Community Ruleset - Labyrinth Lord

These rulesets are not officially supported or endorsed by SmiteWorks. Community rulesets are user-created implementations of role-playing game systems within the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop environment.

In order to use these files, they must be placed in the correct subfolder of the Fantasy Grounds data folder (accessible via the Start menu). Once placed in the correct location, rulesets and extensions will be available via the Gantasy Grounds launch screen, and modules will be available via the Module Activation window within each campaign.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this ruleset, please discuss these in the /forums/forumdisplay.php?f=44forums.

Version: 1


Ruleset File

The ruleset (.PAK) file must be placed in the rulesets sub-folder within the Fantasy Grounds data folder.



Extension (.EXT) files must be placed in the extensions sub-folder within the Fantasy Grounds data folder.

Vellum Texture Pack

v1 by Rob Hewitt


v1 by Stuart Woodard


Module (.MOD) files must be placed in the modules sub-folder within the Fantasy Grounds data folder.



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