1. #1

    5e Preparation checkmarks almost invisible (dark theme)


    I've seen that there was an update to the checkbox in the dark theme, it seems that it had an unexpected effect on the checkmarks in the Preparation mode on the 5e character sheets,

    they are almost invisible (see screenshot, the two spells in the middle are checked as prepared)

    (Tested on 5e with only the dark theme)
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  2. #2
    This seems to still be an issue - it's been almost two weeks and it makes it impossible for players to even track their own spell slots.

  3. #3
    Has anyone reached out to the person (Smiteworks) for maintaining the dark theme? Themes are often subject to breakage and at risk for becoming a challenge to keep current. Also, there might be other updates and changes in the cue that might make this type of change less prioritized.
    I honestly would use a different theme for now until this issue can be looked into.
    Last edited by Laerun; May 18th, 2024 at 19:37.
    FGA Founder
    FGU teacher and student!
    Ultimate License Holder
    Discord Alias: Laerun#6969

  4. #4
    I pushed changes related to this issue with today's updates. Please run a new Check for Updates.


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