Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    LFG 1 player, evenings or bi weekly, EST 5e pf or 3e pref

    Standard license. EST (gmt-5)

    Evenings or bi weekly if the day matches my schedule. I work12hour shifts on a rotating 2-2-3 schedule, so i get lots of days off, but they are opposite each week. Any day is fine after 8pm est, however; providing the session length doesn't infringe with getting up for work the next morning!

    Experienced gamer, new to fg but loving it. DM experience, but looking to be strictly a player until i get the software nailed down. Been playing 20 years off and on, and hoping to start an "on." 2e and 3e/pfrpg mostly. Didn't care for 4, would love to learn 5e.

    Long term would be nice, but I'm flexible. Vent or TS would be ideal, but, again, I'm flexible.

    My passion is the Bard, and i love to roleplay. Ooc discussion and joking is great as long as I still get to play in character. Though I would prefer to roll a bard, I'll be happy to fill a specific role if the group has needs.
    Last edited by Synh; March 3rd, 2016 at 16:03. Reason: Clarified work schedule

  2. #2
    Hi, welcome to the Fantasy Grounds forums!

    Would you be interested in a one-evening 5E module this Saturday (March 5) starting at 7pm Eastern and going until around 11-12? You have to build a 5E PC ahead of game and be ready to upload the xml at game time. And the DM is a noob (2nd game as DM and not a 5E expert). If so, send me a PM. Can't adjust the game day/time on this one.

    EDIT - Game server will be up Friday night for character building if you do not have the stuff to build your PC xml offline. I have 3 players signed on with a couple more invites out, need a 4th which would be you at this point. I'll fill in details in reply if you PM me first.

    Not sure from your post exactly what your schedule availability is, ie what days are you free any time and how late you can play on days you need to start at 8. Pretty sure that will be the first thing everyone here asks.

    Last edited by IrishBouzouki; March 3rd, 2016 at 12:49. Reason: added server availability for PC build
    looking to play Traveller (classic or Mongoose 2nd edition)
    looking to play Old School Essentials Classic Fantasy
    considering running a short game of either but have to work remote hosting for FGU to do it
    free almost any day or time

  3. #3
    Ellspeth's Avatar
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    Nov 2014
    Where the north begins and pure water flows, eastern time zone USA
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    Hiya Synh, welcome aboard. I play in the one shot Irish is practicing with, he is doing really well, but Fantasy Grounds is a brilliant tool pretty readily picked up by those who already know the rulesets. And there is plenty of mentoring around here for new GM's, new players, well anyone who has a question. Good luck finding games, stay persistent, check the threads, answer on them and make contact with GM's who have games posted. 5e is really popular right now and they fill fast, so check a few times a day (I call it sharking, circling looking for what ya want). All said glad to have more members in this totally awesome community.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the welcome!

    To answer your question, Irish, the reason my post isn't clear is because my availability alternates every week. This week i work Wed & Thurs, and off the weekend. Next week is the opposite. And so forth. But 8pm til 11-12 eastern is fine any day.
    Last edited by Synh; March 3rd, 2016 at 18:35.

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