1. #1
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    XML Does Not Export w/ Assets For Multi-Layer Images

    So when creating a module, images (maps) that have multiple image layers to them do not export the same as images/maps that only have a single image layer.

    See attached module to duplicate.
    1. Create a new CoreRPG campaign
    2. Create a new blank image/map
    3. Browse Assets to Test Image XML
    4. One at a time drag the 3 images to your new image/map.
    5. Notice that only "Devil Shrine" layer has LOS on it.
    6. Open the 2 Image/Maps from the module
      1. note that "000single layer" has "Devil Shrine" image in it.
      2. note that "ooodouble layer" has the other two images in it as layers and one has LOS

    This simulates having a player and DM layer on a single map.

    Note, if the image/maps are created from non-campaign assets (i.e. maps from other sources) when creating the development campaign for exporting to a module, this behavior does not seem to occur. It only occurs when campaign asset images are used.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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  2. #2
    That's correct. Because the image record is multi-layer, the export does not know which image should receive the metadata.

    To output metadata as well, you can right click on the image data panel Layers area, and select export meta-data. This will export the meta-data (LoS/lights/grid) for that whole image record, and you can place alongside the graphic you would like it associated with.


  3. #3
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Ok... I get it since layers can be renamed from the image used to create them.

    Here's what I was hoping to do...
    Create my Undermountain module that has numerous (~hundreds) of images. Those that need them (have secret doors etc) have 2 layers, a player layer and a DM layer with secrets. Then when this module is used by other DMs, the intent is that they can build a player exploration map as they go. Adding the various piecemeal maps to the big one as the players explore and they will then have LOS (and lighting and FX). (I suspect adding LOS to the master map would be performance prohibitive, it is very large.)

    When I export the metadata, do I put the xml file in the campaign images folder and will it get exported to the module when I create the module?

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  4. #4
    Yes, it will get exported with the module, if it uses the same base file name as the picture in the same folder.

    I'll look at the export routine to see if maybe I can update that in the future for "lowest layer", instead of only layer.


  5. #5
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  6. #6
    I just pushed an update today that should handle this with the "lowest" layer change. Please run a new Check for Updates and try again.


  7. #7
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    I just pushed an update today that should handle this with the "lowest" layer change. Please run a new Check for Updates and try again.

    Thank you!

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
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