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  1. #1
    ddavison's Avatar
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    3.5E/OGL Summoned Monster Stats module now available

    Walter and Michelle Hoel put together a module with story entries and NPC entries for over 400 different summoned monsters. Multiple variants (fiendish, celestial and augmented) for each of the summoned monsters is provided, broken down by levels 1 through 9. Check it out in the store if you have any Druids, Clerics or Wizards that like to summon critters to the battlefield.

  2. #2
    Nice. (Now if someone were to edit it for Pathfinder too )

    The description of Augment Summoning is slightly off by the way. It should give +4 to str/con. I assume it is correct in the module?

    edit: unless the +2 refers to the modifier increase, but that's still a bit misleading.

  3. #3
    Phystus's Avatar
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    Yes, it's +2 to the modifiers, +4 to the stats. The monsters are accurate in that respect, it's just the text that's off. See what happens when I do stuff late at night? Hopefully Doug will fix it.

    ~Phystus (Walt)

  4. #4

  5. #5
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Fixed the description.

  6. #6
    A job well done on the product, however I wish it was more player friendly.

    At least in my games they handle their own summons.

    I guess one could re-export the module as shared or client instead of host (or maybe just rename the db.xml?), but the GM would still have to share the summon sheet for them to access it.

    edit: Having it the summons in the library would be a plus since the regular NPC overview is hidden from the players.
    Last edited by Leonal; October 26th, 2010 at 03:18.

  7. #7
    I've recently purchased this, and think it's great - thanks! However, on comparing the stats presented therein with those I'd already made myself for some summoned celestial creatures, I've noticed a few issues.

    For celestial creatures:-
    • Int should be at least 3
    • Environment should be "Any good-aligned plane"
    • CR should increase by 1 when HD are 4-7, and by 2 when HD are 8+

    The non-standard presentation of the resistances is a little confusing. I'd rather see "resistance to acid 5, cold 5, and electricity 5" or, to save space, "resistance to acid/cold/electricity 5". There are also various typos in the SQ (e.g. missing commas, misplaced slashes).

    Finally, it would be nice to have the full text for smite evil added to the "Main" tab:-

    Smite Evil (Su): Once per day a celestial creature can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD (maximum of +20) against an evil foe.

    Hopefully you might be able to produce an updated version?

  8. #8
    Phystus's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into incorporating as many of them as possible in any future version.

    You can share the monster by dragging the link from the monster onto the portrait of the caster. The DM will still have to drag the monster onto the combat tracker, and move the monster's token if they've locked the tokens on the map, but the player should be able to otherwise see the monster's stats and control it. That works in the D20_JPG ruleset at least, I haven't tested it with the others.


  9. #9
    Ah I didn't know that, thanks.
    I'd still prefer not having to manage that as a GM though.

    Although we play Pathfinder, I wanted to see how your module was done if I were to edit/create one myself. For now I'll just continue to have my players reference the stats from www.d20pfsrd.com.

  10. #10
    I've made a version where I've corrected all the easy-to-fix stuff (basically, the Int and the SQ) - let me know if you'd like a copy.

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