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    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Tenians Language Chat Extension for select FG 3.0 rulesets

    FG v3.1.3 has most of the functionality of this extension built in. However, you can continue to use this extension if you wish.

    For the base FG language functionality to use the same languages/fonts this extension uses download and enable this extension:

    I've modified Tenian's language extension to work with the 3.5E and PFRPG rulesets. Note: The languages in this extension are fairly generic 3.5e/PF languages, but also include most of the Pathfinder Inner Sea Human languages as well.

    v3.4 is FG 3.1.2 Compatible

    Update - V3.4. 8th August 2015.

    Feature update:
    1. Added code for understanding all languages but can't speak them. Use a language name of "comprehend languages" or "understands all" on the character sheet. See below for how to use this.
    2. Added code for speaking all languages. Use a language name of "tongues" or "speaks all" on the character sheet. See below for how to use this.
    3. Added error handling for /setlanguage - needs two arguments to write to database. This avoids issues with blank entries.
    4. /help slashhandler to return extension help.
    5. Set default current language with /currentlanguage <language name>. See below for how to use this.

    V3.3c: Updated to include 5E languages based off PHB language list page 123. e.g. Elvish (not elven), Dwarvish, etc.. Thanks to Griogre.

    Now works with Fantasy Grounds V3.0 rulesets: 3.5E, 4E, 5E, PFRPG and Castles & Crusades.

    V3.3: Fixed issue where players couldn't chat in custom language added via /setlanguage

    v3.2: Added 3 new slashhandler commands to allow the GM to add custom font mappings /setlanguage, /removelanguage and /listlanguages (these can be shortened unless there is a conflict with another extension/ruleset). "Custom Languages" can be exported to a module through the use module export window. Details on how to use this new functionality is available in post #23:

    v3.1: Added - random character scrambling to avoid copy/paste "cheat". Random scrambling is seeded from each word and the language name so each word should be represented the same each time it is used for a specific language - but it is still gibberish.

    Then enable the "Fantasy Language Chat" extension before you load your campaign.

    To Use:

    /lang {abyssal|aquan|auran|celestial|draconic|druidic|dw arven|dwarvish|elven|elvish|giant|gnome|gnomish|go blin|gnoll|halfling|igna n|infernal|orc|sylvan|terran|undercommon|deepspeec h|aklo|necril|orvian|primordial|common|hallit|keli sh|osiriani|polyglot|s hadowtongue|shoanti|skald|tien|varisian|vudrani} {text}

    See post #3 below for a screenshot of the fonts used.

    Players can only speak in languages listed on their sheet. It will provide translations as needed.

    The Host can speak in any language. They can also use a second command to speak in any font, even those not associated with languages (emotefont for example)

    /fc {internal font name} {text}

    Set current/default language

    In v3.4 the user can now set the current language using /currentlanguage <language name> After this is set there is no need to use the language name when using the /lang command. e.g. /lang Hello. To remove the current default use /currentlanguage without any arguments.

    Understanding/speaking all languages

    With spells it is possible for characters to understand and/or speak all languages. e.g tongues or comprehend languages spells. 4 new "languages" have been added that have special effects:
    • "comprehend languages" or "understands all" on the PC sheet means that they can understand all languages but can't speak all.
    • "speaks all" means that the PC can speak all languages but not understand them.
    • "tongues" means they can speak and understand all. This is the same as using "understands all" and "speaks all" for the PC languages.

    Thanks so much to Callum for reviewing and modifying specific to the 3.5E and PF SRDs.

    For other rulesets: As long as languages are stored in the same place in the DB for the character sheet translations should work OK. It looks in, then the <name> tag of all of the children to determine if a character can speak a language. Translations will not currently work for rulesets with languages as skills, e.g. Rolemaster, Call of Cthulhu, BRP, etc.. The GM can still use the fontchat capability but no translation will occur.

    The Extension. Save this file in your <FG App Data Folder>\extensions directory and enable the "Fantasy Language Chat" extension before you load your campaign.

    (Previous version downloads 287)
    Last edited by Trenloe; November 9th, 2015 at 19:05.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  2. #2
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Issue list:
    1. "Unknown special message type received" and no language fonts on specific player. As per this post. Status: waiting for feedback on "clear cache" fix.
    2. Possible issue with /mood command and parentheses. As per this post. Status: unable to recreate, need more info.

