5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #1

    The Time Has Come: Star Wars game starting soon...

    My hope was (and is) to get the d20 Star Wars ruleset into Fantasy Grounds. The long delay in my Amazon order delayed my starting on the project, but I don't see why it needs to delay my running a game. Sure, it'd be nice to have all the rules in there. But we've all got the Revised Core Rulebook, right? Right!?

    Anyway, I've decided to go ahead and GM my game. We won't be taking advantage of all of Fantasy Ground's features right away, but it should be pretty fun nonetheless. What I can promise is an exciting story set in the years between Episodes 3 and 4, some nice maps, fancy tokens, and some good old fashioned roleplaying fun.

    I'm going to be learning FG (and some of the new Star Wars material) as we play, so try to be a bit forgiving. As a GM, I think I run a pretty good, creative, fun game. In my opinion, the players are there to roleplay and have a good time, adding the characters they've created to the collaborative storytelling process. I try to be open to external materials as long as they're from a "proven" source. I certainly won't punish creative or unexpected solutions to problems encountered in the game. You won't have to worry about me sealing you in a garbage compactor with no way out (though you probably should wonder if it's a good idea to go in there in the first place).

    The resources I'll be drawing from are:
    1. The Revised Core Rulebook
    2. The Arms and Equipment Guide
    3. The Ultimate Alien Anthology
    4. The WOTC Website
    5. The Hero's Guide (If it ever shows)

    If you're interested, post a reply and we'll start to work out the details. My hope is to get between 3 and 5 players together and start the game in a week or two. I'm on the West Coast and I can probably only devote one night a week after 7 pm. Thursdays, anyone?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I'm tempted but I have none of the SW books and really should work on getting my own game going.

    I do have a friend with FG that plays SW though. I'll let him know you are looking for players.


  3. #3
    Thanks! And let me know when you get your game going.

  4. #4


    I would be interested in a Thursday evening game. What are the PC creation rules?

  5. #5
    Grim, I may be interested but am on East Coast time. So how long do you plan on playing a given session?

    I also have a friend out on West Coast who does have FG. I will also see if he is interested though he travels a good bit.... right now he is in Mexico so I will not be chatting with him for another week or so.


  6. #6
    I think I have a player interested. Keep us posted!

  7. #7
    Hey guys! This is a better response than I expected.

    As far as characters go, I'll allow pretty much anything from the RCR or the Ultimate Alien Anthology. If it's something really strange, exotic, or potentially unbalanced you'll probably have to run it by me. It should also be from the appropriate time period, so no noghri or yuzahn vong. Most droid characters should be fine, too.

    I'm going to start everyone at level 3. It's a tough time in the Galaxy, and we'll assume you've already had some adventures. I won't rule out Force users either. However, Jedi have been hunted to near extinction at this point, so gaining further levels in a Jedi class will be difficult and extremely dangerous.

    I'm setting the story about ten years before Episode 4, so the Empire is established and entering its golden age. The Rebellion is still mostly underground, and I'd prefer that players didn't start off with any Rebel ties (there may be an opportunity to sign up later).

    I'm not going to think too far ahead at first. We'll just play and see how you like it. If everything goes well, the initial adventure can open up into a larger campaign.

    I'm flexible on the amount of time we play. I'm guessing two to three hours a session.

    If any of you guys are interested, go ahead and start making up your character sheets and mail them to [email protected]. If we're lucky we might be able to start in a week or so.

    Good luck!

  8. #8
    Oh. I should probably add that everyone should have some sort of bio that gives a general overview of their character's history and describes what their character wants out of life. It doesn't have to be long. A few paragraphs...

    You can post what sort of character you'd like to play here if you want. I'd prefer that you keep your bio to yourself for the moment, though. It's always more exciting to find out about each other's characters in-game.

  9. #9
    I don't have any of the Star Wars stuff...not interested really. I do have all the D&D 3.5 stuff and all the Eberron books.

    I hope someone will start an Eberron campaign soon.

  10. #10
    I think I saw an Eberron thread wandering around out there somewhere...

    But for those of you still interested in blasting things, here's a little preview of some of the tokens and creatures I've been working on. I'm posting this mostly in the hope that a few of you will retain enough interest that I can actually run this baby.


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