Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    Initiative Panel

    Is there a file you can modify file to show the ac and attack bonuses, in the Initiative Panel. So that when a monster, npc is placed there the correct ac for that monster automatically shows up.

  2. #2
    Can you devloper tell me wther or not htis can be done????????

  3. #3
    What you need to do is copy the rulesets\d20 folder as another folder under the rulesets (eg rulesets\d20_mod) and modify the file d20_utility.xml. There are, however, some pitfalls in the issue you requested: both AC and attack bonuses are not just simple numeric values but include often long descriptions. Therefore, they are not very suitable for the combat tracker, but can be handled by dragging the creature from Monsters to Personalities where the item listing is usually shorter.

    Anyhow, with the following instructions AC can be added to the combat tracker:

    Modify the file rulesets\d20_mod\d20_utility.xml
    Make the following change to "combattracker_entry"
    <defaultsize width="575" height="33" />
    Add the following code block below first <sheetdata>
    <stringcontrol name="ac">
    	<bounds rect="494,8,74,20" />
    Adjust the window size:
    	<defaultsize width="602" height="512" />
    Add the ac field to the list of values put on the tracker on drop as follows:
    	<acceptdrop class="mini_charsheet" fields="name,#hp,#wounds,ac" />
    	<acceptdrop class="charsheet" fields="name,#hp,#wounds,ac" />
    	<acceptdrop class="npc" fields="name,hp,ac" />
    	<acceptdrop class="monster" fields="name,hp,ac" />
    Additionally you must modify the background graphics if you want to have a title for the AC column; the file is rulesets\d20_mod\icons\tracker_heading.png and to have a line for the AC, modify also rulesets\d20_mod\frames\combattracker.png.

    Attack bonuses can be handled in a similar manner, the name of the field in the database for them is atk (for AC above it was ac).

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