1. #1

    LFG 2 Players LF Weekend Game Fri night after 17:00 MST (GMT-7), or anytime Sat, 5E

    FG License: 1 player has ultimate (with all books), 1 player has demo(for now)
    Time Zone: Mountain Time USA ( GMT -7)
    Day(s) of the week, frequency, and time: We would be available after 17:00 MST on Fridays, and pretty much anytime on Saturday. An early afternoon Sunday game could also work. We would be looking for a weekly game.
    Term: We would like to run through a module or other long-term game together.
    Voice: I have a discord server that we use, and we both have Teamspeak, Ventrilo, and Mumble experience and can use whatever is needed.
    Game System Preferred: D&D 5E
    Game System Experience: I played D&D 2nd edition a little bit when I was in middle school, and have recently learned pretty much the whole 5e system while following along in the books as I watched through Critical Role, Acq inc, and Dice, Camera, Action. My friend is an avid tabletop gamer and has been playing a 3.5 campaign for a while now. I've caught him up to speed on the core 5e rules but it will be his first time with the system.
    Fantasy Grounds Experience: I have been familiarizing myself with the interface and setting up different barebones campaigns in an effort to DM one day, so I will be able to use the system as a player no problem. I have shown my friend around the interface a few times, having him connect to a couple of my campaigns and look over how the character sheets and maps work.

    Character Type Preferred: I personally prefer the swiss army knife type classes such as wizard or druid.
    About me: Hi, my name is Von. I've been kind of stuck at home for a couple years now, and watching through the various tabletop streams like I mentioned above has made it tolerable. To me, that collective storytelling was so much more entertaining than any of the scripted shows that were out at the time. Now that I've finally worked up the courage to give it a shot myself, I needed a platform that would let me do that from home. I tried a couple of different programs, but reading through the forums and seeing how active the modding community is on FG won me over. My friend Matt and I have been gaming together online for years now, but never anything like this and we're both looking forward to it!
    Last edited by Saron; June 10th, 2018 at 08:09.

  2. #2
    Greetings. I am the friend mentioned above. I've been playing D&D since the early-mid 90's. (Just don't ask me about THAC0 cause I still don't get it.)

    I've played Exalted, VT:M, Star Wars d20, Palladium Rifts (and many of it's off-shoots, like Super Heroes Unlimited) every version of D&D except 4th... and probably a few others I can't remember off the top of my head. I am not stranger to table top gaming. My local group has gotten a bit flaky and I personally want to keep playing and I guess I turned Saron on to the concept because here we are.

    We're still looking for a 5E game.

    I'm not picky about the classes I play really, I just really like designing them and coming up with an interesting but short backstory. Just enough to get a feel for who the character is. Character creation is one of my favorite things. I have in the past tended to gravitate towards big brute melee types (I recently rolled up a Half-Orc barbarian.) My method of character creation begins with the picture. I'm very visual in that respect. If I see a really cool picture I build a character around it. Guess I'm weird like that.

    If at all possible we'd like a game that starts off at level 1. We'd prefer not to jump into the middle of something having missed crucial plot points.

    Hope to see you all "around the table."

  3. #3
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