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  1. #1

    Help Creating Library Modules

    I want to create some simple library modules for 4e_JPG but I have no idea what I'm doing. I just want to set it up so that there is a book in the library window; say "powers". When opened there would be a list of all the character classes and when one of them is clicked an alphabetical list of all the powers associated with that class.

    I've been searching the forums for making library modules and haven't really found anything, but maybe I'm not looking for the right thing. I even tried editing the 3.5 spell list mod and that didn't work either.

    I have all the necessary 4e pdf's to copy and paste the info, I just have no idea how to get it into the library section of FG.

    Any help on how to do this, or a point in the right direction towards other tutorials or threads would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    It sounds like you are looking to create .mod files, correct? You should be able to edit .mods from other rulesets to use as your basis and then in the base.xml file for 4e, slip a little code in there. For instance:

    <acceptfrom ruleset="RolemasterClassic" />

    This will allow you to load the .mods from RolemasterClassic in this case.

    Hope that helps!


  3. #3
    I also have been trying to do this. I was looking to add another Library "book" to the Library with some common stuff that isn't already distributed with the 3.5E rule set.

    I was hoping to also add a page for drag & drop combat modifiers like FGI had, but searching the forums has revealed that no one has had much luck in that regard, and/or it is above my XML/LUA capabilities (next to nothing).

    Using the 3.5E Basic and 3.5E Spells as a template, I built my own 3.5E Custom .mod file, creating a definition.xml, client.xml and thumbnail.png file. The module is visible in the Module activation window, but doesn't show up in the Library.

    I can post what I have (code wise) if necessary, but I followed the exact formatting of the other modules. I don't understand what isn't working right.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Also, when my players connect, they see a spider web instead of the thumbnail, and no book to "open" to activate the module. I suppose this has to do with the downloading... but I'm not sure what I did wrong.
    Last edited by Daeghrefn; February 1st, 2010 at 00:41.
    a.k.a. The Watcher

    Played: The Realm, DAoC. Playing: DDO, Runescape. Looking to: PotBS.

    Wanting to run a D&D 3.5 FG Campaign (in design).

  4. #4
    Foen's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Suffolk, England
    Hi Daeghrefn

    If your module shows up in the module activation window but not in the Library, then the internal XML may be broken. Try opening the client.xml file in Internet Explorer and seeing if it throws an error. Otherwise it may be because you are using the same internal module name as another module: each module needs a distinct filename and a distinct internal name.

    On the subject of what your players can see, a module built around client.xml needs to be installed on each player machine: it won't download automatically from the GM's machine. To get an auto-downloading module you need to rename the client.xml file as common.xml, or you can have both in the same module by just creating a copy of client.xml and calling the copy common.xml.

    Hope that helps


  5. #5
    I bet that you are correct, and it needs to be named common.xml instead of client.xml. Thank you for the help.

    I've looked around, is there a manual/guide for the way FG xml files are organized? The only howtos I've seen have been for exporting game content directly from FG.

    Edit: Good call Foen. I had a <b> tag and then another <b> tag instead of </b>. I really, really appreciate the tip, I will use IE to proof all of my XML from now on. Thanks again!
    Last edited by Daeghrefn; February 1st, 2010 at 23:30.
    a.k.a. The Watcher

    Played: The Realm, DAoC. Playing: DDO, Runescape. Looking to: PotBS.

    Wanting to run a D&D 3.5 FG Campaign (in design).

  6. #6
    Foen's Avatar
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    Suffolk, England
    No problem, just glad I could help. There isn't really a single source of documentation for ruleset/module developers, so the forums are your best bet while you are learning how things work.



  7. #7
    Hi Im new to FG and just got the updated version and trying to also create modules for the 4th ed rule set, kinda like the things i see in the video tutorials. After banging my head into the wall trying to do it inside FG, I went exploring.

