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  1. #1
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Recruiting for New C&C Greyhawk Campaign

    I will be DMing a campaign using old 1st and 2nd edition AD&D content, set in Greyhawk. Location and year still TBD. If you have a stack of old modules and source books, you likely have what I will be DMing. This is not a deal breaker, but my expectation is that you are up front with me about this information, and that you conduct yourself such that your fellow players have no idea that you may have some meta-game knowledge.

    I term my campaign as “low powered”… players looking to attain 20th level and possess +5 magical items will not find what they are looking for with me. As a DM I consider 8th level to be “high level”… and by 5th level the average PC is a power to be reckoned with.

    My hobby time is precious to me; I have a high stress profession and a wife vying for my time. My ideal player is someone in their 30s, 40s or older, who understands these competing demands and is reliable in terms of game attendance (understanding that Real Life kicks us all in a tender spot from time to time).

    I have been DMing since 1979 or so. I’d like to think that should serve as a good indication that I do a relatively decent job of it (as opposed to just being the person dumb enough to always volunteer for extra work…). I currently have three other campaigns (3.5e, Pathfinder and Rolemaster) running via FG… the longest running one started in spring 2012 and is still going strong. From this you should understand that I’m generally a very reliable DM who isn’t going to flake out of a campaign and disappear into the internet ether.

    This will be my first foray into the C&C ruleset… I am happy to have players with experience in the rules. I am not a walking encyclopaedia on rules… although back in my youth I could tell you what page of the DMG you could find almost anything on from memory. During play if you think I’ve adjudicated on something harshly or incorrectly, I am more than open to a discussion, and may even change my ruling. You may even end up with a House Rule to cover the situation.

    The min/max player will probably not fit in well in my games. Rarely do I ever create a challenge that requires this approach to character building to be successful. Overpowering PCs are just that – my DMing style requires that everyone in the group plays an integral part in mutual survival. I am not going to adopt strange accents when playing the part of NPCs, nor do I expect players to do so, but this is not to say that there won’t be RP. I am not simply going to line up random encounters on a battle map with no story or reason for it.

    My style requires a solid mix of classes. The suggested one of Fighter, Cleric, Wizard and Rogue is traditional in nature and very applicable here. For races, my setting is very Human oriented and character creation approach I use (along with the C&C rules) will tend to support this, without discouraging someone from playing a Dwarf, Elf, or whatever within reason. There will be house rules I use; for example a Wizard will have a slightly better spell selection at 1st level and there will be age related stat modifiers applied at Young Adult and Adult ranges.

    My approach to scheduling games is that I put a date/time into the calendar and then send the group an email FYI. This means I need an email address for the distribution list from each and every player. I expect that players will indicate 'yes' or 'no' with respect to their availability for each scheduled game. I require a minimum of "50%+1" in attendance to go ahead with a game session. I use a "three strikes" rule for no-call-no-show types because as I've said, my gaming time is important to me and I'd imagine it's important to the rest of the players as well. This three strikes rule also applies to people who say they will attend and then pull a no-show (failing mitigating circumstances). I hope this doesn't have me coming across as too much of a hard ***, but I have seen too many game sessions disrupted by chronically unreliable people who show a complete disregard for the effect of their actions on others. To mitigate the "oops I forgot" stuff, I send a reminder email the day before a game, and a follow-up when I'm launching the server. I bend over backwards to ensure there is more than adequate between game communication... anecdotal evidence tells me my approach works.

    Please consider purchasing the C&C ruleset here on FG... again to show support for the people who work to give us this ventue for gaming. At just $10 it is less than the cost of a movie and will provide you with a large multiple of hours of gaming. Note this is not a requirement but I do believe you will get more out of the game if you have the ruleset, given how everything is distributed.

    If interested, please drop me a PM and/or post here.

