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  1. #21

  2. #22

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Ive been waiting for you to show your true colors henryj8...
    Ominous... . I guess you have a hunters instincts.

  4. #24
    Hey damned, love you work as always I know you work so hard, and have probally passed on the project now for a while. After playing the kids on bikes, as kids on broomsticks I came upon some "issues"?
    The character sheet isn't adjustable, like to drag the window "to the right" to expand the "notes" area for story to be written in, "totally not needed" because as a player you could just use the actual FG notes drop down, and just link from there to notes.

    The "backpack area" doesn't accept FG Items. I created items for the wand cores and woods and broomsticks, to make it easier, but can only drag/drop them to the notes not backpack.

    Sometimes when rolling a check, you have the option of using a magic die. we can just "add" a d4 by rolling it, but a checkbox for "magic" would be nice to have the system calculate the magic die properly (with it's explode as well)

    Last one. Using the modifier is easy peasy, I had a player who would forget to do it, On the stat area you can add +1 to any stat, which is nice for the ones you get for your age, having another box to add a number (more than 1), for magic, would be nice as well, so it only adds the bonus if you have also clicked the magic dice, representing wanting to use your wand/broom?

    I know it's a lot but know it's only done out of respect and awe since you do so much awesome work!

  5. #25
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi Camberme

    For notes you can create Notes and then drag them onto the character sheet giving you significantly more data collection. That is a Formatted Text field so you can link anything in there.

    Yes the Backpack accepts Backpack items - just the layout is a bit different it made some sense to use a different data type. You should have Backpack in the side menu to allow you to create things in advance.

    Please spell out more info on the Magic mechanic. I dont currently own Kids on Brooms.

  6. #26
    In addition to skills. There is "magic" which just uses the skill. Like attack magic is fight. Illusion magic is charm. But it adds a d4. The "magic die". And you have a wand. Which also adds an extra + to a Stat or 2. So we would need a way to add that in. I was suggesting like the current box to check for a +1. But one we can add more into for things like wand. Broom. Strength sometimes can get upwards of 5 or 6 depending.

  7. #27
    I would happily pay well to see a full commercial release of this. Much respect for your hard work!

  8. #28
    damned's Avatar
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    I also have a half done Kids on Brooms.
    I dont have time right now to chase Hunters Entertainment but would be interested in making commercial versions.

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