FG License: FGU Unlimited
Time Zone: EST
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Mondays preferably after 4pm, would like to play weekly
Term: i.e. Long term, or a module
Voice: prefer discord

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E
Game System Experience: About 6 years of TTRPG experience mainly D&D 5E, but i have played multiple other systems including Pathfinder 2e, Traveler, SLA, Forbidden Lands, Mothership.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I am completely new to Fantasy Grounds i have been playing on Roll20 for 5 years.

About me: I enjoy a more RP focused game. With combat occasionally coming into the mix. A 70%RP, 30% combat mix is about the style I prefer. I generally play characters that I can develop as the story progresses. I like working with the DM to add stuff to my characters backstory or a NPC that we think is fun and can be used to enhance the game. I would like to find a high magic setting, as I am currently playing a low magic game with another group and would like something differnt.