5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    [TUTO-DEV] plz use single format for your Debug.console


    i try to earn the ruleset and I am very puzzled that debug mode is not used in a practical way by extension creators of rulesets ...
    try to use a unique way to do to facilitate understanding you use.

    i propose this

    Debug.console("nameOfExtension - nameOfFileScript --> nameOfFunction: nameOfVariable=", nameOfVariable);

    example :
    Debug.console("CoC7e - manager_action_damage --> handleApplyDamage: rSource=", rSource);
    Debug.console("CoC7e - manager_action_damage --> handleApplyDamage: rTarget=", rTarget);
    Debug.console("CoC7e - manager_action_damage --> handleApplyDamage: msgOOB", msgOOB);

    after it is very easy to change all files you want debug correctly...in notepad++ use (Find/Remplace all) with :
    find : Debug.console
    replace with : -- Debug.console

    and all line debug is off
    and inverse is all on in one task.

    when you see the console, is very very easy to earn what where and how...

    try it and never mind different.

    Last edited by martel; January 10th, 2016 at 08:17.

  2. #2

    I created a youtube channel for my little experience and i want share with people to help.

    It's in french, but you can understand by your eyes. :-) it's better tuto in movie vs written document if you dont understand the language..



  3. #3
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi Martel - have a look at the MoreCore extension and the Maelstrom RPG ruleset - they have a lot more comments in them - they dont have as much debug as you might like but they do have quite a lot of comments. This might be of help.

  4. #4
    if you see my video, i explain to do better debug system, it is for the developer more easy.

    thks for MoreCore extension, i go see that, but i like more my debug format.

  5. #5
    Mask_of_winter's Avatar
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    MoreCore isnt a debug machine. It's an extension. Damned soulignait simplement que ses extensions et rulesets possèdent beaucoup de commentaires dans les fichiers xml qui sont très utiles pour les dévelopeurs.
    Writer for Just Insert Imagination and co-host of the Wild Die Podcast.
    Find me on G+ to get in on one-shots, check out my YouTube and Twitch channel and follow me on Twitter @Mask_of_Winter

  6. #6
    @Mask_of_winter : merci, j'avais compris ...par contre je ne sais pas si je me suis fait comprendre :-)
    Car quand tu as plusieurs Extensions, avec une façon de créer les lignes de débugage trop simple, on ne voit pas bien d'où ça vient. alors qu'avec le format que j'utilise, on peut facilement avoir du code overrider (ruleset->extension1->extenion2) on sait exactement quelle fonction, et surtout à quelle couche on se trouve.

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