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  1. #1

    How does one make many minotaurs?

    So I want to recreate some of my old Dragonlance characters in 5e.
    If I want to use the Unearthed Arcana entries on Minotaurs, what is the easiest or best way to do it?
    The way I see it I have 3 options.

    1. Create each one over, typing in the stats for horns or labyrithine recall or such, each time for each character.
    2. ??

    There must be a better way than option 1.
    I can't seem to drag and drop from one to another.
    Do I need to create a library with minotaur as a race and if so, how?
    Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    This stuff may come in when the DM guide comes out. Atm If you want to recreature your minotaur PC you would have to do it manually. If you know something about coding you could create your own race.
    Acually have a look at the PAr5e project.
    You could use this to make your own race entries. Then apply these from the module to your PC in FG
    "When questing once in noble wood of gray medieval pine, I came upon a tomb, rain-slicked, rubbed cool, ethereal, its inscription long vanished, yet still within its melancholy fissures."

  3. #3
    Valarian's Avatar
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    You could make one as a template. Export the character and then import as many times as needed. I think this creates new character records. You should then be able to add the customisations and differences to each.
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  4. #4
    Some sort of breeding program?

  5. #5
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Callum View Post
    Some sort of breeding program?
    Yeah my first thought was to have a chat with mum and dad about how these things work but I think Valarian might e closer to the money. Get one character close to right and export the XML and then import as many times as required.

  6. #6
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Just to expand and clarify what the chaps are saying above.

    You are wanting to create a non-standard race here for use as a PC and so since that doesn't exist you're not going to be able to automate building such a race unless as Willot says you learn to use Par5e and create a module with that race as a template. Creating a race is actually relatively straightforward in par5e so it may well be worth having a look. Doing it this way you will be able to drag and drop into a character sheet and a certain amount of automation to ability scores etc will take place.

    If you don't use par5e to create a race then you should follow Valarian's suggestion of creating a template. To do this create a new character and give it all of the basic stat bonuses, languages and any other features that the race might have. Don't give it a class or background or anything else; just the stuff from the race and call it Base Minotaur or something. Now go to the PCs tab, click on the brownish button and then on the blue down arrow that appears over the character you created to export it.

    You can now go ahead and rename the character, give it a class, background etc etc. When you are ready to create a new one import the Base Minotaur template and create away.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  7. #7
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    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  8. #8
    Thank you all. For the info and the laughs.
    I had no idea that Par5e was the way to add this to my library.

    Since I only may end up with 3, I think I'll go with the import/export plan to get these done.
    But will definitely look into Par5e a bit more.

  9. #9
    Xorn's Avatar
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    Put lots of sweet fluff text here.
    Maybe another paragraph if you feel verbose.
    #h;I like to throw a sweet header here like "Why is this race awesome?"
    Once you're done with all the talky talky crap and you want some crunch, then...
    #h;Minotaur Traits
    #!;Ability Score Increase.  Put the wording just like it is in the book.
    #!;Next Minotaur Trait.  Plus the follow up text.
    #!;Yet Another Trait.  Then all the text and stuff
    Then PAR5E it, and you've got a new race built in a custom library module. That's all there is to making a custom race in PAR5E.
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  10. #10
    Xorn, is there an updated How-to for the Par5e?
    Your videos look great but it's not the same version of Par5e and so the steps don't follow.

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