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  1. #41

  2. #42
    After trying I realized I don't have the skill for it.
    But one of the players in my WFRP campaign has been learning by modify the library and is getting quite good at it so I'm going to see if he is interested in trying.

  3. #43
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dcgreenwood View Post
    After trying I realized I don't have the skill for it.
    But one of the players in my WFRP campaign has been learning by modify the library and is getting quite good at it so I'm going to see if he is interested in trying.
    It is absolutely not a trivial task - even if you are a programmer.
    I tried twice - the first was only about 8 hours worth, the second maybe 20 hours worth - and made SFA progress.
    Im not sure why I tried I third time but some really great people here persisted with me and I got there - but it takes a considerable investment in time.
    Maybe, just maybe, you might try again at a later date - but maybe with something less complex that EP.

    FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com for all the latest info.

  4. #44

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    I am sooooooo tempted...

  5. #45
    damned's Avatar
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    Its a trap and you know it. Roll a d6 to save.
    Finish Shadow Run first!
    If you start this before you finish the other I bet they will both be unfinished in a years time!

    FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com for all the latest info.

  6. #46

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    I know, I know.. But I so want to play EP...
    I'll be quick and finish SR4 v0.9...

  7. #47
    Brenn's Avatar
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    Yeah conceptually EP can go so many different places theme wise. You wanna run SG1 style, you can do it. You want some dark cyberpunk style, you can do it. You want some pure Clarke feeling SF, you can do it... etc. It looks to be a great system and I've been wanting to run it for my group- which is mixed some are f2f some are FG/Skype.
    I think that a robust FG2 implementation would be essential for me to run this game, however, which is why I found this thread.
    I've done quite a bit on the LUA side of things in FG2 in the past. Enough to know this- I can script the mechanics of this game. Time consuming to some degree, but very doable. What I absolutely want no part of is the design of the interface. I so wish there were something where you could visually layout stuff. Dealing with the XML layout in FG2 kills me, while I can manage it- I hate it and have no desire to do it.
    I will code/help code (no GUI design/layout) this ruleset if there are other parties interested- with one caveat: I know in the past there was mention of migrating FG to unity. If that is truly on the horizon I would want to wait and do this implementation from within Unity with C# as it would just be better on all levels. I don't drop by here much as of late, so I don't really know where FG stands in regards to unity.

    As far as visual style (not fuctionality) I think the online character generator looks pretty good. Above that is the actual style and layouts of the books which are fabulous. I have hardcovers on the main, panopticon and transhuman. Just awesome.

  8. #48
    100% serious, I've been running EP on Roll20 and been very unhappy with it. If I got some assistance with this, even in the most rudimental fashion, I'd be more than happy to run games to celebrate it.

    I made strides in my version of the ruleset, but then stumbled because I didn't know how to implement certain functions.

  9. #49

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    What problems did you face? I'll see if I can help you out, though I am really busy with a couple of other projects...

  10. #50
    So I read the documentation on how to make a ruleset.... looks like I don't have time (I have a family that consists of small children that need my attention), or the skill (to do it right).

    I really hope someone works on this. I can help with moral support!

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