1. #1

    Rolemaster crashing

    I have windows 7 and i was having problems with the blue screen of death. Everytime i opened a module from the library after about 2 minutes my whole system would crash and i would get the blue screen of death. I looked inot it and it said that i may have hardware that was not compatible. I updated my headset, that was plugged into my computer. I have been playing for about 2 months with no problems.

    I just became the new GM and i have been working with the system to try and incorporate the system for my current gm was only using fantasy grounds for the dice rolling capability. Everything seemed to go smoothly, i was able to help my players create their characters. When i used the combat tracker, as soon as we progressed through the battle about 2 minutes in to using it, i would get the blue screen of death. I am not sure what is going on, am i using it incorrectly? Does anyone know whats going wrong?

  2. #2
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Rolemaster does use a lot of memory. Do you ever get bluescreens with other memory intensive apps or just with Fantasy Grounds?

  3. #3
    I had an older computer. I had fantasy grounds on it, it worked fine to be a player on it as long as i didnt have to open arms law. I could have all the other modules open and it was fine. If i opened arms law my computer (which was a dell that had windows xp) would crash. I knew my computer was outdated.

    I went out and bought a new computer about a month ago, LIke i said i got the blue screen of death a couple times but i realized i needed to update a piece of hardware (which it ended up being my headphones that i had plugged into my computer ) Everyhing has been running fine. I have not had any problems with any other games or software. I am only having problems when i am gm. I m not having problems when i am a player. Should i close certain modules or something to try and reduce the memory that is being used ? What specs are necessary for Rolemaster to run effectively? Maybe the computer i purchased may need me to upgrade it.
    Thank you for your response, and on behalf of my group i wanted to tell you that we love fantasy grounds. It has allowed for us to get the group back and roleplaying again eventhough college has had most of the group move away. The amount of automation is great, i was able to do a round in the combat tracker (before i got the blue screen of death) and the critical and the critical table look up was amazing.

  4. #4
    I made sure that everything was updated, drivers etc. I only had fantasy grounds running. I had no players even joined to my game. I tried to simulate the combat tracker. I closed the spell law module hoping maybe this would help with the memory usage. I rolled the dice for the character to attack a creature and as soon as i rolled the dice i got the blue screen of death again. I know that rolemaster uses a lot of memory but when i bought my computer i made sure i got a lot of memory. I had the cpu and ram gauge open so i could see how much was being used. The ram that was being used was 33% and when i rolled the dice I still got the blue screen of death. Just wondering why the system only crashes when i use the combat tracker?

  5. #5
    The challenge is that the BSOD for Windows usually means a crash in a driver or core system, rather than an application issue. Especially in Windows 7, application errors are usually just confined to a application crash and error message.

    Usually, when I have the BSOD happen, it is a graphics driver or a memory issue. Especially with new machines, I have found it is typically memory issues, especially if I built the machine myself or bought generic memory with my machine.

    My guess is that FG with the Rolemaster ruleset uses more application memory than any other program that you normally use, which in turn accesses memory hardware which is not normally accessed during normal use. Perhaps the memory hardware is mismatched (two different memory types), misconfigured (in the BIOS) or just not working correctly?

    Here is a post I found on the Microsoft web site talking about how BSOD are kernel issues and proposed solutions. Though I would recommend getting help with BIOS and driver updates if you are not comfortable with doing so.
    MS Forum Link


  6. #6
    I'm having the exact problem, always when making attack rolls from the combat tracker.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    GunnarGreybeard's Avatar
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    I'm thinking this has to be something related to Windows 7. I am running Vista and have not had any crashes in the 8+ sessiosn I've run. I do have short temporary, "not responding" periods (maybe 5-10 seconds) but that only seems to happen when the one player in my campaign who still has dial up either joins or logs offs.
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