5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #1
    Ellspeth's Avatar
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    Where the north begins and pure water flows, eastern time zone USA
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    [Savage Worlds] Resistance: Roman Britain

    AD 44. The Roman conquest of Britain has begun. The Cantellevuni are decimated, their King, Caratacus fled north seeking shelter ,rallying the northern tribes before the Romans reach their boundaries. The sweeping path of the Romans approaches the Trinovante , Iceni , Brigante . Some reach out to the Romans in uneasy alliances, others choose to resist to the death. In the face of the overwhelming might of Caesar’s armies on the march, a few more daring souls (including a young Boadicea, 17 years before the uprising that bears her name) come together to disrupt their plans behind the lines. Do you have what it takes to join these courageous resistance fighters in their effort to change the course of history?
    This is a one shot home brew session using Savage Worlds ruleset. I will be running it twice, the first session is scheduled for Friday, September 4th at 8pm EDT. A second session is planned near the end of the month during European friendly hours, though feedback will determine the precise time, it would run on a Saturday sometime between 1pm and 8pm GMT. I have an Ultimate license so anyone interested can play. Contact me by private message if you wish to join, and I will provide you with the Teamspeak and reservation information.
    DISCLAIMER: This will be the first game I have run anywhere, ever. I was introduced to RPG’s at the beginning of 2014, but my background in live theatre made this a beautiful fit for a hobby. Due to the wonderful sharing nature of the Fantasy Ground community I have been encouraged to give this a try with plenty of assistance from a number of truly awesome GM’s and the wealth of material for planning and running campaign shared here on the forums. Materials used in this game will be the Savage World Players Companion and The Ultimate Roman Legion for Savage Worlds. This campaign is very high history, low fantasy. Pre-gens will be provided.

  2. #2
    I would love to play but the day just doesn't work for me. Darn
    Last edited by Daedalus; August 31st, 2015 at 16:30.

    Time Zone: EDT
    Fantasy Grounds Ultimate License
    My Games are free to play. You only need the Demo to play

  3. #3
    Count me in, Ellspeth! So cool you're ready to roll with this. When pregens are ready, can I pop on to take a look and choose one before game time? Wanna get a feel for what I'll be playing before we get there, if that's okay.


  4. #4
    Count me in for the Sept 4th session.

    I can play whatever no one else wants.
    Ultimate License Holder--All can play in my games.

    Need Help as a GM, PM me and I will give as much assistance as I can to get you started.

    COMPLETED PROJECTS--Fifth Edition Foes (Frog God Games) 5E. Quests of Doom Volume 1 (Frog God Games) 5E, Quests of Doom Volume II (Frog God Games) 5E.

    CURRENT PROJECTS--Quests of Doom 3 & 4 (Frog God Games) 5E.

  5. #5
    Ellspeth's Avatar
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    Where the north begins and pure water flows, eastern time zone USA
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    Glad to have you aboard Jim, though having such an experienced GM may intimidate me, Nah. I'll talk to you Sunday if to give ya any other details, unless you want to find me on TS tonight between 6:30 and 8:30 Eastern, I am meeting with one or two others that wanted to take a look at the pre-gens.

  6. #6
    I am there to play and enjoy the game, besides I have played some SW, but never DMd it, that is my brothers preferred ruleset so I leave it to him. I have some work being done to the house later but if I get a chance I will jump on.
    Ultimate License Holder--All can play in my games.

    Need Help as a GM, PM me and I will give as much assistance as I can to get you started.

    COMPLETED PROJECTS--Fifth Edition Foes (Frog God Games) 5E. Quests of Doom Volume 1 (Frog God Games) 5E, Quests of Doom Volume II (Frog God Games) 5E.

    CURRENT PROJECTS--Quests of Doom 3 & 4 (Frog God Games) 5E.

  7. #7
    Ellspeth's Avatar
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    Where the north begins and pure water flows, eastern time zone USA
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    How awesome guys, all the seats for this the Friday night, September 4th session are taken. I so appreciate the support. A second session for those who this is not possible for I plan to run Saturday September 26, either 8am or 2pm EDT, to make it easy, that would be either 1 pm or 7 pm GMT, and for the downunders the 8 am translates I think to about 10pm Saturday for you. If no one from downunder states they want in we I will go with the later time. Again, thank you.

  8. #8
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ellspeth View Post
    How awesome guys, all the seats for this the Friday night, September 4th session are taken. I so appreciate the support. A second session for those who this is not possible for I plan to run Saturday September 26, either 8am or 2pm EDT, to make it easy, that would be either 1 pm or 7 pm GMT, and for the downunders the 8 am translates I think to about 10pm Saturday for you. If no one from downunder states they want in we I will go with the later time. Again, thank you.
    Well done Ellspeth!

  9. #9
    I still remember the PM you sent me back in Nov 2014 and your comment way back when

    " Thorun, in a few months Sunday mornings would be good for me if they have something starting then. Right now there is a lot of activity around me that is very distracting, and I like to focus on the game. Also there is some weird law against my tying them all up and throwing them in a closet so I can have quiet for a few hours. "

    Still can't stop laughing, and the PM you sent me when I mentioned how funny I thought it was - you totally rock ! In my humble opinion anyways

    Just out of curiosity your background in theater (which would I think make you a dream come true to many players... a GM who's an expert at acting out NPC's in character? Doesn't get much better than that ) ... does that translate to you doing cool accents and cool improv conversations over voice chat ? All my spare time is going into my two munchkins and EVER so slowly trying to piece together my own FG campaign can't even participate in anything as a player .. but if that's the case I'm sure anyone listening to you in action would be in for a treat

  10. #10
    Ellspeth plays in a game I run, and we play together in another game.
    I can promise all of you playing in her game, you are in for a treat.
    She is very energetic and entertaining as a player and I'm sure she will be the same as a GM.

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