your interest in the Forum Thread (not this one - the one for your game) and sign up on the Calendar. If you are new make sure you have set your Timezone in your Profile (hot this link and scroll down.... https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...do=editoptions).

    All Some signatures for the event can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i7tku9sl11...tures.txt?dl=0

  2. #2

  3. #3
    damned's Avatar
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    [FGDAZE] Dungeon World - Beginners Wanted!
    Session Time: 2130AEST https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclo...30&p1=240&ah=4
    Durantion: 3.5-4hours
    Calendar Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calen...ex.xcp?id=2016
    Number of Players: 2-5
    Short Description: Dungeon World encourages you to role play and to become a part of the story. Its fast and easy to learn. No experience required.
    Text/Voice: Voice/TeamSpeak - you must use a headset and mic.
    Game System: Dungeon World (using CoreRPG and MoreCore)
    Genre: Classic Fantasy
    Newbie Friendly: 100% all comers welcome
    Pre-requisites: None. Come ready to have some fun.
    Signup on the Calendar and Ill be in touch with you. Yes - I know its at a ridiculous time for many of you!

  4. #4
    ShotGun Jolly's Avatar
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    St. Johns, NL, Canada

    FG-Daze - Savage Battlestar - End Game

    Session Time: June 26th, 02:30 GMT (23:59 NST)
    Durantion: 2-3 hours
    Calendar Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2020
    Number of Players: 2-6
    Short Description: Play BSG in the opening hours of the second Cylon War
    Text/Voice: Voice/TeamSpeak - you must use a headset and mic.
    Game System: Savage Worlds
    Genre: Hard Sci Fi
    Newbie Friendly: 100% all comers welcome
    Pre-requisites: None. Come ready to have some fun.
    Signup on the Calendar, (Link above)

    This game will be broadcasted on Twitch live!
    Last edited by ShotGun Jolly; June 17th, 2016 at 09:53.

  5. #5
    License Type: I have Ultimate, you just need the demo.
    Session Time:
    June 25th 7 PM Eastern
    Duration: I'll be starting to run games at 12 noon, so I will go as long as I can into the night. I'll give it at least 4 hours, but may go longer.
    Calendar Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calen...ex.xcp?id=2027
    Number of Players: I will do my best to accommodate all applicants during this event. I will only be looking for up 6 players after my application screening is completed however for the long term campaign.
    Short Description: Application trial dungeon crawl event, Dwarf vs Zombie underground dungeon crawl combat scenario. Pathfinder system, using my WIP Classless hack for creation.
    Text/Voice: The "Descent Into Toreurkral" channel on the FG Teamspeak 3 Server. You just need to listen to me and the others if you only want to type in chat instead of use a mic yourself.
    Game System: PF with some 3.5 sources, Info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l-Training-Day
    Genre: Medieval Fantasy; Strategic Dungeon Crawl
    Newbie Friendly: This is open to all, but a certain familiarity with Pathfinder, group tactics, and gaming in general will most certainly be helpful. I've hacked Pathfinder into a classless XP buy for everything. So knowing the PF basics will assist folks here. That said, anyone who can read, do some math, and utilize basic medieval military tactics in game and communicate in a friendly manner should be able to do alright here. If you don't want to use the classless hack, you can build a standard level 6 gestalt character.
    Pre-Requisites: Friendly, able to communicate, willing to play. This is your try out for a long term campaign slot. I'll have pre-made's ready for folks, but folks who build their own character will have a better understanding. You need the FG Demo, and Teamspeak as far as software.
    Sign-up:​ On calendar, or in the forum linked above works for me.

    Side note: I will be running this campaigns 2nd session from 12 noon until 5 or so. For those who are interested, and/or cannot make the 7 pm scenario I am using for an application event. You are welcome to join during my earlier session and spectate instead and talk with me later. So long as you don't interrupt the game.
    Last edited by DM|Mag; June 17th, 2016 at 02:04. Reason: License addition, oops.

  6. #6
    Mask_of_winter's Avatar
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    USA Eastern Time Zone (GMT -5/-4)
    Blog Entries

    [FGDaze] Savage Worlds - Fuhgeddaboudit!

    Session Time: 10:00 pm EDT
    Duration: 3 hours
    Calendar Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calen...ex.xcp?id=2037
    Number of Players: 3-5
    Short Description: Fuhgeddaboudit! is a mob and road movie, sandbox adventure for Savage Worlds. It is Las Vegas, 1968 and your group has been ordered to make a troublesome accountant disappear. It's a pleasant drive out to the desert, what could possibly go wrong?
    Text/Voice: Voice/TeamSpeak - you must use a headset and mic.
    Game System: Savage Worlds
    Genre: 60's Mobster movie
    Newbie Friendly: 100% all comers welcome
    Pre-requisites: At least the FG Demo installed on your machine.

    Writer for Just Insert Imagination and co-host of the Wild Die Podcast.
    Find me on G+ to get in on one-shots, check out my YouTube and Twitch channel and follow me on Twitter @Mask_of_Winter

  7. #7

    [FGDaze] 5e - Into the Awaroth Woods

    Session Time: Saturday 25th June 2pm-5pm NEW ZEALAND TIME (server and Teamspeak will be available from 12pm to test voice and build characters).
    If you're in another time zone see: https://everytimezone.com/#2016-6-25,-600,cn3
    Calendar Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2046
    Number of Players: 3-5
    Short Description: Lured by a scroll where the long dead sorcerer Urgaan boasts about treasures hidden in his tower, the party arrives at the outpost near the Awaroth Woods.
    Text/Voice: Teamspeak - you must use a headset and mic. (server/instructions here: https://www.fg-con.com/information/teamspeak)
    Game System: Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
    Genre: Fantasy
    Newbie Friendly: Yes, the DM is a Newbie too!
    Pre-requisites: Teamspeak and Fantasy Grounds Demo version.

