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Thread: CoC Now Skin

  1. #21
    Insanity's Avatar
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    Terra, Sol system
    I thought it might be the decal.
    Time Zone: EST/GMT -5

    Insanity is relative, it depends who has whom locked in what cage.

  2. #22
    Brilliant =)

    Which part of the package belongs to what folder? Do i have to replace or delete any other _frames?
    Last edited by Frostgeneral; April 12th, 2013 at 16:39.

  3. #23
    Insanity's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    Terra, Sol system
    All you would need to do is place the .ext file within the extensions folder under the FGII data folder. Then when you go to load your game, look for the extension name under the list of available extensions. You do not need to replace any images yourself, just use the extensions.
    Time Zone: EST/GMT -5

    Insanity is relative, it depends who has whom locked in what cage.

  4. #24
    Hm, i place the ext. within the folder u told me. But if i want to create a new Campaign oder load my old one, i cant take one of them.
    There r just the three 4E themes and one 3.5E theme, its the one everyone of us gets if he buys FGII without any ruleset =(
    Are there any solutions for my Problem`?

  5. #25
    Insanity's Avatar
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    Terra, Sol system
    Might be an odd question but are you creating a CoC game?

    The one I posted I made it exclusive for CoC only, so it would show under any other ruleset.
    Time Zone: EST/GMT -5

    Insanity is relative, it depends who has whom locked in what cage.

  6. #26
    I'm using a german Translation for all the Skills created by the chaosium ruleset of Cthulhu

    EDIT: I checked the name of my german ruleset: The folder is just named with Cthulhu, not CallofCthulhu
    Last edited by Frostgeneral; April 15th, 2013 at 17:59.

  7. #27
    Insanity's Avatar
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    Terra, Sol system
    That may not matter, in the base.xml it will have a spot where it names the ruleset. The extension that can or can not have a spot where it says basically it belongs to this or that ruleset.
    Time Zone: EST/GMT -5

    Insanity is relative, it depends who has whom locked in what cage.

  8. #28
    Basically, in the base.xml it tells what "name" it will accept extensions, etc. from. Each module or adventure, then has a <ruleset)<name>"name"</name></ruleset>, code piece that tells the system which rulesets, the extension, etc, it will work for, and only for.
    Aliens.... Go fig?

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