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  1. #1

    Updating the Warhammer V2 ruleset.

    I am in a 3.5 game using the d20_JPG, which is a nice feature based ruleset.

    What I would like to see is some of these features in the Warhammer v2 ruleset by Nezzir....

    The portrait/token slot on the main character sheet.
    The ability to drag weapons into the combat sheet.
    The ability to have talents & special abilities use the hot-box (so that players can click and see its description.

    Is this something that can be converted/copied from one ruleset to another?

    A more advanced idea i have would be an extension to alter the player stats between V1 and V2...so two seperate rulesets would not have to be needed.

    All thoughts and feedback are welcomed.
    ~Grimm182~ (GMT-8)/WA
    GM: Booked
    Player: Available for Sunday Nights

  2. #2
    Adding a token control on the main character sheet would be very straightforward - just a case of finding a space on the sheet somewhere!

    As for the other two, I suppose it would depend on how close Nezzir's ruleset is to D20_JPG to determine if things can be just copied. I'm pretty sure you should be able to convert the functionality if required, its just a matter of examining how its done in D20_JPG and making the same changes in to WFRP v2.

    With regards to your other suggestion about an extension to convert stats between V1 and V2 - do you mean the WFRP v1 and WFRP v2 rulesets? If so, then I do not think that would be feasible - there are some fundamental differences in the rules between v1 and v2. If I remember right, even a characters profile is slightly different. I wrote and support the V1 ruleset, so if there's something missing, just let me know.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by grimm182
    The ability to have talents & special abilities use the hot-box (so that players can click and see its description.
    This thing I have done myself by copiing code from Psy-abilitys part of char-sheet and with little clearing by hands =)

    About othet things I have no idea, but appriciate em

  4. #4
    Anyone want to take a stab at coding the doable parts?
    beg/bribe/barter work?
    ~Grimm182~ (GMT-8)/WA
    GM: Booked
    Player: Available for Sunday Nights

  5. #5
    I would give it a go, but am currently finishing of the ruleset for the 3rd edition of WFRP - Maybe once I have finished I can have a look at WFRP v2.

    Does anyone know who now 'owns' this ruleset? It was originally created by Nezzir, but I am unaware of any recent changes by him or anyone else.

  6. #6
    Nezzir never passed on the codebase after he stopped developing it. I believe I have a complete set of the code he last worked on for this and Dark Heresy somewhere. I was going to look at it, but haven't had the time due to working on a commercial Ruleset.

    I believe the code he sent me has some more development done on it than the last official release he posted. I'll PM him and see if he minds me passing it over to you.
    • Trying to find a community Ruleset, Extension or Information on how to complete a process? Try FGRepository.
    • PM Myself if you have new or updated community Rulesets, Extensions or Information that you'd like added to FGRepository.

  7. #7
    Let me know how i can help out...other than code-work.
    ~Grimm182~ (GMT-8)/WA
    GM: Booked
    Player: Available for Sunday Nights

  8. #8
    I fully advocate any attempt to improve the WHRP 2e ruleset, it's my favorite game system and I would kill for some of the fancier features the 4E ruleset has.

  9. #9
    Yeah the good old ruleset needs some changes i made some myself but nothing major...we need an extreme makeover eh eh
    Religion is an insult to human dignity.
    With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things.
    But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion...

  10. #10
    Well in an effort to generate more interest in updating the V2 ruleset...
    I have done the following to my ruleset, I am interested in what others have done...:
    Custom Re-skin of Toolset
    Added Warhammer based portraits
    Custom Warhammer Tokens
    Converted Calendar Extenstion to Imperial Calendar
    Added Ruleset code for Portraits in Chat
    Converted the following adventures to FG2:
    A Walk in the Drakwald
    Ashes of Middenheim (WIP)
    Pretty Things
    The Haunting Horror
    The Oldenhaller Contract (for V2)
    With a Little Help from my Friends
    Through the Drakwald

    I know theres at least two other code changes that were updated by a friend of mine...but what they were escapes me now....might be with Combat Tracker.
    ~Grimm182~ (GMT-8)/WA
    GM: Booked
    Player: Available for Sunday Nights

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