    If you only have the demo version, perhaps build your character in the two hours before the game while connected to the server, otherwise you won't have access to the easy drag-and-drop character building. I'll also have a few pre-built characters you can choose from.

    Depending on the players, it could take longer than 3 hours to complete the scenario! It's hard to estimate game time. If we can't finish in 3 hours and everyone wants to continue the game, I'll schedule a follow-up session.


    1. If you are completely new to DnD, you should familiarize yourself with the rules as much as you can - particularly the rules around the class you want to play. See the basic rules here (read up on the classes): https://dnd.wizards.com/products/tab...rs-basic-rules
    2. I'd like the game to be "all ages" friendly and I expect everyone to abide by the Adventurer's League code of conduct, which is part of the player's guide here: https://dnd.wizards.com/articles/eve...ague-resources. Basically, be respectful.
    3. If you are familiar with the scenario, please don't sign up. Join a future session instead - I'll give priority to new players.
    4. On the day of the game I'll have the server running and Teamspeak set up two hours before we start - you can connect and build your character on my server if you like, and test out Teamspeak if you are not sure your mic setup is working. Even if you think Teamspeak is working, it's a good idea to connect early and test it out.
    5. Don't sign up unless you are sure you can make it!

    A few more details about the game:

    Level: 1
    Ability Scores: points buy or standard array
    Equipment: Standard choices from the PHB
    Class or Race restrictions: Any from the PHB (I don't have any expansion books)
    Alignment restrictions: Any non-evil alignments
    Last edited by lesliev; June 16th, 2016 at 16:04.

  8. #8

    [FGDAZE] Shadow of the Demon Lord (The Slaver's Lash)

    Session Time: 06/25/26 @8pm EST

    Calendar Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2048

    Number of Players: 3 to 5 players (2 to 4 hours of play time)

    Short Description: In this adventure, a band of orc slavers from the Broken Tusk tribe has moved into the Northern Reach, plundering frontier towns for slaves to sell or use for sport. You are one among the captured and need to find a way to escape.

    Text/Voice: Fantasy Grounds Teamspeak Server (A room will be set up for the game)

    GM License/Player License: Ultimate License (All Welcome)

    Other useful info includes: Character sheets will be pre made so all the players will have to do is show up and want to have some fun for a few hours. I will be recording and streaming this game live on my partnered Twitch channel. I will also be uploading the game on my YouTube channel.

    Game System: Shadow Of The Demon Lord (CoreRPG & MoreCore)

    Genre: A Dark And Gritty Fantasy Horror Setting

    Newbie Friendly: Absolutely

    Pre-requisites: A good attitude, reliable internet, a working headset with mic, and we use push to talk on my teamspeak server (We do not want to listen to you breathing all night), Fantasy Grounds Demo (I have Ultimate)

    Attachment 14373
    Last edited by David32780; June 20th, 2016 at 19:54.

  9. #9
    [FGDaze] Deadlands Noir: A Bad Night at the Office
    A one-shot case file for FG Daze.

    Case File Teaser: A stakeout of a mob office rapidly develops into a shooting war as rival gangsters raid the joint. The ensuing fight yields horrific surprises, and the follow up investigation threatens to plunge lawmen deep into the darkness...

    Short Description: One-shot Deadlands Noir case file for FG Daze. 50 percent action, 50 percent investigation & RP. Things are not what they seem...
    Ruleset/Setting: Savage Worlds/Deadlands Noir
    Genre: Action & Investigation Pulp Noir

    Sign up at the Calendar link here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2050
    Plot teaser, discussion, and questions at this thread:https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...426#post275426

    Session Time: 08:00 am EDT
    Duration: 3 hours
    Number of Players: 2-5
    Newbie Friendly: Rules taught/easy to learn. RP & player choice emphasized.
    Text/Voice: Voice/TeamSpeak - you must use a headset and mic.
    Prerequisites: GM License = Ultimate. Players need only the FG Demo client installed (as well as Teamspeak, a headset and mic).

    Last edited by Hector Trelane; June 20th, 2016 at 17:19. Reason: Updated Short Description and Casefile Teaser

    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

  10. #10
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    [FGDAZE] 5e - The Incomplete Lunch
    Session Time: 2.00 PM GMT
    Calendar Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calen...ex.xcp?id=2056
    Number of Players: 4-6
    Short Description: You've had your breakfast and now it's time for lunch; of course it's never going to be as good as the breakfast but still you are hungry so the bread and cheese will just have to do. You've built a small fire to ward off the chill and are just about to take a bite. And that's when the screaming starts....
    Voice: Teamspeak - no text only nonsense here
    Game Sysyem: 5e
    Genre: Fantasy
    Prerequisites: None, premade characters will be distributed before play starts. GM has Ultimate license so you don't have to.
    Sign up: On game Calendar

    And make sure you know what 2.00PM GMT is in YOUR timezone.
    Last edited by Zacchaeus; June 18th, 2016 at 20:38.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

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