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  1. #1
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    FG Con 7 Feedback thread

    Well, the seventh FG Con is over...

    Damned, IanMWard, Mask_of_Winter and I are always looking for constructive feedback on how the convention went for you and any ideas you might have for future conventions.

    If you'd like to give feedback, please do so in this thread or PM damned or me if you'd like to keep it private.

    Onward to the next FG Con, April 2016!
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Obviously have to congratulate everyone who took part and who organised the event. The multi table event that was put together was a real challenge for the DMs involved but as I said elsewhere I feel that especially for new players to PFS a sense of urgency needs to be injected into the table. For me, personally, if we had failed but had done our best then there would have been some sense of achievement and reward but not knowing the consequences of failure beforehand meant we messed around with trivia rather than getting stuck in from the get go. Having said that I'd take part again and it was valuable experience of the way PFS works and what the players need to do.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  3. #3
    Ellspeth's Avatar
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    Congratulations and thank you to everyone who puts in their own time and effort to create more opportunities to play for both old and new players. The tiny taste I have had of running a game on FG has raised my respect for the efforts of every single GM as high as that of any director I have met for live staged shows in theater. It takes skill and patience (humour as well) and you guys do an amazing job. To those, especially Damned who do more than just run games to make this possible I want to extend added appreciation. As for improving future events, for many of us this works out well, it may be difficult for newer people to pick up, but I am not anything like technically minded and manage.
    This isn't a critique, but for myself, I had considered running my one shot for practice at the Con, but this time was advertised as theme oriented, and I didn't feel my history oriented game would fit. I know I could have asked, and no doubt it would have been no problem, but for me, speaking for NO ONE else, didn't feel right. Another thing I hope to encourage some of the amazing GM's that run games I play in who don't usually run games for the events to give it a go. Not only as an opportunity to recruit for their games, but to allow others to test out some of the lesser played rulesets (does this sound like a recurring theme with me?) Damned does an excellent job of bringing in the unusual, his Dungeon World games have been fantastic, but I'd like to see a few others bring equally rare settings in, lest he thinks I am stalking his games.
    Beyond that, great work guys, it was fun as always, and it is always cool to meet the people behind the nicknames I see on the forums.

  4. #4

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    Well done and a big thank you to all the organisers and GMs who made the con possible. I had a great time in the two games I played in and must say a special thank you to GMs Lachancery and HoloGnome - fantastic job both! The multi-table event was particularly great fun to play in and I'd love more of these and/or other specials at future cons. Roll on April!

  5. #5
    Well Damned got my email with my feedback.

    I played in a few games and had a great deal of games. I had one game where I was the only one who showed up and my game did happen, albeit that it was a bit of a struggle.

    After the struggle I had in this con and fgdaze trying to get players to play my game (which isn't D&D) I think I will stick to being a player and I won't run another game for a con again. Too much struggle and not worth the effort for the possible change that people will show up and it will happen.

    But the two games I got to play in (both run by Mask Of Winter) they were very fun

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  6. #6
    AstaSyneri's Avatar
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    Halfway through the Con I was really happy - finally got to play in a game run by Doswelk. It was a blast, because it showed me a lot of stuff in terms of automation that I hadn't seen before, plus Ikael's Savage Worlds blood splatter mod in action (so much more fun to be had with that - it puts the S in Savage Worlds ).

    Then my router burned out (a small bang and air smelling of burnt plastic - not a good sign :/ ) and I couldn't play in the Sunday night SW XCOM session. What a bummer. Now I look forward to next time, to get that session in.

    Thanks for organizing it - it's a huge help for people like me who just want to get some new input and have fun as a player for once.
    Savage Musketeer Roleplaying with a horrific twist: All for One - Régime Diabolique for Savage Worlds is available on the FG store now!

  7. #7
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AstaSyneri View Post
    Halfway through the Con I was really happy - finally got to play in a game run by Doswelk. It was a blast, because it showed me a lot of stuff in terms of automation that I hadn't seen before, plus Ikael's Savage Worlds blood splatter mod in action (so much more fun to be had with that - it puts the S in Savage Worlds ).
    Yeah, that was a good game - I learned lots too. Good to play with you!

    Sorry your router burned out. Of all the times for that to happen - you were obviously getting too Savage with it!
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  8. #8
    Answulf's Avatar
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    Oops - wrong FG Con.
    Last edited by Answulf; October 24th, 2016 at 02:14.
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    Struggling to find games? Check out my Fantasy Grounds blog here.

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