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  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    Are you familiar with running it in a Windowed mode and dragging the dimensions of the window across multiple monitors? As long as you have your 2nd monitor set to Extended Desktop mode, Fantasy Grounds will treat it as one very wide monitor. I normally run this way as opposed to running in Maximized/Full-screen mode anyway since it works better when I navigate to other apps.
    I have to agree, this is also how I run.

  2. #242

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    I do as well, since it allows me to drag FG over 1 and 1/2 screens and have a PDF or something else open on the other half screen.

  3. #243
    I do sometimes wish FG3 had a PDF viewer.

  4. #244
    Valarian's Avatar
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    Why? It would only do the same as any other PDF viewer. Unless you're talking about sharing pages with players, in which case that would be a huge network burden - you'd have to transmit the entire page in an interpreted form (PDF to HTML for example). There'd have to be reference windows for each type of PDF layout (half page image, quarter page image, text sidebar), with Lua code to put the correct PDF elements in to the correct areas of the window.

    Better to stick with the PDF viewer, which is designed for reading PDFs, and leave Fantasy Grounds to the running of a game. One application can do everything, badly, or you can use the correct tools for the job. Would you use a lathe to hammer in a nail, or would you use a hammer?
    Using Ultimate license - that means anyone can play.
    Valarian's Fantasy Grounds Rulesets

  5. #245
    When I run the game, I'm constantly switching between FG and a PDF and it would just be NICE, merely CONVENIENT, to have the PDF in a window in the app. That's all. It's not a feature request, I'm not complaining, It's not a knock AGAINST FG2, I'm WELL AWARE of creeping featurism, everyone relax.

  6. #246
    damned's Avatar
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    @mattcolville never fear Matt! I think we are relaxed - its just the words on the page start looking angry sometimes
    I find the same - I have 2 or 3 PDFs open, a hardback book as well, a couple of folders on the computer and then ALL the info already in FG... there is a lot to juggle.

  7. #247
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    @mattcolville never fear Matt! I think we are relaxed - its just the words on the page start looking angry sometimes
    I find the same - I have 2 or 3 PDFs open, a hardback book as well, a couple of folders on the computer and then ALL the info already in FG... there is a lot to juggle.
    It might be nice to be able to share PDFs via fantasy grounds or an option to see/link to PDFs in a folder in the app data directory that then load in an external PDF viewer.

    Regarding building a PDF viewer, that would be nice, but I find Foxit advanced PDF editor is unsurpassed for cut/pasting content into FG as it preserves the correct formatting like a BOSS (no more unnecessary line breaks).
    But yeah,being able to see game relevant PDFs from within FG and define a default external viewer...that could save a few extra essential brain cycles.

  8. #248
    Quote Originally Posted by mattcolville View Post
    When I run the game, I'm constantly switching between FG and a PDF and it would just be NICE, merely CONVENIENT, to have the PDF in a window in the app. That's all. It's not a feature request, I'm not complaining, It's not a knock AGAINST FG2, I'm WELL AWARE of creeping featurism, everyone relax.
    What's he saying is that you can already have the PDF viewer of your choice. Or Libreoffice, or a web page, or whatever. Just open it. Anything you like, even TeX documents. Or more to the point, since it's currently the one true way of publishing electronic books, ePub.

    Why would FG needs to reinvent the wheel? Just open your FG on one screen and the PDF on another. Or FG on half a screen and the PDF on another half.

  9. #249
    Why do you need a PDF viewer at all? Just cut/paste into FG as a story (or multiple entries for easy of management), and you should have everything you need to run the game from inside FG. If there is relavent data you need to share with the party then either set it as a chat window or put it in a note and share the note.

    Pics/maps are easily saved as JPG or PNG and then can be manipulated in Paint Shop or GIMP to make them more size manageable.

    I set up entire PFS scenarios in under two hours and never have to open anything else while running them, except maybe the pathfinder reference page in a browser to look up obscure stuff.

  10. #250
    Niles's Avatar
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    What I think would be cool is a tab on the character sheet that shows your entire character as an avatar. Also, slots that show what you're epuipped with so all you have to do is mouseover parts of your avatar and it says what you have outfitted like armor, magic items, clothing, ect...like this: Attachment 6469
    Last edited by Niles; May 13th, 2014 at 19:04.

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