1. #1

    To brew or not to brew

    Với tác dụng nổi bật là chống nóng, cản tia UV nên phim cách nhiệt dán lên xe ô tô ngày càng được sử dụng rộng răi và phổ biến. Song không có ǵ là hoàn hảo, toàn năng cả. Bên cạnh những ưu điểm vượt trội mà phim cách nhiệt mang lại th́ sản phẩm này cũng tồn tại những nhược điểm nhất định. V́ vậy
    Last edited by outofthisworld156; July 14th, 2018 at 14:38. Reason: false content

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    welcome outofthisworld156

    There are plenty of GMT games - they just arent looking for players right now.
    There is however always a demand for GMs so jump in.

    As a new GM Id strongly suggest you look at Lost Mines of Phandelver.
    Its a good balanced beginner adventure and will help you on your learning curve.
    If you like to Homebrew it - use the adventure as your guide and add your own flavour.

  3. #3
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Your concerns over running a published setting are, imo, overblown. My experience is that 80% of players have little to no knowledge of a specific setting, and 80% of those that do don't care if your version of that setting is different than what they "know" of the setting. And if needed, during your session zero, just say, "Hey all, we will be playing in the Forgotten Realms. Many of you may know things about the world, and some of you know more than I do, but this is my Realms. I can and will be changing things from what you know. Anything you know of the generic Realms you can assume is true until I say otherwise."

    Also, check out this thread, lots of links to good advice;

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  4. #4
    And welcome !
    Choosing FG was an excellent choice!
    Ultimate license holder
    Pref : Cthulhu and savage Worlds

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Good Day Outofthisworld156

    I am in total agreement with all that was mentioned here. To add my two cents would be to remember every world is a huge place. Just because I live in the USA does not mean I know every aspect of it. Some fun times I have had in the old days was making a small community where the players started. It was in the Dale Lands in Forgotten Realms, but just so small it was not on a map and the characters were from there and I expanded their world slowly as they moved around. So no jumping in to Waterdeep or anything for that crew

  6. #6
    As GMT DM and player I welcome you!

    I do mostly faerun setting but trying to stay away from bought adventures (or I do heavily modded). Started out with not reading much but as the game progress I read up on stuff I need. Google is your friend!!! Even in the Forgotten Realms there is lots of things that are not set in stone and you can easily brew in your own stuff.

  7. #7
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    I don’t find your suppositions regarding boxed campaigns/modules to be accurate at all. I was a player recently in a Storm King campaign. Our DM was constantly diverting us on side adventures to fulfill personal mini-quests based on our backgrounds. You sound as though you might be exactly the same type DM. Take the canned Campaign and turn it into your world. The other company’s work would just set up a little foundation for you.

    When I ran my first 5e/FG adventure I used Harried in Hillsfar, an Adventurers League module. I didn’t run it as a sanctioned AL event and so I was not bound by the AL guidelines. I didn’t like the module’s lead-in (“hook”) nor any of the transitions from mini-quest to mini-quest so I invented each of my own. WotC’s writers just gave me a place to start. My players never knew the difference. (And I’m pretty sure they didn’t care.)

    You might be a lot more imaginative than me, plus a lot more industrious, but putting thoughts into the FG framework can really eat away some time. As you do so, running a coincident canned campaign would give you the best of both, some play time and time to shape up your own world. Might even help with learning what needs more efforts, because of the FG framework, and what you can gloss over.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by outofthisworld156 View Post
    I just bought the D&D 5e books and was looking to find a group to play with outside of the tabletop group I currently DM in Pathfinder. Fantasy Grounds seemed really cool so I thought I'd give it a shot. Unfortunately there's evidently no GMT 5e DM's at all, so the best option seems to be one (surely there must be people in the GMT region wanting to play!). I'm somewhat experienced as a DM, but I wouldn't exactly give myself a diploma of excellence just yet. Also I can't draw anything to save my life. I don't think I've held a crayon since kindergarten.

    Since I'm preparing and gearing up for starting a campaign, I'm considering whether or not to go homebrew. As a player I would prefer non-homebrew. I really like getting to know a setting better in a tabletop game that I will also find elsewhere, be that in books or games. Additionally homebrew stuff can get weird. Homebrew settings sometimes involve a lot of reading, and I try to avoid that as a DM, but it's hard if you want to create a fleshed out backdrop to give your characters some context of why they should even care that the dwarves have invented a new sport called Elfball.

    As a DM I really prefer homebrew. Basically I haven't read much of any setting, and I don't feel familiar enough with any setting to be able to portrait it in a good way. A "store-bought" setting also limits how much stuff I can make up on the fly when my players asks random questions. In a homebrew setting nothing I say as a DM will ever be "wrong". If I suddenly want a knighthood to have a sanctuary just over the hill because it would really fit the narrative, tadaa! Epic fortress of knightlyhood with a 500 year history is now part of the setting, and I can keep spinning the tale from the stuff I make up as we all go along, without it breaking anything.

    I am on GMT +3 time zone and looking for a group to join or GM in FG, currently i use FG in my RL sessions which is a blast.
    i cannot go back to not using maps in combats, it is a game changer.
    I only used the map sharing and masking, i did not use the combat tracker and do all the effect.
    all the groups i saw that are looking for players are on EST or US time zone that is not good for me.
    I have the standard edition so i don`t mind to be a GM, contact me in PM so we can continue this.

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