5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #1

    n00b DM starts one shot game on 25th of march

    Well... I guess I'll have to give it a try some time.... I am writing this e-mail with my knees shaking and cold sweat on my back hehe

    I have converted a simple adventure from RPGnow to an FG module, making use of Dundjinni for the mapping and using tokens from nethack.

    I would need four lvl 1 adventurers who are patient enough with me and who will give me some room for errors

    The playingtime will be friday the 25th of march, around 11:30 PM (GMT+1)

    Oh.... And my girlfriend will be watching over my shoulder as well as I am trying to pull her into D&D as well
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Great! 3 more vacancies are left......
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Rochester, NY (GMT -5)
    Just a few questions:

    How long isthis planning on taking (in sessions i mean)?

    If it is more than one session when will we be meeting?

    What are the rules we need to use for character creation?

    And What starting level will we need to create?


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Tharivol
    Just a few questions:

    How long isthis planning on taking (in sessions i mean)?

    If it is more than one session when will we be meeting?

    What are the rules we need to use for character creation?

    And What starting level will we need to create?

    Well, as I mentioned I'm a noob at DM'ing but I will have to start sometime, and FG made me confident enough to give it a go so to speak

    It will be a one shot session, so expect no campaign. It will probably be a session which will hit the 3 hour mark in playtime.
    The rules for charactercreation are standard PHB, version 3.5 (3.0 shouldn't be too much of a problem). The starting level is 01.
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  6. #6
    and what about abilities? you will trust our rolls or pointbuy (how many points)?

  7. #7
    Hmmm, see, I warned you about my n00bishness

    You can generate the abilities with a 4d6 roll, discarding the well known lowest roll.
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by onky
    Hmmm, see, I warned you about my n00bishness

    You can generate the abilities with a 4d6 roll, discarding the well known lowest roll.

    You're probably being a bit too trusting to allow the usual method of generating stats. This is fine if you're playing face to face where you can see your players making their rolls but when you're playing remotely as in FantasyGrounds, where players usually determine their stats before playing, it's normal practice to use a point buy system.

    As you're new to DMing you may not be aware of the procedure. It works thus: All ability scores start at 8. Each player then has a pool of points which he or she uses to buy additional stat points. Each additional ability point above 8 costs one point, with additional stat points above 14 costing 2 points. Pools are recommended at a starting value of 30 but can be adjusted up or down at the DM's discretion.

    The stats are then further adjusted to take care of racial bonuses, etc

    DMing is a daunting task at the best of times (so much to remember!) and even more so when you're new to it. So I wish you well in your endeavour. Good luck!

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    I'll pitch in with Hayt here. Point buy is definatly the way to go. Not only is it fair but it makes everyone start at the same level vs one guy with 3 18's ect.

    Just a thought.


  10. #10
    Thanks for the tips... I know the workings of point buying, I guess I just trust everyone too much when it comes to character building...
    Hardmoon - music for your gaming sessions

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