    Looked on FUM and Wiki, saw stuff about Parser, but the tutorials are nice but i don't have the right version of it i guess, got the one that uses my ddi account. Now cant find any thing on it. I'm completely inept with this scripting and have been staring and redirected to post and links back and forth.

    Getting a bit frustrated with modules trying to get a good tutorial so i can get everything going for my game on Sunday. I love this software Its learning curve is just crazy! Just trying to figure out so i can get my 4e books throguh parser which i guess converts to the right format? I dunno Been reading over and over and I need like a FG for dummies

    hopelessly lost


  8. #8
    Zeus's Avatar
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    Here's an example guide to using the Parser to first scrape functional rules from the DDI compendium (requires a DDI account) and then secondly to compile the scraped files into a useable module. Its not a complete guide and will not include all the text content from the module, just the basic functional rules like powers, feats etc. Well enough to get you started with.


    For the example, I've chosen the new Player's Handbook Races: Dragonborn module.

    1. Create a Folder somewhere on your machine (anywhere will do) and call it something like PHBRaces-Dragonborn
    2. Next create two subfolders in the new folder you just created and call them input and output
    3. Download the latest 4EParser (v4.0.20) and Open the 4EParser.exe
    4. Click on the Compendium Menu at the top and select the menu option Switch to Compendium Mode
    5. Click Yes to the Warning but note you WILL need a DDI account to continue
    6. The main page of the 4EParser will refresh with new configuration options, double-click the folder at the top of the page to set the location of where we want the scrape files (text files) to be generated to. Choose the input subfolder you created earlier

    e.g. C:\Users\<your name>\Desktop\PHBRaces-Dragonborn\input

    7. Next double-click the Login Name icon and enter your account name details for DDI. Click OK
    8. Next double click the Source book Title icon and choose the Players Handbook Races - Dragonborn module from the pull down list
    9. The remaining options should auto-set so next select Compendium -> Scrape from the menu at the top.
    10. The 4EParser will now open a dialogue prompting you for your DDI account password, enter it and click OK.
    11. The 4EParser will now open a processing output window and will login to the compendium and begin the scrape process, it should take a few minutes as its not a particularly large module. When its complete it will post a message to the processing window.
    12. Now we have the source files for the module you can examine them if you wish by navigating to the input folder you created earlier. You can use these to gain a better understanding of the syntax options the 4EParser uses for the input of the various rules and options. The 4EParser Document that is bundled with the 4EParser program details all syntax options.


    Now we can take the source files we scraped earlier and input them to the 4EParser to output a useable 4E module in FGII. This is known as the Parsing process.

    1. Select Parse -> Switch to Parse Mode fromt the menu
    2. Double-Click the Name icon at the top and enter the name of our module, something like:

    Players Handbook Races - Dragonborn

    3. If you have a Thumbnail for the module you can assign it by double-clicking the Thumbnail icon and navigating to the appropriate path. As creating one of these is a process in iteself I am going to skip it, you can check the forums and videos for a guide on creating these but essentially any 100x100 png will suffice.
    4. Next Double-Click the Category icon and enter the name of the category you want the module to be listed under in the Library in FGII, perhaps something like:

    4E Supplement

    5. Next Double-Click the Modestring icon and enter a unique name for the module. This option is being phased out in a future release however for now will ensure duplicate lists are not created within FGII:


    6. Double-Click the Temporary Directory icon and navigate to the output folder you created earlier e.g.

    e.g. C:\Users\<your name>\Desktop\PHBRaces-Dragonborn\output

    7. Modules Directory should auto point to your FGII App data modules path. No need to change

    8. Output Format allows you to choose the type of module, client.xml (requires all players to have a local copy), common.xml (players can access via server) or db.xml (host only). As this is a players guide module we will choose client.xml.

    9. We want the content to be listed in the Library of FGII so leave Output to Library selected as 'Yes'. Note if you were creating an adventure module you would likely select 'No' opting to have the content listed under the Book Icon windows (e.g. Story, Encounters, Personalities etc. etc.)