    FG License: Ultimate (however, I would prefer if players had at least a Lite version to show your support for the fine people who make FG possible)
    Game System: Castles and Crusades

    Time Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
    Day of week and time: Friday roughly 7 – 10 PM or 8 - 11 PM depending on outside commitments.
    Planned start date: Campaign active as of September 23, 2013.
    Planned Frequency: Every 2nd/3rd week on average however frequency will vary due to Real Life commitments.
    Term: At least one adventure, likely developing into a long term campaign.

    Text or Voice: Voice for primary communication; chat as needed to supplement. I use some big files for maps so a solid internet up/down connection is important as well.
    Voice software used: FG Community TeamSpeak server

    Roleplay/Combat mix: Dependant on situation… some sessions will be all combat; others will be entirely RP and inter-character interaction or with NPCs.
    Number of Players: 4 to 6 (happy to have players who have C&C experience)
    PC starting level: 1st with maximum GP for class. New PCs will begin play with an amount of XP to simulate prior adventuring activity.
    Character restrictions: 4th edition of C&C rules (what comes with the FG ruleset), plus willing to consider OGL content from the Crusader's Companion (discussion required). Greyhawk content will be available (human sub-races, spells, etc…). No Drow, no Evil aligned PCs (there may be others… but these come immediately to mind)... aside from these two things almost everything is negotiable.

    Link to Gamecalendar: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=1062
    Last edited by JohnD; October 26th, 2013 at 05:22. Reason: Updating relevant information (in italics).
    "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  2. #2
    Played a little C&C but love me some Greyhawk. I would be interested, but I need to know what day. I'll keep an eye on this post.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Isanti, MN
    Consider me in, pending final decision on date (not available Wednesdays or some Fridays).

  4. #4
    scionofnyarlathotep's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Not quite as deepest, darkest Wales as before.
    I'd love to but the time difference will be a killer. I'm used to a 2am bed time but not a 4am
    Time Zone: GMT
    Location: South Wales

    Preferred Systems: Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu

    Currently Running:
    - Savage Worlds (Deadlands Noir) Campaign

    Currently Playing:
    - Savage Worlds (Realms of Cthulhu) Campaign
    - Savage Worlds (Supers) Campaign
    - Savage Worlds (50 Fathoms) Campaign

    - Savage Worlds - Space 1889

  5. #5
    If you still need players I would like to join

  6. #6
    GunnarGreybeard's Avatar
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    Greyhawk would be nice but my only day free atm is Wednesday. I know you said "not Tuesday or Wednesday" but I will follow this thread and see where it goes.
    FG:Unity Ultimate License Holder: Meaning anyone can join my games, even those with just the Demo . . .
    Timezone: UTC-6/CST (My 'Current' Local Time)
    Currently Running: An Old-School Essentials campaign, set in Hârn . . . Here is the discord channel -> Hârnic OSE.
    Current Design Project: Developing a stand-alone "Hârnic 5e" setting for OSE and Fifth Edition . . .

  7. #7
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Johnstown ON
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    Yeah, Wednesday is the absolute hell day at work, usually 12+ hours - has already been problematic for my Rolemaster game because I often just am too tired to GM. Looking at a different night.
    Last edited by JohnD; August 19th, 2013 at 16:16. Reason: damn autocorrect on the Kindle Fire....
    "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  8. #8
    Be happy to join. If your still looking for players. I only got a fraction of the time playing Rolemaster, it 'twould be nice to continue (or start for that matter.

    Aliens.... Go fig?

  9. #9
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Johnstown ON
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    Updated OP with additional information.
    "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  10. #10
    My Friday is like your Wednesday (usually 10-12 hours of work) and I'm sometimes just finishing up at 7 pm. Though since I'm EDT, that's not really an issue since that's 6 pm for you.

    I think I'd enjoy a simple game on Friday (I remember C&C being a simple 2e clone if I'm not mistaken), but do know that I'll be mostly braindead for the game. Will have to play a fighter-type or such.

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