    Recently fixed issues:
    1. If /setlanguage is called without the correct 2 arguments it will add a blank/problem entry to the database which will result in future errors. Fix to come. Details here: Code to stop this happening added in v3.4

    Future development ideas:
    • Default font if language is not recognised - perhaps even a random font.
    • Graphical administration of custom language mappings (in addition to the current slashhandler commands).
    • Expand random word length code to present a mean length difference of 0 rather than add up to 6 characters to a word, which resulted in sentences being too long.
    • Documentation for the extension - showing the default fonts used and expanding on the use of the extension.
    • Look into the feasibility of using custom FG effects to reflect spells (tongues, comprehend languages, etc.) or the use of a translator to allow other players to "understand" or speak languages.
    • Slash command that doesn't scramble text - allows GM to use different fonts with the original words.
    • TAB auto completion of language names.
    • Feature request - add an option to use the old "X is speaking Y" chat window text - allowing everyone to know what language is being spoken, even if they don't understand it.
    • Feedback to GM which PCs "understood" the language.

    Added in recent versions:
    • Chat window help for the 3 new language admin commands. Addedin v3.4
    • Language toggle - makes all chat entries in a specific language until the toggle is removed/changed. More than likely a slash handler, e.g. /currentlanguage Elven Addedin v3.4
    • Combine new code from Callum regarding spoken and understood languages, tongues and comprehend languages. Addedin v3.4
    • Chat window help (for /lang and /fc). Added to v3.1.
    • Perhaps a campaign specific override for certain language names - allowing a GM to code which font to use for which language on a campaign-by-campaign basis via chat window "slash" commands. Added to v3.2.
    • A module approach to languages - allowing activation of one Language module to control the languages and fonts used. Similar to the way the calendar functions now. This would allow the same extension to be used for a multitude of rulesets/settings and GMs to specify their own language/font relations.Added to v3.2.

    These are example screenshots of the fonts used (more in the next post):

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Trenloe; May 29th, 2018 at 14:16.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #3
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    These are example screenshots of the fonts used.

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    Last edited by Trenloe; May 29th, 2018 at 14:15.

  4. #4
    Hah, I didn't know that Osiriani came out in hieroglyphics! Fantastic.

    What would you need to add Thassilonian to this? I know where to get an image of every rune, but I don't know that anyone's made a font based off it yet.
    A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, stab it in the back.

  5. #5
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gwaihir Scout View Post
    What would you need to add Thassilonian to this? I know where to get an image of every rune, but I don't know that anyone's made a font based off it yet.
    The main work would be making this into a Fantasy Grounds font file. There is an Font Generator available in the "utilities" section of the downloads page where you can convert True Type Fonts (TTF) to FG fonts:

    Or, you can edit your own font using the font editor:

    Then it is a case of putting the new font entry in the extension.xml file. e.g. if the new font is called thassilonian.fgf and you want the new language name to be thassilonian you'd add this entry:
    <font name="thassilonian">
    	<fgffile name="fonts/thassilonian.fgf" />
    	<color value="#000000" />
    Then using /lang thassilonian Hello! in chat will use the thassilonian.fgf font.
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  6. #6
    Hmmm. Did you do all those font examples in a single sitting in FG? I see a lot of duplicates between fonts. If the scrambler is based on the font and not the language, you may have someone that can speak Orc able to tell what Terran words are for example.
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  7. #7
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    Some of the same fonts are used for different languages. In theory if the same words were used in languages that share the same font then a keen eyed Person with a great memory for fonts might be able to remember them - but it's a long shot. I may look into adding the language name to the random seed calculation.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  8. #8
    Blackfoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    Some of the same fonts are used for different languages. In theory if the same words were used in languages that share the same font then a keen eyed Person with a great memory for fonts might be able to remember them - but it's a long shot. I may look into adding the language name to the random seed calculation.
    Take a look at the Savage Worlds language thing.. it already does this somehow.
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  9. #9
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackfoot View Post
    Take a look at the Savage Worlds language thing.. it already does this somehow.
    That does a random scrambling with no specific random seed using the StringToGobldiegook code I created in a previous thread, so the same words are completely different every time. It was discussed in that thread that it would be more realistic if the scrambling returned the same result for each word. Which is what this release of the extension does - see the notes in the first post.

    However, as mentioned by Nickademus above, it means that languages that share the same font will show the same word across the different languages. So, I think I'll add the language name to the random seed code so that a word in a specific language is always the same for that language only.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  10. #10
    Thank you. An alternative would be to add additional fonts. Much more difficult by comparison.
    I never claimed to be sane. Besides, it's more fun this way.

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