    10. Now we need to tell the Parser which options we want to include, the previous scrape produced the following files:

    a. armor.txt - The PHBRDB does not contain any Armor Items but the 4EParser
    still produces any empty file - we can ignore it.
    b. class.txt - contains necessary PC Class information for the Powers
    detailed in PHBRDB
    c. equip.txt - The PHBRDB does not contain any Equipment Items but the
    4EParser still produces any empty file - we can ignore it.
    d. mi.txt - contains all the Magical Items detailed in the module
    e. powers.txt - contains all the Powers data in the module
    f. race.txt - contains necessary PC Race information for the Powers
    detailed in PHBRDB
    g. weapon.txt - The PHBRDB does not contain any Weapons but the
    4EParser still produces any empty file - we can ignore it.

    So 1st lets setup Powers.

    11. Scroll down to the Reference section and open the Tree for Powers/Feats/Features/Background, Double-click the Data file icon and navigate to the powers.txt file you scraped earlier e.g.

    e.g. C:\Users\<your name>\Desktop\PHBRaces-Dragonborn\input\powers.txt

    Next Double-Click the Class file icon and navigate to the class.txt file and finally repeat for the Race file icon choosing the race.txt file.

    12. Next, Magic Items. Close the Powers/Feats/Features/Background tree and scroll back up to the Items section. Open the Magic Items tree and Double-Click the Data File icon. Navigate to the mi.txt file you scraped earlier.

    The options Output to Items and Output to Library allow you to set the output path with FGII (Library or Book Icon windowlists) at a more granular level. I recommend leaving them as is for the time being but you should go back and experiment to see the different output options.

    Right that should be it, we are ready to Parse (compile) our module. Before we do that you might want to click on File->Save and save the configuration of the Parser. This can be loaded back in a future session saving you having to type in and select all the options again. Great if you build your modules slowly over time rather than all at once.

    OK. Now we can Parse. If you are using the 4E_JPG v1.51 ruleset simply select Parse->Parse from the menu. If you are using the newer test release of the 4E v2 ruleset first unselect the Output for 1.51 option in the Parse menu before selecting Parse.

    Once Parsed the module will be automatically moved to the modules subfolder of the FGII App Data folder. Simply fire up FGII to take a look at the module.

    Once FGII is up and your 4E campaign loaded, click the Modules activation button (top right, picture of an open book) and open the new Module which should be listed there.

    You should then be able to open the Library (bottom right book icon). The module will be listed under the 4E Supplement section.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited by Zeus; April 2nd, 2010 at 00:01.
    FG Project Development
    Next Project(s)*: Starfinder v1.2 Starship Combat

    Current Project:
    Starfinder v1.1 - Character Starships
    Completed Projects: Starfinder Ruleset v1.0, Starfinder Core Rulebook, Alien Archive, Paizo Pathfinder Official Theme, D&D 5E data updates
    * All fluid by nature and therefore subject to change.

  9. #9
    See, this is where Doug (hdp247) and I are having the problem, or at least its where I am. When I scrape the compendium, the only two entries I get in the input folder are class.txt and races.txt, we don't get mi.txt or powers.txt. And yes, this is with the most current version. Made sure by wiping it and then reinstalling. The only thing that's happening differently is that when I go to do the scrape, I get several errors claiming a failure to authenticate the login. The username & password are correct, so I don't know where the failure's coming from.

  10. #10
    *cries* Zephp thank you, your detailed description is GREAT. I just think im dumb because i have tried a few times but unable to get it to work
    I don't know if its because the scraping is cut off from what Kurt "Kschade" with Authentication issue and also only getting the class.txt and races.txt , I've been trying to get Divine powers but I'm nothing but air. However I was scuessful to some extent to get the PHB1 to actually show up in FG2 but the only issue is it doesn't work. Shows up in Module activity but it dosn't read at all :S

    so what can i provide screen shots or something cause i can or will that destroy the fourms

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