This product contains the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rules, which are now default for all SW products.
Savage Worlds is a Fast! Furious! and Fun! rules system for any genre of roleplaying game.
Create your own setting, convert an existing one, or pick up one of our amazing settings like Deadlands , Rippers, or 50 Fathoms . The rules give players plenty of depth to create their characters and keep bookkeeping to a minimum for the Game Master. If you're looking for a game that's fast and easy to set up, run, and play, Savage Worlds is for you!
Savage Worlds handles pulp action, gritty noir, supers, hard scifi, space opera, horror, and anything you can imagine!
Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is the latest version of Savage Worlds . It does not, however, invalidate prior printings of the rules, which you can continue to enjoy.
#SWADE is used on most social media. Search for "#SWADE" and see what people are saying about our game!
This product includes everything to play with the new SWADE rules!
Savage Worlds v5.0 ruleset
Adapted for Fantasy Grounds by: Aki Heikkinen and M ichael Serfass
Originally Adapted for Fantasy Grounds by: Aki Heikkinen
Requires: An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Unity license and a one time purchase of the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition ruleset.
Screenshots may differ from what you see in-game based on the extension and ruleset you have loaded.
Deadlands, Savage Worlds, all unique characters, creatures, and locations, artwork, logos, and the Pinnacle logo are (C) 2024 Pinnacle Entertainment Group. (C) 2024 Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Smiling Jack, Savage Worlds, and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All Rights Reserved.
The Savage Worlds Ruleset (Fantasy Grounds Conversion) by SmiteWorks USA, LLC, (C) 2024, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The Savage Worlds Ruleset format, programming code, and presentation is copyrighted by SmiteWorks USA, LLC and Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Released on February 26, 2019
Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 3.2.1 and higher.