1. #1

    New Castles and Crusades Player LFG

    Hi all, I've been roleplaying for a few years now (All my life I suppose if you count freeform Roleplaying >.>) and recently got my hands on Castles and Crusades. I'm interested in trying a campaign here (Played mostly D&D 3e and 3.5 and am looking to try something new). SO I suppose I'll make use of my FG and try out the new system here.

  2. #2

    interested as well

    I'm interested as well. I use Fantasy Grounds mainly as a tool to move tokens on and screenshot to post for playbypost games but have never used it to actually live game with. So I'd like to try join one.


  3. #3
    Hi, I may be able to help you.

    I run a C&C game. Where are you located?

    I enjoy running Castles & Crusades. Current campaign(s) on hiatus.
    Willing to run one-shots for players who want to learn the ruleset. Feel free to contact me.

  4. #4
    Ah, I was wondering if Sak would show up

    I've been in his campaign since the start... he runs a great game. You can't go wrong.
    Tenkar's Tavern
    A Blog About RPGs n' Stuff

  5. #5
    Actually my schedule has filled up since I posted this. I would love to try C&C, but I suppose I'll need to wait until I have more time to dedicate myself to a campaign.

  6. #6
    No worries. If you ever want to watch or play an NPC to see how we game, send me a PM.
    I enjoy running Castles & Crusades. Current campaign(s) on hiatus.
    Willing to run one-shots for players who want to learn the ruleset. Feel free to contact me.

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