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  1. #1

    Creating Magical Items in 4E

    Hey all,

    I'm trying to incorporate a magical weapon from a module, but I'm having problems figuring out how you do it. Typically you just use a standard weapon as the base and then apply the corresponding traits from the magical weapon book.

    The problem I'm having is that when I do that with the item creation system in FG2 then try to incorporate it onto a character sheet it doesn't want to automatically load the weapon onto the combat sheet so the user can roll atk and dmg dice.

    Can anyone here help me to properly incorporate magical items and magical armor into my campaign so it fluidly flows into the FG system?

  2. #2
    If you created the item in the items list, you can drag it to both the inventory and the combat tab.

    If you created it in a characters inventory, you might be able to drag it to the items list, but I'm not sure. If not, just drag the item to another characters inventory and drag it from there to the original characters combat tab.

  3. #3
    Sorry...not sure if I explained myself properly with that last post. I'll try to be as simple as possible:

    I want to use a magic item in the Adventurer's Vault. I have the mod for it. The item is a weapon, but as with most D&D 4th E stuff...I have to actually assign the magical properties to a specific weapon. That is where I am having trouble. I can't seem to find a way to do it and when I just drag the item from the Adventurer's Vault mod then its not specific to a weapon.

  4. #4
    Assume you want to make a Jagged Longsword:

    Open the module with the Jagged Weapon magic item template in it.

    Drag the Jagged Weapon to the item box on the right hand side of the screen

    Open the resulting Jagged Weapon.

    Open the module containing the Longsword weapon entry.

    Drag the Longsword onto the Jagged Weapon.

    It should become a Jagged Longsword and have all the data from the longsword and jagged templates merged.

    Drag the result onto the player's character's sheet inventory. It should automatically populate the combat tab.

  5. #5
    That worked! Thanks a bunch.

  6. #6
    Now lets say I have a magic item that I've created through those steps and it's sitting in the Items section.

    I export the items from the module

    I then open a new campaign and open the module holding those items.

    How can I share the information about that item to all of my players at once?

    I have tried to use the option to right click on the item and share it with the players, however they just get a blank item on their screen.

    I worked around this by putting it on one of the player's inventory sheet. After that was done, it was able to be shared.

    I would like to be able to do this without it first having to go into someone's inventory.

  7. #7
    No idea. I've never used the export function.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenian
    Assume you want to make a Jagged Longsword:

    Open the module with the Jagged Weapon magic item template in it.

    Drag the Jagged Weapon to the item box on the right hand side of the screen

    Open the resulting Jagged Weapon.

    Open the module containing the Longsword weapon entry.

    Drag the Longsword onto the Jagged Weapon.

    It should become a Jagged Longsword and have all the data from the longsword and jagged templates merged.

    Drag the result onto the player's character's sheet inventory. It should automatically populate the combat tab.
    I tried this and I couldn't get it to work. /sadface.

    I am logged in to my own server as a player. I am creating a character. The character has a magic longsword, a Great Hunger Weapon.

    I, as GM, open the character's sheet and drag Longsword from one module onto it.

    It appears to work. I see the longsword GM-side and Player-side.

    I, as GM, open the module containing Great Hunger Weapon and drag it onto the Longsword.

    Nothing happens. Actually, that's not true. If I click the little box on the right, it now brings up the Great Hunger entry. But it doesn't merge the two entries to create a Great Hunger Longsword, the Longsword's stats don't change.

    I, as GM, can drag the Great Hunger Weapon to the player's sheet, and just have two entries, one for Longsword, one for Great Hunger Weapon. That works. Both sides see both entries.

    One thing I notice is that I can drag Great Hunger Weapon from the module to the Items tab on the right of my screen, but I cannot do the same thing with Longsword. I can't, in other words, put any item from that book, the PHB, in my Items tab.

    Are these things related, I wonder?

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You are just doing them out of order. The Magic part is drag and dropped *first* then the normal item. IE First drag and drop the Hunger weapon into either the item list or the character's inventory. This makes a copy of the hunger weapon there. Then open up the item from inventory or the item list and drop the long sword on it.

    The library items themselves are static and can't be changed. When you drag and drop the items into the item list or character inventory you actually make a copy or clone of the dropped item that can be changed. Once you have a non static copy you can then drag and drop the normal weapon or armor on top of them to get a copy of part of the normal item input in the magic item.

  10. #10
    I tried that, I should have mentioned it.

    Here's my expectation, it might be my expectation is misaligned.

    I drag Great Hunger Weapon onto the player's sheet, it says "Great Hunger Weapon +1" and shows +1 to hit and no damage type.

    I drag Longsword onto the Great Hunger Weapon, and it merges the two, ideally creating a Great Hunger Longsword +1, and showing +4 to hit (+1 from the Magic Item, +3 from the Weapon) with the damage die showing a d8 from the longsword.

    Is this the expected behavior?

    When I do that, the name of the weapon changes from Longsword, to Great Hunger Weapon +1, and nothing else changes.

    EDIT: It also doesn't appear to work if I just edit the Great Hunger Weapon's item info directly. I'm the GM, looking at the player's character sheet, looking at his Combat tab, I click on the little box to the right of the Great Hunger Weapon entry, it brings up the Great Hunger Weapon Item Info Sheet with tabs on the right for Main Abilities and Powers.

    Changes I make there do not appear to propagate to the actual entry. I change the name to Great Hunger Longsword +1, the entry on the character sheet does not change. I add the longsword's +3 proficiency in the Proficiency box, the attack bonus does not change. Ditto everything else.
    Last edited by mattcolville; November 19th, 2010 at 19:56.

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