5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #31
    Well... I don't think the quoted 4e combat times incorrect. The fact is , even with the combat tracker combat is slow in 4e. I had one BBEG combat session last 3 games!

    With that said, I think longer combat is part of what 4e is all about. Sometimes this can be great for online play and other times it can drag on, especially when you get tried as a DM.

    As a DM, you have to give in to the fact that 4e combat is more detailed and as a result slower. It's just something you have to accept even if your old school instincts tell you to end the combat quickly.

    I really do miss the fast pace of AD&D 2e combat. The rounds go by very quickly and it's your turn again before you know it. Of course, initiative was a d10 and monsters didn't have so many hit points.

    Perhaps I'll give C&C a try soon. Like dr_venture I've also learned to appreciate the design of old school systems a bit more.

  2. #32
    To be honest I'm hoping 5e is basically a lot like Castles & Crusades but with some of the elements of 4e thrown in.

    I however, found 4e combat to be quite streamlined - and a group should be able to knock over an encounter of their level in about an hour. It does require people know their characters though, the options they have available to them, and to be focused on what's happening even when it's not their turn.
    FGU Ultimate License/FGC Standard
    Timezone: Australian EST (UTC +10)
    Systems: Prefer DnD 5e as GM or player.
    FKA Chezcaliente

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