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  1. #1

    Fantasy Grounds Unity engine

    Is there a feature list or a comparison somewhere of what we can expect when the move to Unity for Fantasy Grounds is complete?

    Frequently asked Questions

    MODERATOR: Some recent general info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?22089-Fantasy-Grounds-Unity-engine&p=380067&viewfull=1#post380067

    Last edited by Zacchaeus; April 13th, 2018 at 12:28.

  2. #2
    Not currently.

    The main push for moving to a Unity is to get FG on a better platform for making future improvements, and to pick up some enhancements from the move as well. To that end, the priority is to get the current version mostly running on Unity, and finalize roadmap once we have a better handle on Unity.

    We already have identified a few subsystems that we need to change with the move ( network, graphics, dice, ...), so they may get the most attention initially.

    I don't want to commit to anything specific until we are much further along with the porting and design process, since our plans will most likely be changing as we learn more.

    We will post some screens as we go along, though most of what we have visually so far are proof of concept prototypes to test out specific features.


  3. #3

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Vendsyssel (Denmark)
    I sure hope that the Unity version allows users to make their own graphic schemes for their games. I like being creative with that.

    Vires Animi

  5. #5
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by viresanimi View Post
    I sure hope that the Unity version allows users to make their own graphic schemes for their games. I like being creative with that.
    in what way? doesnt the current system allow that?

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Vendsyssel (Denmark)
    Yeah. It does. I was just hoping that the option would continue to be there, when changing to Unity. That's all. Expressing hope here *smile*

    Vires Animi

  7. #7
    damned's Avatar
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    I asked the question on another thread about how many rulesets would still work on the Unity platform or if they would need to be completely rebuilt...
    The reply was that they should all port over. So your themes etc should still work too

  8. #8
    Is it still worth learning Lua? Or will this new engine use another scripting language?

  9. #9
    Our goal is to support the current ruleset model as much as possible to minimize disruption. This means that XML/Lua will continue to be the languages to use.

    As we work through the Unity port, we may identify things we need to change to support the new platform; but our goal is to provide full support or backward compatibility when possible.


  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Vendsyssel (Denmark)
    That all sounds awesome. Considering that Unity can make some pretty good games, I thought we would see something completely different and in a more .. ehm "closed" system? If that makes any sense. Anyhoo... seems like Unity can do a lot more than I realized - hence the misguided question before.

    Sounds good to me, so far.

    Vires Animi

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